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  • I had a good time!

  • I really enjoyed it!

have good timeで、良い時間を持つ→[楽しい](となります。 had は have の過去形なので had a good time で「楽しかった」と言えます。 enjoyは[楽しむ](で、reallyを付けて楽しかったのを強調します。 例: I had a really good time yesterday! Thank you so much! 昨日はとっても楽しかったです!本当にありがとうございました! 関連した英語表現については、こちらのブログ記事をご覧ください: [脱ワンパターン! 英語で「とても楽しかった」を伝える15フレーズ](
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • ① That was fun!

  • ② I enjoyed that!

私が使う表現は「① That was fun!」や「② I enjoyed that!」です。 いずれとも意味は文字通り「楽しかった」です。 使い分け方には特にルールはございませんが、程度を調節する時は声を上げれば上げるほど楽しんだ事を強調できます。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • i had a really good time!

  • I had quite a time!

  • Such an amazing time

最初の例文は一番日本語に忠実なニュアンスです。2つめのquite a timeは「[すごい](時をすごす」というような意味。最後の表現はいい時間だった!というニュアンスです!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • I had a blast!

  • I had a ball!

  • It was a blast/ball!

have a blast / ball はどちらも「とても楽しい時間を過ごす」という意味の表現です。つまり上記の英文例は全部「超[最高](に楽しかったぜ!」のようなニュアンスの表現です。 スラングよりの表現で、カジュアルな場面でよく使われています。 例: Adam: Did you enjoy your vacation? [旅行](は楽しめた? Derek: I had a blast. もう最高だったよ。 Adam: Hey, how was the party? パーティ[どうだった?]( Derek: I had a ball!!! 超最高だった!! It was a blast/ball のように言うこともできますよ!
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I really had a good time

  • It was so fun

Good timeがキーワードで文字通り素晴らしい時間といった意味になります! まあ、こーいう時は言葉よりも笑顔で一発で伝わりますけどね!デートとかで使って下さい!
  • I had the time of my life today!

  • Boy that was fun!

  • I had a great time!

既にたくさんの方がすばらしい答えを出されているんですが、私もまた違った例文に思いついたので幾つか挙げてみますね。 ”the time of life” というのは、”一つの忘れられないすごい(良い)時間” という表現で間接的に言う “とても楽しかった時間” という意味で使えます。“had” を前にもってきてますので過去形、直後に使えるまたもう一つの自然な表現ですね。 また例題は “とっても” でしたので、一応比較級の “good” (良い)→ ”great” (すごく良い) を最初から使うのもまたもう一つの方法ですね。 もちろん、英語はすべて発音の仕方次第ですから “good” でも強調さえすれば伝わります。 また “boy" という単語を頭につけるのは、何か感情表現をするときの単なる感嘆詞。 意味は特になく女性でも全然使ってます。 “that was fun” で “fun” を強調して言ってみてください。“すごく楽しかった!!” という意味で使えます。
Hara Ken English teacher
  • I had a great time.

  • It was so much fun.

You can say "I had a great time" or "It was so much fun", to express how much you enjoyed the event. In English you can you different words or phrases to express the same feeling. For example you can say, "I had a really good time!" This means the same as the other two mentioned above.
"I had a great time." や"It was so much fun."という文は、自分がどれほど楽しんだかを表現する言い方です。英語では、同じ感情を表現するのに色々な単語やフレーズを使うことができます。例えば、"I had a really good time!"というのも、先に述べた2つと同じ意味になります。
Dao DMM英会話講師
  • That was amazing!

  • I'm so glad we decided to do that.

  • Wow - that was great!

When using these expressions it is always important to show enthusiasm in your voice and appear positive. Words like "wow", "amazing" & "unbelievable" show real signs of something great and that you had a really good time.
こういう表現を使う時は、常に気持ちを込めて明るく言うようにしましょう。 "wow"、"amazing"、"unbelievable" などの言葉は、「本当にすばらしい」時に使われ、「すごく楽しんだ」ことを表します。
Georgia S DMM英会話講師
  • I had a whale of a time.

