big eater
よく[食べる](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/34083/)人、大食家、大食漢、大食い、[食いしん坊](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/275/)◆【同】heavy eater
eat like a horse
☆ 解説です
(1) big eater は「よく食べる人」を指します。
eater は eat に -er が付いたもので、「食べる人[動物]」という意味ですね。
dance+(e)r=dancer (踊る人)
kick+er=kicker (ける人)
(2) eat like a horse は直訳すると「馬のように食べる」、「たくさん食べる」ということですね。
He's a big eater.
He's stick thin, but he eats like a horse.
(出典:The New Yorker, Volume 71, Issues 15-22)
She's as skinny as a rake but eats like a horse.
(The Independent-Apr 12, 2011)
基本的には他のアンカーの方が回答されている通りです。 Eat like a horseは「大食い」の人を指し、Eat like a pigは「大食いで食べ方も汚い」人を指します。
また Eat like a pig の人の多くは太っています(^^;)言い方は悪いですが「[デブ](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/84386/)の大食い」を指しますm(_ _)m
They are big eaters, but usually they are slim.
normal > slim > thin > skinny > bony
普通 >スリム >[ 痩せてる ](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36992/)> やせ細ってる >まるで骨と皮だけのよう
断言する訳ではないですが、大食いなのに痩せてる人には摂食障害(Eating Disorder)の方もいらっしゃいます。
過食症:Hyperphagia または Polyphagia
NYで開かれている有名なホットドッグ大食い(早食い)コンテストは、Nathan's (Famous) International Hot Dog Eating Contestと呼ばれています。 日本人も活躍していますね。
None of these expressions would usually be used directly, but rather in the third person when talking about someone: 'I think Jane is an absolute glutton! She eats like there is no tomorrow!'
'I think Jane is an absolute glutton! She eats like there is no tomorrow!'
Greedy is an adjective used to describe someone who likes to consume a lot of food. (it can also mean someone who likes to gain a lot of material things like money, clothes etc.).
A glutton is a noun used to describe someone who likes to consume a lot of food.
Phrases include:
'His eyes are bigger than his belly' This means he has chosen more food than he can eat.
'Greedy pig!' which is an insult.
I hope that helps!
greedy は食べ物を食べることが好きな人のことを表す形容詞です。(食べ物だけでなく、お金や服など物を欲張る人にも使います)
a glutton は食べることが好きな人のことを表す名詞です。
His eyes are bigger than his belly. これは、実際に食べられる量よりも多く食べてしまうことです。
また、Greedy pig!というと、侮辱になります。
Large Appetite, Greedy, Gluttonous, Ravenous, Insatiable
A friendly way to say someone eats a lot could be
"You have a large appetite".
or to a close friend, common, informal
"You greedy pig".
"You have hollow feet".
A more formal way might be
"He has a ravenous appetite".
"She eats so much, she is insatiable".
"He was ravenous at dinner".
"You have a large appetite".
"You greedy pig".
"You have hollow feet".
※ hollow feet は足の裏のアーチ状のくぼみ。食べたものが体を通って足の裏までたどり着き、そこに食べ物を貯めていくので、お腹にはまったく貯まらないというイメージから来ている表現です。
"He has a ravenous appetite".
"She eats so much, she is insatiable".
"He was ravenous at dinner".
Glutton' and 'gourmand'are both terms used to refer to someone who eats more than they need to.
In other words the person eats too much.
A: John eats way to much.
B: He's a glutton.
A: John is a gourmand
B: What does that mean?
A: It means that he eats way too much.
Glutton' と 'gourmand'はどちらも必要以上に多く食べる人を指します。言い換えると、その人は食べ過ぎています。_____________________________________________________-
A: John eats way to much.
B: He's a glutton.
A: John is a gourmand
B: What does that mean?
A: It means that he eats way too much.
All of these will suffice when you want to say that the person eats a lot, however, the difference comes in the way you use it. If you want to say politely to a person that they eat a lot, then I would suggest you use "food-lover" to describe them, or yo could just say something like "He has a big appetite". The word "appetite" refers to someone's need for food/want for food. You can describe the person as a "glutton", but in my experience some people could find it offensive, as the word sounds crass to their ears. Hope this helps!
You can use any of the above two words to express that a person eats a lot.
- She eats a lot, she is a glutton.
- My boyfriend is a big eater.