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2017/02/09 22:38
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  • spring cleaning

  • year-end cleaning

アメリカでは大掃除は[春](先に行われるので、 spring cleaning と言います。 しかし、日本では[年末](に[行われる](ので、 year-end cleaning と言うのはいかがでしょう? In Japan, we do our "spring cleaning" at the end of the year. と説明すれば通じると思います。
  • Spring clean

  • Spring cleaning

Spring cleaning refers to cleaning a house, room or thing thoroughly. ________________________________________________________________________ Example A: The house looks great, B: Susan spring cleaned yesterday. A: What are you doing today? B: I'm spring cleaning the house today.
Spring cleaning'とは、(春の)大掃除の事を言います。 ________________________________________________________________________ 例 A: The house looks great. (この家[キレイ](だね) B: Susan spring cleaned yesterday.  (昨日スーザンが大掃除したの) A: What are you doing today?  ([今日はなにをする](つもりですか?) B: I'm spring cleaning the house today. (今日は家の大掃除をします)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Welcome the new year...

  • In Japan it is tradiitonal to welcome the new year, by cleaning the house throroughly.

I lived in Japan for 3 years and my in-laws were fastidious in cleaning the whole house top to bottom...before NEW years eve! This was taken very seriously welcome the new year in... "In Japan it is tradiitonal to welcome the new year, by cleaning the house throroughly."
私は日本に3年間住んでいました。 そして私の義父母は年末になると家中を隅から隅まで掃除するよう口うるさく言いました! これは新年を迎えるために真剣にとらえなくてはいけない事でした、本当に! 【例】 "In Japan it is tradiitonal to welcome the new year, by cleaning the house throroughly." (日本では伝統的に新年を迎えるために家じゅうを綺麗に掃除します)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Spring cleaning!

  • Deep cleaning!

"Spring cleaning" this term is not just used for that season, it can be used metaphorically as well, anytime when you want to do a proper cleaning of the house, you can say: "I am spring cleaning my house." "She was spring cleaning her house." "I spring clean my house, at least four times a year."
"""spring cleaning"" ""spring""=「春」という季節を含む慣用句ですが、特に季節に限らず「大掃除」という意味で比喩的に使えます。だから「大掃除」のような本格的な家の掃除をするときなら、この表現を使うことができるのです。 I am spring cleaning my house. 訳:家の(春の)大掃除をしているよ。 She was spring cleaning her house. 訳:彼女は彼女の家の(春の)大掃除をしていたよ。 I spring clean my house, at least four times a year. ""at least""=少なくとも 訳:私は少なくとも一年に一回は大掃除をします。"
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Spring cleaning.

  • Have a clear out.

  • Spruce up.

Spring cleaning= Cleaning a house from top to bottom thoroughly. "it was Veronica who spring-cleaned the flat" "Having a clear out"= Going through your house and getting rid of old things/things you no longer use/need. To "spruce up" your house= Have a big tidy up of your house.
Spring cleaning=家を完全に掃除すること "it was Veronica who spring-cleaned the flat" マンションを全部掃除してくれたのはヴェロニカだよ。 "Having a clear out"= 家を見回って使っていないものを捨てる "spruce up" your house= 家の王宗次をする
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Spring clean

  • Declutter

A spring clean is traditionally undertaken at the beginning of spring to coincide with the new season of flowers blooming and baby animals being born. However, in modern usage we say it at any time of the year to describe thoroughly cleaning a house and throwing out any unwanted goods and rubbish. Declutter is to remove any unwanted and unnecessary items from your home. 'Clutter' is the word used to describe objects and things that lay around your house and make it untidy. So to 'declutter' is to get rid of these things.
"spring clean"とは本来、春の初めに花々が咲き始め動物の赤ちゃんが生まれたりする新しい季節の始まりを言います。 しかし、現在の用法では年中いつでも家中の大掃除をしたり、いらなくなったものやごみを捨てたりすることを言います。 "Declutter"とはあなたの家でいらなくなった物や必要のなくなったものを捨てることを言います。 'Clutter'とは家の中に散乱したがらくたと言う意味で使われます。 ですので 'declutter'する、とはそれらのいらなくなったものを捨てる、片付けるという意味になります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • spring cleaning

Around the time when the weather starts to warm up and the snow melts, many people take time to clean their whole house to make it look nice and new for springtime. This is known as 'spring cleaning'. After people do spring cleaning, they usually collect unwanted items and either throw them away if they are broken or have a garage sale. A garage sale is when someone sells unwanted items from their garage or yard. "My neighbors did a little spring cleaning yesterday. Now they are having a garage sale and I bought an almost brand new television for $5!"
気温が上昇して雪が溶け始めるとき、多くの人が時間を取って家全体きれいで新しく見えるように春に向けて掃除します。 これは ”spring cleaning” として知られています。 “spring cleaning”をしたあと人々は大抵不要なものを集めて、それらが壊れていたら捨てるかガレージセールを開きます。 ガレージセールとは誰かがガレージや庭で不要なものを売ることです。 “My neighbors did a little spring cleaning yesterday. Now they are having a garage sale and I bought an almost brand new television for $5!” (私のご近所さんが昨日春の大掃除をして、いまガレージセールをしています。そこでほとんど新品のテレビを5ドルで買いました!)
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • Spring cleaning.

  • End of the year cleaning.

Normally in the United States we tend to do a thorough cleaning of our houses in the spring time thus giving it the name, "spring cleaning." If this is something that you typically do at the end of the year then we can also refer to this as, "End of the year cleaning."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Spring-cleaning

  • I am giving my place a good scrubbing down.

Spring-clean To spring-clean is to clean your home thoroughly,especially the parts you don't often have time to clean. "I am giving my place a good scrubbing down." This means you are thoroughly cleaning up your home.For most people this would ordinarily take place at the end of the year.
Spring-clean 家全部をすっかり綺麗にすることをいいます。特に時間がなくてクリーンしている時間がないところなどを指します。 "I am giving my place a good scrubbing down." 家全体をクリーンにすること。年明け前の大掃除のようなものです。
Babz DMM英会話講師
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