普通の言い方はもうすでにいろいろ出ておりますので、私からはちょっと変わった?言い方をご紹介しますね。 I had a whale of a time. これで「素晴らしい時を過ごす」というイディオムです。 (whale は「くじら」) 楽しさの程度をくじらに例えていて、「(クジラの大きさのほど)それだけ楽しかった・素晴らしかった」というときに使います。 私もイギリス人に使ったことありますが、”a whale of a time!!"と目を丸くして驚いていました(笑) みなさんもぜひ使ってみてくださいね。 (ただし、「相当、英語を知っている人だな」と思われますので、その後の展開はご承知おきください(笑))
  • The was awesome/ incredible/ so much fun.

  • I had the time of my life.

"Awesome", "incredible", "fantastic" or all words to describe something as been lots of fun. "I had the time of my life." is an English saying that expresses you really enjoyed what you did.
"Awesome", "incredible", "fantastic"、すべての言葉がとても楽しいものだったことを表現します。 "I had the time of my life." 本当に楽しかったことを表現するしています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • This was so much fun.

This means you had a great time and you enjoyed.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • That was pretty awesome.

  • That was entertaining

  • I had such a pleasant time.

"That was pretty awesome!" A casual way of expressing pleasure following an activity. "That was entertaining" This means you enjoyed what you were doing /watching . "I had such a pleasant time" This is when you want to express your amusement after doing something.
"That was pretty awesome!" 何かをした後に楽しかったことを表すのに使われるカジュアルな表現です。 "That was entertaining" 何かをした後に、それが楽しかったことを表すセリフです。 "I had such a pleasant time" 何かをした後で、その楽しさを表現したいときに使うセリフです。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • That was awesome

  • That was so much fun

so much = allot (unspecified amount) awesome = extremely good Wow, I cant believe we did it, that was so much fun! That ride was awesome!
so much = a lot (どれくらいかわからない量) awesome = 非常に良い Wow, I can’t believe we did it, that was so much fun! (わあ、本当にやったなんて信じられないよ。とっても楽しかった!) That ride was awesome! (あの乗り物は本当に楽しかったね!)
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • I got a kick out of that!

If you 'get a kick out of something/ doing something', it means that you enjoyed something immensely. So much so, that you got a rush out of it.
「get a kick out of something/ doing something」というとき、それは、すごく楽しんだということを意味をします。 そのため、あっという間に終わってしまったということを言います。
Faith DMM英会話講師
  • That was awesome!

  • I had a ball.

  • I had a blast.

1. Awesome - really good. 2. Have a ball - to have a very good time. 3. Have a blast - also, to have a lot of fun (a good time)
1. Awesome - really good(すばらしい) 2. Have a ball - to have a very good time(とても楽しむ) 3. Have a blast - これも「to have a lot of fun(とても楽しむ)」という意味
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • I had a blast!

  • I had such a great time!

These two sentences express the idea that something was really fun and enjoyable. The first sentence is more informal, so we would use this with family and friends. The second sentence would be appropriate to use in a formal setting, like in an office or on a business trip with coworkers.
これらの2つの文は、とても楽しかったことを表します。 最初の文はよりカジュアルですので、家族や友人に対して使うでしょう。 2つ目の文はオフィスや同僚との出張など、フォーマルな場で使うのに適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I had a great time, this was so much fun!

  • This was a wonderful experience, and I hope to do this again.

There are many ways you can express the amount of fun you have. I chose to use these two, because this is what I usually say when I have a great time.
どれほど楽しかったかを表現する方法はたくさんあります。 私は自分が楽しい時間を過ごした時に大抵このようにいうので、この二つの表現を選びました。
Celeste O DMM英語講師
  • I really enjoyed myself!

  • I had the time of my life!

