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2017/05/11 22:54
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  • I'll try not to drink too much for the next day's lesson.

"try not to 〜" は「〜しないようにする、心掛ける」ということを表します。 "drink too much" は「飲み過ぎる」という表現です。 "for 〜" は「〜のために、〜に備えて」となります。 「次の日のレッスン」は "the next day's lesson" と表すことができます。
  • I am going to have a few drinks tonight because I want to be attentive for my lesson tomorrow.

*I am going to have a few drinks tonight because I want to be attentive for my lesson tomorrow. Attentive means to be able to listen carefully. Therefore it means you want to have a fresh mind and listen carefully during your lesson. If you drink too much you will have a hangover the next day. A hangover is a severe headache or other after-effects caused by drinking an excess of alcohol.
例文 *I am going to have a few drinks tonight because I want to be attentive for my lesson tomorrow. 明日の授業に集中したいので、今晩はお酒を数杯だけ飲みます。 Attentiveは、注意深く聞くことができるということです。ですから気持ちを引き締めて、レッスン中は集中して先生の言うことを聞きたいということです。 お酒を飲みすぎれば、次の日二日酔いになってしまいます。二日酔いは、お酒の飲み過ぎが原因で起こるひどい頭痛と その他の後遺症のことです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I am going to take it easy on the drinking tonight because I have an early lesson tomorrow morning and I need to concentrate.

  • I am only having a few drinks tonight, I need to be fresh and ready for my early lesson tomorrow morning.

▪ I am going to take it easy on the drinking tonight because I have an early lesson tomorrow morning and I need to concentrate. "take it easy" means that you will not be party to much and not drinking to much. It means you will be more relaxed because you have an early lesson tomorrow morning. ▪I am only having a few drinks tonight, I need to be fresh and ready for my early lesson tomorrow morning. "few" means not a lot. "fresh and ready" means you cannot be sleepy or be late.
例文 ▪ I am going to take it easy on the drinking tonight because I have an early lesson tomorrow morning and I need to concentrate. 明日の朝早朝レッスンがあって集中しないといけないので、今晩はお酒を控えめにします。 "take it easy" はあまりどんちゃん騒ぎをせず、飲みすぎないつもりだということです。明日の早朝にレッスンがあるので、そうした方が安心だということです。 例文 ▪I am only having a few drinks tonight, I need to be fresh and ready for my early lesson tomorrow morning. 今晩はお酒を少しだけにするよ、明日の早朝レッスンに きちんと起きていて準備しておかないといけないからね。 "few"は多くないということです。 "fresh and ready" は眠たかったり、遅れることができないということです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • To be firing on all cylinders, I'm gonna take it easy on the booze before my Saturday morning lesson

  • I'm gonna cut back on my drink the night before my lesson to keep a clear head

To take it easy on the booze = not to drink too much alcohol and limit one's intake. To be firing on all cylinders = to be operating as powerfully and effectively as possible: "Dawson will be firing on all cylinders after two months of fitness training." Booze = alcohol Gonna = going to
To take it easy on the booze あまりお酒を飲みすぎない様に摂取量を制限しましょうということです。 To be firing on all cylinders できるだけ力強く、効果的に働きましょうということです。 Dawson will be firing on all cylinders after two months of fitness training. ドーソンは2ヶ月のフィットネストレーニングのあと力強く働くでしょう。 Booze = お酒 Gonna = going toの省略形
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not going to drink too much, as I want to concentrate on my lesson tomorrow morning

  • I'm not going to drink too much,so I can actually concentrate on my lesson tomorrow

  • I'll try not to drink too much as I have a lesson tomorrow morning

If you won't do something then you can also say 'I'm not going to' if you are not sure if you will then you can say 'I'll try not to' meaning you will do your best not to do something To concentrate means to give your full attention to something By adding 'lesson tomorrow morning' you are explaining why you want to do something
I'm not going to'は「~をしないつもり」という意味です。 それをするかしないかはっきり分からないときには、'I'll try not to'と言えます。「~をしないようにベストを尽くす」という意味です。 'To concentrate'は「集中する」という意味です。 'Lesson tomorrow morning'(明日の朝のレッスン)と加えて、それをする理由を伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm planning to not drink too much on Friday because I have my lesson on Saturday morning.

  • I'm going to take it easy at the party. I have a lesson the next morning that I want to feel alert for.

By saying either of these phrases, you are telling the other person that your intention is to not drink too much. You don't want to "over do it" (have too much alcohol!) because you want to feel alert and focused the next morning. "Take it easy" is another way of saying that you won't be fully partaking (in the alcohol), and you're just going to casually drink. I hope this helped! :)
どちらも、お酒を飲み過ぎないようにしようと思っていることを伝える言い方です。次の日の朝にしっかり集中できるようにあまり飲み過ぎたくないということです。 "Take it easy"も、あまり飲み過ぎないようにすることを表します。 お役に立てれば幸いです! :)
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not going to overdo the drinking tonight, I want to focus on my English class tomorrow morning.

  • I have to take it easy tonight because I want to concentrate on my English class tomorrow morning.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you cannot drink too much because you want to concentrate on your English lesson tomorrow morning. In the second sentence you will see the term take it easy. That means not to do something excessively. This term is appropriate for informal settings.
上記二つの例文は、翌朝の英語のレッスンに集中したいので、お酒はあまり飲めないと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 2番目の文には"take it easy"という表現が使われています。これは、物事をやり過ぎないという意味です。この表現はインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I'm a little hungover.

  • I'm a little delicate.

  • I'm crisp like a lettuce!

You can use all of these expressions in the opening of the lesson to let your teacher know to take it easy with you. "I'm a little hungover, please be patient." A hangover is a severe headache after drinking. "Red wine always gives me a banging headache."- "I might be a little hungover in our lesson, but I'll try to be on the ball". "I'm a little delicate this morning, I went out on the lash last night. Please take it easy". Delicate like a flower petal which can tear easily. "I'm feeling crisp like a lettuce! Please excuse me." - a lettuce is crispy but easily squashed, just like a person with a headache after drinking. These expressions are all jokes/euphemisms & not too serious.
これらの表現は全て、あまり厳しくしないで欲しいとレッスンの始めに先生に伝える時に使えます。 "I'm a little hungover, please be patient."(二日酔い気味ですので、ご容赦下さい) hangover は、お酒を飲んだ後になるひどい頭痛のことです。 "Red wine always gives me a banging headache."(赤ワインを飲むとひどい頭痛になります) "I might be a little hungover in our lesson, but I'll try to be on the ball."(レッスンでは少し二日酔い気味かもしれませんが、頑張ります) ---- "I'm a little delicate this morning, I went out on the lash last night. Please take it easy". (今朝は少し調子が悪いです。昨晩飲みに行きました。どうぞお手柔らかにお願いします) delicate は「(すぐに取れてしまう花びらのように)繊細な」という意味です。 ---- "I'm feeling crisp like a lettuce! Please excuse me." (パリパリのレタスみたいな気持ちです。ご容赦下さい) レタスはパリパリですが、簡単にぺしゃんこになります、ちょうど二日酔いの人のように。 ---- これらはどれも、冗談あるいは婉曲表現で、あまり真面目な言い方ではありません。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
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