「① Thank you for the update.」は丁寧な言葉ですが、Rinaさんのおっしゃるように「It was very kind of you to inform me about this.」には丁寧度は負けます。
もう少し親しい取引先(例えば英会話の先生)ならば、「② Thanks for letting me know.」が一番適切かもしれないですね。当然、お客様には最も丁寧な言葉を選んだ方がいいですが、逆に質問者様がお客様なら「② Thanks for letting me know.」が一番いいかと思います。
使役動詞 let を使いつつ、感謝の気持ちを伝えましょう。
Thank you for letting me know.
"let 人 know" で「人に知らせる」
Please let me know what you think.
"Please tell me"「教えて」よりも、
Thank you for enlightening me about the change in schedule.
Thanks for letting me know, I appreciate it.
Duly noted, thank you.
"Thank you for enlightening me about the change in schedule."
- This sentence is another way of saying "Thank you for telling me about the change in schedule."
"Thanks for letting me know, I appreciate it."
- adding "I appreciate it" shows that you are genuinely thankful for that the teacher let you know as you have benefited from this piece of information.
"Duly noted, thank you."
- means you have taken note of the information your teacher has sent in accordance with your schedule.
"Thank you for enlightening me about the change in schedule."
- これは「Thank you for telling me about the change in schedule(予定の変更を教えてくれてありがとう)」の別の言い方です。
"Thanks for letting me know, I appreciate it."
- "I appreciate it" を使って「連絡してくれて心から感謝している、助かった」という気持ちを表しています。
"Duly noted, thank you."
Thank you for getting in touch to let me know. It's much appreciated.
Thank's so much for letting me know - This is standard and can be used anywhere where you receive new information.
Thank you for getting in touch to let me know. It's much appreciated - This is more than standard, this expresses that you are very thankful.
Thank's so much for letting me know - これは標準的なもので、新しい情報を受け取った場合ならどこでも使用できます。
Thank you for getting in touch to let me know. It's much appreciated - これは標準以上のものです。これはあなたが非常に感謝していることを表しています。
Hello Tomoko :-) I hope this helps!
A)Thank you so much for informing me.
*Thank you so much -'Thank you so much' often seems more genuine and it implies that the person saying it really means it.
Example-Thank you so much for all your help.
*Informing - Notify/ Letting me know/ Getting back to someone
Example- Thank you for informing me about the change of plans.
B)Thank you for the update!
*Update - When you say "Thank you for the update" you implicitly acknowledge that you have received an update for which you are thanking the updater.
A)Thank you so much for informing me.
*Thank you so much -'Thank you so much' は「genuine(偽りのない)」な感じがします、本気で言っているニュアンスです。
例-Thank you so much for all your help.(手を貸してくれてありがとう)
*Informing(知らせる)- Notify/ Letting me know/ Getting back to someone
例- Thank you for informing me about the change of plans.(予定の変更教えてくれてありがとう)
B)Thank you for the update!
*Thank you for the update -「連絡ありがとう」と言うことで、情報を受け取ったことをそれとなく伝えています。
You can say :
"Thank you for the update."
"Thank you for letting me know."
"Noted! Thanks."
"Got it! Thank you."
"Thank you for the update."
"Thank you for letting me know."
"Noted! Thanks."
"Got it! Thank you."
To say "thank you" you can say "thank you" or "I appreciate".
"For letting me know" means for telling you/ contacting you.
"Update"or "Change" means the new information.
"感謝の意を表す時は、thank you又はI appreciateと言うことができます。
For letting me knowは知らせてくれる、連絡をするということです。
"Thanks for reaching out to us "
"Thanks for your request to collaborate"
Thank you for showing and interest in our company and making contact.
"Thanks for reaching out to us "
"Thanks for your request to collaborate"
"Thank you for showing and interest in our company and making contact."
The heads up = a warning that something is going to happen, usually so that you can prepare for it:
"This note is just to give you a heads-up that Vicky will be arriving next week."
"Thanks for messaging me about......"this form may be used whenever you wish to thank someone for doing something:
"Thanks for inviting me to your anniversary party."
"Thanks for picking up my son Johnny yesterday."
"Thanks for buying me a new coat - it's so warm!"
The heads up = これから起こる何かに備えるよう注意するよういうこと
"This note is just to give you a heads-up that Vicky will be arriving next week."
"Thanks for messaging me about......" これは、その人がしてくれた何かについて感謝するときに使います。
"Thanks for inviting me to your anniversary party." 記念日に招待してくれてありがとう。
"Thanks for picking up my son Johnny yesterday." ジョニーを昨日ピックアップしてくれてありがとう。
"Thanks for buying me a new coat - it's so warm!" 新しいコートを買ってくれてありがとう。すごく暖かいよ。
I'm really grateful that you informed me beforehand about the change.
I appreciate your letting me know about the schedule change.
I'm really grateful that you informed me about the change
means that you are very thankful that you were told before the time.
I appreciate your letting me know about the schedule change
means that you are grateful and could then alter your own
plans accordingly.
I'm really grateful that you informed me about the change
- 前もって知らせてくれたことに感謝していることを表します。
I appreciate your letting me know about the schedule change
- 予定変更を教えてくれたおかげで、それに合わせて自分の予定も変えることができ、感謝していることを表します。
Thank you for informing me about the change in lesson time.