Hello Kyo :-) I hope this helps! A)I really enjoyed myself! Definitions *Enjoyed- like/love Example- I really enjoyed that walk! B)I had the time of my life! -To have a very good time; to have the most exciting time in one's life. Example- What a great party! I had the time of my life./ We went to Florida last winter and had the time of our lives.
Kyoさん、こんにちは、参考になるといいです! A)I really enjoyed myself! 【語句】 *Enjoyed- like(好き)/love(大好き) 例- I really enjoyed that walk!(散歩、本当に楽しかった) B)I had the time of my life!- すごく楽しむ、人生最高の時間を過ごす 例- What a great party! I had the time of my life. (いいパーティーだったね!本当に楽しかった) We went to Florida last winter and had the time of our lives. (去年の冬にフロリダに行って、すごく楽しかった)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • That was amazing!

  • What incredible fun!

  • Wow!

If you had a great experience and just want to enjoy the moment, you may feel that a very short expression is enough. You can go over the details later! Eg. "This evening was amazing, Claire! I hope we can do it again sometime!" "Yes it was incredible fun! How about tomorrow?"
あなたがとてもいい経験をしてその瞬間を楽しみたい場合、ちょっとした短い表現で十分です。 詳細はあとで大丈夫です。 例 "This evening was amazing, Claire! I hope we can do it again sometime!" (今夜は最高だったよ、クレア!またやりましょう) "Yes it was incredible fun! How about tomorrow?" (そうね、すごく楽しかったわ。また明日やるなんてどう?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I had the time of my life. / I had the best time of my life.

  • That was thrilling!

  • That was super!

I had the time of my life. / I had the best time of my life. - This phrase means that you've had the most memorable moments that you've ever had in your life. That was thrilling! - something that is thrilling brings you great excitement; rollercoasters, for example, are a great example of something that is thrilling
I had the time of my life. / I had the best time of my life. - これは、人生の中で一番思い出に残る瞬間だったという意味です。   That was thrilling! - thrillingとは、ジェットコースターのようにすごく興奮するという意味。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I had so much fun

  • This was brilliant

  • What an awesome experience that was.

After an activity that is fun you would use descriptive words to describe how the activity made you feel. Words such as brilliant or awesome are great ways of expressing how much you enjoyed yourself. Today was so much fun, I had an awesome time! Hope this helps Teacher Jemxi
何かを楽しんだ後には、それによってどんな気持ちになったのか表す言葉を使います。 "brilliant" や "awesome" などを使うと、とても楽しんだことが伝わります。 "Today was so much fun, I had an awesome time!" 「今日は本当に楽しかった、最高の時間でした」 参考になるといいです Teacher Jemxi
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • It was fun!

  • It was awesome!

  • I had a blast!

"Fun" is a simple way to describe something that made you happy or delighted. "Awesome" is an expression which means "fun", "cool" and "great" at the same time. Saying that something was a "blast" means that the experience was very exciting and pleasurable.
"Fun" はあなたを楽しませたり喜ばせた何かを描写するためのシンプルな方法です。 "Awesome" は"fun"や"cool" や "great"を同時に意味する表現です。 何かが"blast"だということは、その経験がとても興奮するもので、喜ばしいものだということを意味しています。
Gio English instructor
  • fun

  • enjoyable, enjoyment

You could say something like "I had a great time, it was really enjoyable". or "Thanks for a great time, it was a hoot". or more formal "I had a very enjoyable time, thank you".
次のように言えるでしょう。 "I had a great time, it was really enjoyable". (最高の時間でした。とても楽しかったです。) "Thanks for a great time, it was a hoot". (素晴らしい時間をありがとう。最高でした。) またはよりフォーマルに次のように言えます。 "I had a very enjoyable time, thank you". (とても楽しい時間でした。ありがとうございます。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I had an awesome time!

