世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/02 21:49
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  • I can barely hear you because you're breaking up.

スカイプの調子が悪いとき、ありますよね…。 まずはこの言い方が一番シンプルで一般的なので言えるように しておくと便利でいいと思います。 barely で[ほとんど](〜できない、 と否定の意味を持ちます。 I could barely enjoy the party. そのパーティーをほとんど楽しめなかった…。 I can't hear you at all. だと、全く聞こえない、になってしまうのですが、 途切れ途切れでちょいちょい聞こえる、 という状況だと I can barely hear you. でいいかなと思います。 [途切れる]( break up もよく使われるのでぜひ、覚えておいてください! あまり使う場面がないほうがいいフレーズの一つですが、 オンラインレッスンだけでなく、電話会議などでも よく使う&いざ言おうとすると言えない表現の一つなので しっかり準備しておくのがやはりベストだと思います。
  • We're breaking up a bit.

  • The connection's a bit wonky.

  • We've got a shaky (poor) connection. I can't hear you clearly.

breaking up は[別れる](と意味しますが、音が聞こえにくいやコネクションが悪いときに言います。 wonkyは[安定](してないという意味です。 The connection's a bit unstableも言えます。 つながりが悪い、つながりが安定しない。 shaky connectionまたはpoor connection つながりが悪い shakyはぶらぶら、不安定と意味します つながらない時って気になるね。I hope your connection gets better! より安定なコネクションができるように。
  • I'm having a problem, there is a bad connection.

・I'm having a problem, there is a bad connection. 直訳をすると、「問題がある、コネクションが悪いんです」という内容です。 要は、スカイプの音が聞きずらいのは、ネットの通信状態が良くないから。 つまりbad connectionということですね。 それが問題だというニュアンスで続ければ、スカイプの調子が悪いときに言えば一発で通じますよね! 他の例文: I'm having a problem with my Internet connection. ネット接続の問題があります。 The connection is really bad today. 今日は接続がとても悪いです。
  • Excuse me, but I'm losing you!

  • I’m afraid I can't hear you well!

I'm losing you! は、 「あなたがどんどん私から離れていっちゃってるよー!」 という感覚で使っています。 プツプツと音の途中が消えて行っている時にはピッタリ。 I can't hear you well!は、 わかりやすく、「良く聞こえませーん!」という意味です。 でも、どちらの言い方も、 Excuse me, but~ I’m afraid~ 「すみません!」といった言葉を一言入れると、 相手への気遣いが入り、責めている感じがグッと薄らぐので、 とってもスマート。 相手の画像が見えている時には、 耳に手を当て、手を振るなどして、 音声が良く聞こえないことも、 身体を大きく使ってアピールしてみて下さいネ! 身体の動きも、スムーズな会話の助けになりますヨ!
Takuya Nigami 英語4技能をトレーニング「にがみ塾」塾長
  • The reception is poor. I can’t hear you well.

  • The connection is bad. I can hardy hear you.

スカイプの音が途切れるとは、受信電波が悪いことや、電話の回線が悪いということですので、The reception is poor. / The connection is bad など言えます。 聞き取りにくいとは、よく聞こえないということですから、I can’t hear you well. や、ほほどんど~ないhardy (否定の意味含む)を使って I can hardy hear you.などといます。 相手にボリュームを上げてほしいときは、話す音をアップspeak up と、Can you ~ ?~できますか?を用いて Can you speak up a little? もしくは、少し丁寧にしたい場合は、 Could you speak up a little? Could は、現在の事に過去にすることで、一歩距離を取る感じで丁寧な響きがあります。 こちらからかけ直すときは I’ll call you back. かけ直してほしいときは Please call me back. などを用います。
Hiroshi Igarashi 五十嵐塾 英語+
  • your voice is breaking up. I can't hear you well.

  • your voice got cut off. I couldn't hear you at all.

セインさんのおっしゃる様にbreaking upは電話が途切れる時に頻繁に使われます。 シンプルに良く聞こえないと言う意味でI can't hear you wellを使ってます。 完全に途切れてしまった場合はcut off(切れる)をよく使います。 I can't hear you at allを使うと完全に聞こえないと言う意味になります。
  • I can't hear you well, Skype is bugging out.

  • You're breaking up, the connection is poor.

  • Your voice is cutting out, the connection is poor.

- "to bug out," means that the application on the computer is having issues or maybe has delays or moments of brief connection issues. - "to break up," over a voice call means that there are moments when you can't hear the speaker before his voice comes back and you've maybe missed a word or two. - "to cut out," has the same meaning as, "to break up."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I don't think my Skype is working. I can't hear you very well.

  • I'm having trouble hearing you.

  • I think we are having connection problems. I can't hear you.

