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2017/01/10 21:29
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  • I got a surprise birthday present!

「[サプライズ](で[誕生日](プレゼントをもらった」というのは、 シンプルで分かりやすい表現の I got a surprise birthday present! をインスタグラムの投稿として使えます。
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • I got a birthday gift unexpectedly!

「[プレゼント](」には "gift" を使っても良いでしょう。 "unexpectedly" は「思いがけなく、[予想外](に」という意味で、サプライズの様子を表すことができます。
  • 1. Wow! Look what I got for my birthday!

  • 2. I never expected this birthday present!

  • 3. How would you react if you got this for your birthday?

1. Here you express your amazement or surprise at receiving this present. 2. Here you announce that it was a surprise. 3. Here your accompanying title asks the viewer a question, which is a traditional format of making a marketing slogan
1. プレゼントをもらったよろこび、うれしさ、おどろきを一緒に表現できます。 2.驚きを表現するのに良いでしょう。 3. 見た人に対して質問を投げるパターンです。マーケティングに使われるスローガンなんかでよく見ますね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Guess what I got a present for my birthday, I was so surprised!

  • I can't believe I got a present for my birthday

Sometimes people receive presents on their birthday but the best is when it's a surprise. So if you want to post it on Instagram you can put in the caption "Guess what? I got a present as a surprise for my birthday!!" or you could say " I can't believe I got a birthday present today." Once you put it on Instagram everyone will be happy for you and like your picture.
誕生日にプレゼントをもらうことがあると思いますがサプライズが一番です。 インスタグラムに投稿したいのであれば、 "Guess what? I got a present as a surprise for my birthday!!" みて!誕生日にサプライズプレゼントをもらいました! というようなキャプションをつけることができます。または " I can't believe I got a birthday present today." 誕生日のプレゼントをもらいました。信じられない! ということもできます。皆インスタグラムのあなたの投稿をみたら写真をいいねして祝ってくれるでしょう。
Aba DMM英会話講師
  • I received a surprise gift for my birthday!

以上の表現は「誕生に用にサプライズプレゼントをもらったんだ!」になります。 とてもシンプルなので、是非使ってみてください!
  • I didn't expect to get this for my birthday

  • Surprise birthday gift

Instagram is a platform where people usually post their pictures with casual/cool captions. For example, you can simply write "surprise birthday gift" and add an emoticon that shows excitement. The same can be done with the first sentence provided above
インスタグラムはカジュアル、またはクールな短い説明文と写真をあげるSNSですよね。例えば"surprise bithday gift"と顔文字だけあげれば興奮を表せます。また、最初の文を回答例のようにすることで興奮を表すこともできますよね。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What an unexpected birthday gift!

  • I just got a really awesome birthday present!

"What an unexpected birthday gift!" and "I just got a really awesome birthday present!" are two ways in which you could express your surprise and the reason for the gift.Remember that in social networks we generally use shortened ,informal language and rely on the picture to do the talking.You could also say : -Wow this is such a cool birthday gift! -This was a totally unexpected birthday gift!
“What an unexpected birthday gift!” (なんて予想もしなかった誕生日プレゼントでしょう!) “I just got a really awesome birthday present!” (たった今、とても素敵な誕生日プレゼントをもらいました!) これらが驚きとプレゼントの理由を表現する方法です。 ソーシャルネットワークでは、一般的に 短くて、カジュアルな言葉を使って、写真に頼ります。 このようにも言うことができます。 “Wow this is such a cool birthday gift!” (ワォ!これはとても素敵な誕生日プレゼントです。) “This was a totally unexpected birthday gift!” (これは全く予想もしなかった誕生日プレゼントです。)
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Look what I got for my birthday!

  • I got such a surprise when I received this gift for my birthday!