  • It was wonderful!

awesome - extremely impressive wonderful - marvellous
awesome - 非常に印象的 wonderful - 素晴らしい
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • That was fun

  • I really enjoyed that

  • What fun that was

The fact that you had fun can be expressed in many different ways. Some examples follow: "That was fun!" "I really enjoyed that." "What fun that was." "What fun was had." "That was great." "That was great fun." "I had a great time today." "I really enjoyed myself today."
楽しかったという表現はたくさんあります。いくつかの例は以下の通りです。 "That was fun!" 楽しかった! "I really enjoyed that." すごく楽しんだよ! "What fun that was." なんて楽しかったの。 "What fun was had." なんて楽しかったの。 "That was great." 楽しかった。 "That was great fun." すごく楽しかった。 "I had a great time today." 今日すごく楽しかった。 "I really enjoyed myself today." 今日すごく楽しんだよ。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • I had a really good time

  • It was really fun

I had a good time が使いやすいと思いますが、I から始まる文を多用するといわゆる日本人英語になりやすいです。なので、It was funも合わせて使えると良いですね!
Kota Yanagidani 英語講師
  • That was brilliant

  • I had a great time

  • I an an absolute blast!

You want to let the other person know that you had a great time, so each of the words we chose will highlight this. That was 'brilliant'. I had a 'great' time, I had an 'absolute blast'. These are all very commonly used phrases, especially amongst native speakers. 'That was brilliant' can be used immediately after something happens, where as 'I had a great time' or 'I had an absolute blast' can be used a little bit later to let the other person know how you feel about what happened. That something was really fun!
あなたは相手に素晴らしい時間を過ごすことができたことを伝えたいため私たちが選んだ言葉はそれぞれこれを強調します。 “That was brilliant”(素晴らしかったです)、”I had a great time”(素晴らしい時間を過ごすことができました)、”I had an absolute blast”(とても楽しかったです) これらは全て特にネィティブの間でとてもよく使用されるフレーズです。 “That was brilliant”(素晴らしかったです)は何かが起こった直後に使用することができます。 その一方で”I had a great time”(素晴らしい時間を過ごすことができました)や”I had an absolute blast”(とても楽しかったです)は起こったことに対する自分の気持ちを相手に伝えるためにもう少し後に使用することができます。それはとても楽しかったということです。
Ben Mo DMM英会話講師
  • That was so much fun, we should do it again sometime!

  • I had a great time, it was too much fun!

  • This was all really fun, thank you for such a nice time!

These sentences express that said person had a lot of fun doing whatever it is that they were doing. :-)
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Wow! That was so much fun!

  • I had a great time!

"Wow! That was so much fun!" Saying "Wow!" is expressing shock and excitement to express how much fun you had. Be sure to add positive energy to the expression! "I had a great time" Meaning that you enjoyed yourself doing an activity with someone.
Wow! That was so much fun! (わー、とっても楽しかった!) 「Wow!」ということで、ショックや驚きを表し、どれだけ楽しんだか表現することができます。表現に前向きのエネルギーを加えるようにしましょう! I had a great time.  (楽しかったです。) あなたが誰かと行動を共にし、楽しんだことを意味します。
Leesha DMM英会話講師
  • I had a great time.

  • That was so much fun!

  • I really enjoyed it.

All of these expressions are used after you do something that was really fun. They can be used in both formal and informal settings. You would usually emphasize it depending on the degree of fun that was had. This is also because we are still feeling quite excited about it! :)
これら全ての表現は、あなたが何かをしてとても楽しかったことを伝えるものです。 フォーマルでもそうでない場面でも使うことができます。 どの程度楽しかったかによって強調することができます。これは、かなり楽しいと感じるからでもあります。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I had a great time

  • I had the time of my life

  • A mind blowing experience

"I had a great time at that party" or "I had a great time yesterday". "Having a great time" expresses a positive experience, especially fun. The time you passed together was wonderful. "I had the time of my life" means it was one of the best experiences you've ever had. We use this expression a lot when a totally awesome experience happens, even if it seems exaggerated. When an experience is amazing or awesome and exceptional, we say "mind blowing" or incredible.
"I had a great time at that party."(パーティーは本当に楽しかったです) "I had a great time yesterday".(昨日は本当に楽しかったです) 「have a great time(すごく楽しむ)」は、前向きな体験(特に「fun(楽しみ)」)を表します。一緒に過ごした時間がとてもよかったということです。 「I had the time of my life(最高に楽しかった)」は、今まで経験した中で最高の出来事の一つだったことを表します。大げさな感じがしますが、すごくいいことが起きた時に、この表現はよく使われます。 素晴らしい、最高の体験をした時には「mind blowing」や「incredible」が使えます。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • I had the best time.