"I don't think my Skype is working. I can't hear you very well." This is a simple way to tell the teacher that you cannot hear them or are having issues hearing them. "I'm having trouble hearing you." This is the simplest way to tell your teacher that you are having issues hearing them. "I think we are having connection problems. I can't hear you." This is a way to tell the teacher that you feel that there may be connections problems, and that is why you cannot hear them.
"I don't think my Skype is working. I can't hear you very well." これは先生の声が聞こえない、または音声に問題があるということを伝える表現です。 "I'm having trouble hearing you." これはすごくシンプルに聞くのが困難なことを伝える表現です。 "I think we are having connection problems. I can't hear you." 先生にコネクションに問題があるせいで聞こえないのではないかと伝える表現です。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, there is a problem with skype, I cannot hear you well

This phrase effectively communicates the nature of the problem and politely indicates that you are sorry about the situation.
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • I'm unable to hear you.

  • Something is wrong with my microphone.

  • Teacher, something is wrong, I cannot hear you.

You can use any of these statements to let the teacher know that you cannot hear him/her. You can also say:- 1. The connection is bad. 2. The connection is poor. 3. The connection is unstable, teacher, I cannot hear you. Hope this helps :)
これらのフレーズを使って先生が言っている事が聞こえない事を伝える事ができます。 これらのフレーズも使えます:- 1. The connection is bad. 2. The connection is poor. 3. The connection is unstable, teacher, I cannot hear you. 参考になれたら幸いです:)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I can't hear you, I am having some skype problems.

  • The connection is bad. I can't hear you.

You can say 'I can't hear you'. 'I am having some skype problems.' explains that skype has issues. 'Connection is bad' means there is a problem with skype or the internet.
"I can't hear you.と言えます。 I am having some skype problems. スカイプに問題があることを説明しています。 Connection is bad スカイプかインターネットに問題があるということです。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry I can't hear you clearly.

  • I am failing to hear you clearly.

The above are ways you can inform the teacher that you can't hear them clearly. You can also mimic the signs of not hearing clearly just in case they can't hear you too or you can type in the chat box.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) I can't hear

  • B) The connection is bad i can't hear you.

A) I can't hear * Can't - cannot Example - I can't go to the mall anymore. B) The connection is bad i can't hear you. *Connection -the action of linking one thing with another. Example- "connection to the Internet" *Bad-of poor quality or a low standard. Example -"a bad diet" I hope this helps :-)
A) I can't hear * Can't - ~することが出来ない 例 - I can't go to the mall anymore. (モールにはもう行けません) B) The connection is bad I can't hear you. *Connection -接続、通信と言う意味です。 例- "connection to the Internet" (インターネットの接続) *Bad-悪い、具合がよくないといった意味です。 例 -"a bad diet"(悪い食事) お役に立てれば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I can't hear you well at the moment.

  • The connection is bad, I can barely hear you.

  • Skype seems to be having issues, I can't hear you.

If your Skype is not working well during on online English lesson, and you wish to let your teacher know that you can't hear them well, you can say: "I can't hear you well at the moment." "The connection is bad, I can barely hear you." "Skype seems to be having issues, I can't hear you."
オンライン英会話でスカイプの調子が悪く、「声がよく聞こえない」と先生に伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "I can't hear you well at the moment."(声がよく聞こえません) "The connection is bad, I can barely hear you."(接続が良くありません、声がほとんど聞こえません) "Skype seems to be having issues, I can't hear you."(スカイプの調子が良くありません、声が聞こえません)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • My connection isn't stable

  • I can't hear you so well as you keep breaking up

These expressions are used while on the phone / on a call on the internet, to explain that the internet or phone signal connection isn't stable, that it is very jumpy and the connection isn't strong. 'Breaking up' is a widely used expression for implying that the connection isn't strong and that the connection will fail / break.
これらの表現は電話/スカイプで、接続が不安定で、声が途切れて聞こえることを伝えるときに使います。 'Breaking up'(通話が途切れる)は接続が悪く、通話が途切れることを表します。よく使われる表現です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • The sound quality isn't very good

  • I'm having difficulty hearing you

  • I'm not receiving you very well

In terms of radio messages or verbal communications using the internet, one person is sending the message and the other is receiving the, a typical comment would be 'I am not receiving you very well' or 'I'm not receiving you' in the case where there is no incoming sound.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, but I am having problems with Skype, I can't hear you well.

  • I am having problems with Skype and I can't hear you so well.

Sorry, could you repeat? Sure, no problem. I am sorry, but I am having problems with Skype, I can't hear you well. I understand. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • My Skype isn't working well at the moment, I can't hear you. Could you repeat that please?

The fact that Skype isn't working well could be due to a poor connection. It is important that you point out that you couldn't hear what the other person was saying. Also asking them to repeat what they said using manners is appropriate in this situation.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I cannot hear you so well.

  • The connection is poor.

You often have problems on Skype, whether it's connection, audio or visual. You simply say; - Teacher I am unable to see and hear you clearly. - Could we refresh the page, the connection is really poor.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • The video sometimes breaks up. I can't hear you well.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) The video sometimes breaks up. I can't hear you well. 「動画が時々途切れます。よく聞こえないです」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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