Make sure you give everyone a candy. If you forget someone, they'll feel bad.
Don't forget anyone when you're passing out your candy. It would hurt their feelings if you did.
ーMake sure you give everyone a candy. If you forget someone, they'll feel bad.
make sure は確実に何かをする、忘れずに何かをする、という意味なので、make sure you give ... で「漏れなく配る」というニュアンスで使えます。
feel bad で「嫌な気分になる」
ーDon't forget anyone when you're passing out your candy. It would hurt their feelings if you did.
Don't forget anyone で「誰も忘れないで」という意味です。
pass out ... で「…を配る」なので、「配るときに誰も忘れないで」=「漏れなく配る」の意味になりますね。
hurt someone's feeling で「人の気持ちを傷つける・気分を害する」
Please share your candy with everyone so no one feels left out.
There is enough for everyone, make sure no one does not receive any.
Share with everyone so the entire group can enjoy the candy.
Give it to everyone without omission, if you don't get it
Please share your candy with everyone
so no one feels left out.
There is enough for everyone, make sure
no one does not receive any.
Share with everyone so the entire group
can enjoy the candy.