Everybody loves to receive gifts for there birthday. As you get older, you don't need as many gifts as you did when you were a child. However, it is still nice to receive practical gifts that you can use in your daily life. In the first sentence, you are drawing people's attention to the message by opening the sentence with the word "look". In the second sentence, we are expressing the surprise that we experienced. "I got such a surprise" is a good way of expressing your surprise, especially if you weren't expecting anything.
誕生日プレゼントをもらうのはうれしいものですね。大人になると子どものときほど欲しいものはなくなりますが、それでも日常生活で使える実用的なものなどもらうとうれしいです。 一つ目の文では、"look" という語で始めて、メッセージに注意を引いています。 二つ目の文では、その時の驚きを伝えています。 "I got such a surprise" は、驚いたことを表す言い方です。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • "This is my surprise birthday present, I love it!"

  • "I am so happy with my surprise for my birthday"

If you wanted to explain that you received a birthday present as a surprise and you would like to post on Instagram, you could say either of the following to express this as you post it on Instagram: "This is my surprise birthday present, I love it!" or "I am so happy with my surprise for my birthday".
「サプライズで誕生日プレゼントをもらった」とインスタグラムに投稿したいなら、次のように言えます。 "This is my surprise birthday present, I love it!"(これはサプライズでもらった誕生日プレゼントです。気に入っています) "I am so happy with my surprise for my birthday"(誕生日にサプライズでプレゼントをもらいました。とても幸せです)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Surprise gift

  • An unexpected surprise

  • An unanticipated gesture

My best friend Susan said she has a surprise gift for me! What an unexpected surprise! I thought you had forgotten my birthday. In an unanticipated gesture, my husband bought me flowers. These are all examples of how you can convey that you have received a surprise gift or gesture. We may also express it this way: An awesome surprise gift. A beautifully unexpected surprise. A completely unanticipated gesture.
My best friend Susan said she has a surprise gift for me!(親友のスーザンにサプライズのプレゼントがあると言われました) What an unexpected surprise! I thought you had forgotten my birthday.(ビックリしました。私の誕生日のこと忘れていると思っていたので) In an unanticipated gesture, my husband bought me flowers.(夫がサプライズで花を買ってきてくれました) 全て「サプライズでプレゼントをもらった」と伝える言い方です。次のように言うこともできます。 A beautifully unexpected surprise. A completely unanticipated gesture. (サプライズで)
Morrisa DMM英会話講師
  • I was completely caught off guard by this awesome birthday present.

  • My birthday gift was a complete and utter surprise!

1.I was completely caught off guard by this awesome birthday present. To be "caught off guard" means to be completely shocked and surprised by an event, some news, etc. Another example:The CEO's sudden announcement caught the management team completely off guard. My birthday gift was a complete and utter surprise! The term "complete and utter" both mean the same thing but it is often used together in this way to indicate the high degree or extent of something.It means total or absolute. Another example:To my complete and utter dismay, I discovered that she had been skipping classes for months.
1. I was completely caught off guard by this awesome birthday present.(誕生日プレゼントをもらえるなんて思ってなかったから本当に驚いた) "caught off guard" は「〔知らせ・出来事などに〕驚く」という意味です。 例文: The CEO's sudden announcement caught the management team completely off guard.(CEOの突然の発表に経営陣は不意を突かれた) 2. My birthday gift was a complete and utter surprise!(誕生日プレゼントをもらえるなんて思ってなかったから本当に驚いた) "complete" と "utter" はどちらも同じ意味です。これらはしばしば "complete and utter" と一緒に使われ、より強い意味を表します。"complete and utter" は「全く/完全に」という意味です。 例文: To my complete and utter dismay, I discovered that she had been skipping classes for months. (彼女が何か月も授業をずる休みしていることを知り、私は大変に失望した)
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I have just received a surprise birthday gift!!

  • I didn't expect this for my birthday...what a surprise!!

  • Oh my! I just got a surprise present for my birthday!

Saying any of these phrases can tell someone that you have just received a surprise birthday gift from someone. Using '!!' can make it sound more exaggerated which shows the emphasis on the surprise. Using any of these phrases on your instagram is a good way of telling people and then everyone will be able to see your picture of your surprise gift :)
全て「サプライズで誕生日プレゼントをもらった」と伝える言い方です。 '!!' を使うと、驚きを強調できます。 これらのフレーズはインスタグラムでも使えます。誕生日プレゼントの写真と共に投稿してみてください。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
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