Thank you for letting me know about the lesson time change.
Thank you so much for updating me.
It is of vital importance to get back to the teacher thanking him/her for informing you about the change in the lesson time. It is also important to mention what you are thanking him/her for so that he/she does not have to wonder as to what you are thanking him/her for. However, if you use the verb to 'update', there is no need to mention the reason why you are thanking him/her because to 'update' in this context means 'to give someone the latest information' the change in lesson time in this case.
So, you may say:
Thank you for informing me about the change in lesson time.
Thank you for letting me know about the lesson time change.
Thank you so much for updating me.
Thank you for informing me about the change in lesson time.
Thank you for letting me know about the lesson time change.
Thank you so much for updating me.
You can thank someone for contacting you in many different ways.
"Thanks for letting me know."
"Thanks for getting in touch with me."
"Thank you for telephoning me to let me know."
"Thank you for calling me to inform me of......."
"Thanks for letting me know."
"Thanks for getting in touch with me."
"Thank you for telephoning me to let me know."
"Thank you for calling me to inform me of......."
Thanks is the shortened way of saying thankyou, in an informal setting.
To appreciate is to be grateful for, so you could also say
''I am grateful for your time'' or ''I am grateful for your message''.
It might be a good idea to add
''I understand the change in schedule'' or ''I have noted the new lesson time''
”Thanks"は”Thank you"のショート版で、”Thank you"よりカジュアルです。
”To be grateful for"は、「感謝する」という意味で、”I am grateful for your time"(お時間ありがとうございます)または、”I am grateful for your message”(メッセージありがとうございます)と言うように使います。
「スケジュール変更、承知しました」という意味の”I understand the change in schedule"または”I have noted the new lesson time"を付け加えるのも良いかもしれません。
Thank you for ''keeping me in the loop'' means to be informed about everything regarding that subject. A loop is like a circle. If you are in the circle, you know the information. If you are outside the circle yo do not know everything regarding the subject.
''Thanks for letting me know.''- You are grateful that they let you know that the class has been cancelled/ changed etc.
'keeping someone in the loop'' は「〔ある事柄についての〕全ての情報を(人)に与える」という意味です。'loop' は 'circle'(円)のようなものです。その 'circle' の中にいると情報を与えられ、'circle' の外では、全ては知らされません。
''Thanks for letting me know.'' - 授業が中止/変更になったことを知らせてくれたことに感謝しています。
1)"Thanks for the heads up."はカジュアルな言い方なので、ビジネスのやり取りで使わない方がいいと思います。
2)"Thank you for letting me know." はビジネスでも私生活でも言います。
3)"Thank you for notifying me."の「notify」はフォーマルな言葉なので、ビジネスのやり取りで使います。
感謝の理由を含めるなら、"Thanks for the heads up about ~"や"Thank you for letting me know about ~"や"Thank you for notifying me about ~"と言います。例えば、レッスン予定の変更の場合、 "Thank you for letting me know about the change of the lesson schedule."になります。
"Thank you for contacting us" is when you reach out to a company, they usually thank you for reaching out to them.
Thank you for contacting us regarding your appointment today.
"Thank you for contacting us"(ご連絡いただきありがとうございます)は、会社に連絡したときです。会社は普通連絡をくれた人に感謝します。
Thank you for contacting us regarding your appointment today.(本日の予約に関してご連絡いただきありがとうございます)
"Thank you for getting in contact"
Is a formal expression widely used as it is very polite, thanking the correspondent for contacting you.
"Thanks for letting me know" A more casual expression used, thanking and saying that everything is understood.
"Keep me posted" is a very casual expression, to keep someone posted is to let the individual/group know if anything changes, something happens etc.
"Thank you for getting in contact"(連絡いただきありがとうございます)
= フォーマルな表現です。非常に丁寧なのでよく使われます。連絡をくれたことに感謝を伝えています。
"Thanks for letting me know"(知らせてくれてありがとうございます)
= よりカジュアルな表現です。感謝とともに、それを承知したことを伝えています。
"Keep me posted" は非常にカジュアルな表現です。"Keep someone posted" は「変更などがあれば逐次連絡をする」という意味です。
Thank you for getting hold of me.
Thanks for dropping a line.
drop a line: sending a note, letter or email.
We can thank someone for contacting us using any of the five sentences above.
It is polite to thank people for spending time and energy towards us.
Thank you for getting hold of me.(連絡してくれてありがとうございます)
Thanks for dropping a line.(連絡してくれてありがとうございます)
drop a line: 手紙やEメールを送る
Thank you for letting me know!
Thank you for … で「〜ありがとう」と英語で伝えることができます。
例えば、Thank you for helping なら「手伝ってくれてありがとう」になります。
let me know は「私に教える」「伝える」のようなニュアンスです。
Thanks for letting me know!
It's so nice of you to let me know.
I really appreciate it.
All three of the phrases: the heads up, letting me know and the update, can all be used to thank someone to letting us know that something in the plan has changed or there is information that we didn't know before but would be useful to know.
Thank you for letting me know!
let me know で「私に教える」を英語で表現することができます。
Thanks とするともう少しカジュアルになります。