  • It was good.

Simon: Hi Jenny how was your vacation?. Jenny: It was so fun, I had the best time. Adam: Hi Thomas, How was you movie last time. Thomas: It was good thank you for asking.
Simon: Hi Jenny how was your vacation?. Jenny: It was so fun, I had the best time. ↓ Simon: やあ、ジェニー。休暇はどうだった。 Jenny: 楽しかったです、最高の時間でした。 Adam: Hi Thomas, How was you movie last time. Thomas: It was good thank you for asking. ↓ Adam: やお、トーマス。映画はどうだった。 Thomas: 面白かったです。聞いてくれてありがとう。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • That was awesome!

  • That was so cool!

After having a great time, you can exclaim something to describe how you feel. You can say things like, "that was awesome!" or "that was really cool!" You might not have to mention time if your with someone because they might already know what your talking about. You just make the comment to express your thoughts on the moment. Thanks!
素晴らしい時間を過ごした後には、自分の気持ちを大声で表現できます。 例えば、 "That was awesome!"(本当に素晴らしかった) や、 "That was really cool!"(すごくかっこよかった) などと言えます。 何について言っているのかが明白な場面では、何が素晴らしかったのかを具体的に伝える必要はありません。単にそれについての自分の気持ちを表せば伝わります。 ありがとうございました!
Justin H DMM英会話講師
  • That was so much fun!

  • I really enjoyed that.

  • Let's do that again sometime

That was so much fun!' shows that you really enjoyed doing or experiencing something. The exclamation mark further shows that you particularly loved doing that activity. This is a phrase you would often say straight after the activity. You could also say 'I really enjoyed that' or 'Let's do that again sometime' even suggests to someone that you'd like to repeat the activity in the future.
That was so much fun!'(とっても楽しかった)は、あることをすごく楽しんだことを表します。感嘆符はそれが楽しかったことをさらに強調します。このフレーズはその活動の直後に言うことが多いです。 他に、'I really enjoyed that'(すごく楽しかった)と言うこともできます。 'Let's do that again sometime' は「今度またやりましょう」と相手に提案する言い方です。
Sarah El DMM英会話講師
  • That was fun

  • I really enjoyed that

"That was fun" and "I really enjoyed that" These two expressions are used usually after doing something that was fun/enjoyable, something that you had a good time doing. 'Enjoyed' is the past tense, using enjoyed states that you had a good time.
"That was fun"や "I really enjoyed that"は、あることがとてもたのしくて、いい時間を過ごせたことを表すフレーズです。  'Enjoyed'は、enjoyの過去形で楽しかったという意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • That was so fun

  • That was amazing

  • That was exhilarating

There are many ways to say you had a fun time doing something. That was so fun is the most common way. That was amazing is a good way to say something way really fun. If it was extremely fun, we would say that was exhilarating.
「楽しかった」の言い方はたくさんあります。 "That was so fun" は最も一般的な言い方です。 "That was amazing" は「すごく楽しかった」の良い言い方です。 ものすごく楽しかったときには、"That was exhilarating" と言えます。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • that was so much fun

  • I really enjoyed that

  • that was such a good time

saying you enjoyed something means that you had a lot of fun. if something was a good time then it means it was a enjoyable experience
"I enjoyed something" は "I had a lot of fun"(大いに楽しんだ)という意味です。 "something was a good time" で「~は楽しかった」という意味になります。
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • That was so much fun!

  • I really enjoyed that!

  • That was great fun!

The above sentences express a fun moment experienced. We can also use the following: That was amazing! That was crazy!! I have to do that again!
これらの例は、楽しかったことを伝える表現です。 以下のようにも言うことができます。  That was amazing! (楽しかった!) That was crazy!! (すごかったね!) I have to do that again! (またやりたいね!)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I had a great time!

  • I really enjoyed myself

  • That was a blast! (slang)

You can also say you had a ball, you had a blast which are slang terms that mean that the person had a good time
you had a ballやyou had a blastは、とても楽しかったことを意味するスラングです。
Estter DMM英会話講師
  • That was so much fun!

