世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/08/14 00:14
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  • ex-boyfriend

  • ex-girlfriend

  • ex

上から順に 「元彼」 「元カノ」 「元[恋人](」 です(^^) 例) He is my ex-boyfriend. 「彼は私の元カレです」 「元先生」もex teacherでいけます。 元カレや元カノに関しては、シンプルに ex だけで言うこともあります。 例) He is my ex. 「彼は私の元カレです」
  • my ex

  • my teacher from 〇〇

  • s/he used to be my teacher

元カレ、元カノはどちらも “my ex” です。 ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend と言わなくても my ex だけで通じます。 ex = [前](の、[かつての]( 昔の先生の場合も ex は使えるようですが、 “my teacher from high school” “my teacher from 4th grade” というように「その当時の先生」と言っても分かりやすいと思います。 “s/he used to be my teacher“ (彼/彼女は以前私の先生でした) と単に過去形にして表すこともできます。
  • My ex

  • My former teacher

Your 'ex' is a former husband, wife, or other partner in a relationship. Ex 1-‘I don't want my ex to spoil what I have now.’ Ex 2- ‘This one friend has been shrieking about her exes, and in particular, how one of them just keeps bludging on her, and how she keeps him happy by giving him $500 a month.’ Ex 3 -‘I've been so fixated on his exes and my neurotic and unnecessary reactions to them that I haven't even considered the effect on him of my past dozens.’ A teacher who previously taught you is a former teacher.
Ex'とは以前の夫、妻、またはその他の交際関係のパートナーのことです。 例1- ‘I don't want my ex to spoil what I have now.’ (私は以前の交際関係者に今あるものを台無しにしてほしくありません) 例2- ‘This one friend has been shrieking about her exes, and in particular, how one of them just keeps bludging on her, and how she keeps him happy by giving him $500 a month.’ (私のある友人が元彼/元夫、特にその中の1人が彼女を利用していて彼に月500ドル与えることで彼の機嫌をとっていることについて悲鳴をあげています) 例3- ‘I've been so fixated on his exes and my neurotic and unnecessary reactions to them that I haven't even considered the effect on him of my past dozens.’ (私は彼の元カノ/元妻たちに対する神経質で不必要な反応に執着していていたため、私の多くの元交際関係者の彼に対する影響を考慮していませんでした) 以前にあなたを指導していた先生は"former teacher"です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • my ex

  • my former teacher / my Kindergarten teacher

my ex - this is the person who you used to date, but you no longer date my former teacher / my (grade) teacher - this is your past teacher. You can either say "former" to mean past teacher or you can state the grade in which they taught you e.g. my elementary school teacher, my pre-K teacher, my college professor, etc.
"my ex" (元~) - これは以前はデートに出かけたり、付き合っていた人の事で今はもう別れてしまった相手の事を言います。 "my former teacher / my (grade) teacher" (前の先生/学校の先生) - 過去の先生の事を言います。 どちらでも使うことが出来ますが"former"とは"前の/元の"と言う意味で"grade"とは学年と言う意味なので"~年生の時の先生"と言う意味になります。 【例】 "My elementary school teacher, my pre-K teacher, my college professor, etc." (私の小学校の先生、保育園の先生、大学の教授など)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • My ex

  • Ex boyfriend/girlfriend

You would call someone you were romantically involved with in the past an "ex" - for example, you could say something like: my ex and I broke up because we wanted different things. We couldn't be together anymore. "ex" in a sense indicates that they are not your partner anymore (they were in the past).
過去にロマンチックな関係にあった人の事を"ex"と呼ぶことが出来ます。 例えば、次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例】 "My ex and I broke up because we wanted different things. We couldn't be together anymore." (私と元カレは違う事を求めるようになったので別れました。一緒にはもういられませんでした) "ex" とはある意味、もうあなたのパートナーではない人の事を意味します。 (過去の人という意味ですよね)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Ex girlfriend/boyfriend/partner

  • Ex professor

"Ex-Girlfriend/boyfriend/Partner" is the proper way to describe someone that used to be your gf/bf/partner. "Ex-professor" this works the same way for professors or classmates.
"Ex-Girlfriend/boyfriend/Partner" 元カノ/元カレ/元パートナー "Ex-professor" 元教授 「ex-」は「教授」「クラスメート」にも使えます。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • ex

  • ex girlfriend or boyfreind

  • old teacher

examples "they used to be my teacher". or "that's my old teacher". in the context of relationships "i bumped into my ex the other day". or "i saw my ex-boyfriend/girlfriend the other day". an ex is the word used to describe a person you used to be in a relationship with.
【例文】 "They used to be my teacher" (彼らは私の元先生です) "That's my old teacher" (あれは私の元先生です) 質問の関係は次のようになります。 "I bumped into my ex the other day". (先日、元彼に出くわしました) "I saw my ex-boyfriend/girlfriend the other day" (先日、元カレ/元カノを見ました) この"ex"とはあなたが前に関係のあった人の事を表します。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Ex-boyfriend

  • Ex-girlfriend

An Ex-boyfriend is used when we are referring to a male and Ex-girlfriend is used when we are referring to a female. Examples: I don't speak with my ex-boyfriend anymore. I don't like to think about my ex-girlfriend, it makes me sad.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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