  • That was really fun!

これはだいたい That was so much fun! や That was really fun! と言います。That was really fun より That was so much fun! の方が多いです。多分 really より so much の方が言いやすいからと思います。 That was so fun! という言い方もありますが、これはどちらかと言えばギャルのような言い方ですので、恐らく避けた方が良いかもしれません。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • That was so much fun!

  • I had a really good time today!

  • Today was a lot of fun!

If you are trying to explain that you have had a lot of fun today, you can say something like "Today was so much fun!" or "I had a really good time today!". These are all very polite ways of saying this.
とても楽しかったことを伝えるには、 "Today was so much fun!"(今日はとても楽しかった!)や  "I had a really good time today!"(今日は本当に楽しかった!)と言います。どちらも丁寧なフレーズです。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I had a lot of fun!

  • That was really fun!

楽しい - fun 〜〜かった - was 〜〜 楽しかった - was fun とっても - very, a lot of, many , really 一緒にしたら - had a lot of funになります - I had a lot of fun - That was really fun 今日はとっても楽しかったです。また会いましょう I had a lot of fun. Let’s meet up again.
  • It was really fun

  • I had a great time

  • I had a blast

ご質問ありがとうございます。 とても楽しかった は英語で it was really fun と訳します。 色々な表現しかたがありますので、上記の通り、私にとってはよく使う表現でこれらを例としてあげます。 例えば とっても楽しかった!! It was really fun! 昨日とても楽しかった!! Yesterday was really fun その映画、超最高だった! the film was a blast. ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I had a lot of fun!

  • I really enjoyed myself.

  • I had a blast!

1) I had a lot of fun! 「本当に楽しかった」 カジュアルな場面で楽しい経験の後よく言われています。 2) I really enjoyed myself. 「本当に楽しんだ」に当たり、前の表現に比べてちょっと丁寧な言い方です。 3) I had a blast! 三つの表現の中で、最も強い言い方でよく使われている慣用語句 です。 「すごい楽しかった」の意味に当たります。
  • That was really fun!

  • I had a great time!

楽しいことが終わった時に「楽しかった」は英語でたくさんフレーズがあります。一番ナチュラルと使いやすいのは That was really fun です。That は「さっきやったこと」に示しています。Was fun は fun の過去形「楽しかった」です。そして really は「とても」や「本当に」の意味です。例えば、 (After going to Disneyland): That was really fun! ディズニーランドに行った後:(それは)とても楽しかったです! 又は I had a great time も言えます。これは「楽しい時間を過ごした」みたいな意味です。例えば、 {After a date): I had a great time! (デートの後):とても楽しかったです!
  • I had a really great time!

  • I really enjoyed myself

Both of these sentences could be used interchangeably as they both of the same meaning and refer to the enjoyment that came from a particular activity. Please notice how both of these sentences use past tense verbs because we would say this after the moment has passed and is completed.
これらの文は同じ意味です、置き換えて使うことができます。どちらも「すごく楽しかった」と伝えています。 これは過去の終わった出来事を振り返って言うわけなので、過去時制を使います。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • What a great time

  • That was really fun

  • I truly enjoyed it! Capital!

The third one is the reference to the very famous novel "Pride and Prejudice". The first two options are a more regular thing to say.
三つ目の例は、『高慢と偏見(Pride and Prejudice)』という有名な小説からの引用です。一つ目と二つ目は普通の言い方です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I had an amazing time.

  • It was really fun.

「I had an amazing time.」「It was really fun.」と表すことができます。 amazing は「素晴らしい」のような意味です。 really fun は「とても楽しい」になります。 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください: I had an amazing time. Thank you so much for inviting me. 素晴らしい時間を過ごせました。誘ってくれてありがとうございました。
  • I had a blast.

  • I had an amazing time.

  • That was so much fun.

I had a blast. I had an amazing time. That was so much fun. 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 have a blast は「とても楽しい時間を過ごす」という意味の英語表現です。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでも質問してください。
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