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2017/09/11 16:59
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  • A) Thank you for the email ,however i have already received similar information.

  • B) Thank you for getting in touch, Your colleague has already informed me. Keep well!

A) Thank you for the email ,however i have already received similar information. *Email-messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network. Example-"reading email has become the first task of the morning" *However-.used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously. Example-"People tend to put on weight in middle age. However, gaining weight is not inevitable" *Already-before or by now or the time in question. Example-"Anna has suffered a great deal already" *Received-be given, presented with, or paid (something). Example-"the band will receive a £100,000 advance" *Similar-having a resemblance in appearance, character, or quantity, without being identical. Example-"a soft cheese similar to Brie" *Information -facts provided or learned about something or someone. "a vital piece of information" B) Thank you for getting in touch, Your colleague has already informed me. Keep well! *Getting in touch - Thank you for contacting me *Colleague -a person with whom one works in a profession or business. *Informed-having or showing knowledge of a subject or situation. Example-"an informed readership" I hope this helps ! :-)
A) Thank you for the email ,however i have already received similar information. *Email-eメール 例 "reading email has become the first task of the morning" メールを読むことが朝の最初の業務になってきた。 *However-.これは矛盾するような言葉や言ったことと相反することを導入する際に言います。 例 "People tend to put on weight in middle age. However, gaining weight is not inevitable" 中年の頃は太りやすい。しかし、太ることは避けられないことではない。 *Already-既に、それより前に 例 "Anna has suffered a great deal already" アンネは既に十分に苦しんだ。 *Received-受け取る、給料をもらう. 例 "the band will receive a £100,000 advance" そのバンドは前払いで£100,000を貰う。 *Similar-似る。 例 "a soft cheese similar to Brie" ブリエに似た柔らかいチーズ。 *Information -情報 "a vital piece of information" 情報の最も大事な部分 B) Thank you for getting in touch, Your colleague has already informed me. Keep well! *Getting in touch - 連絡を取ってくれてありがとう *Colleague -ビジネスや仕事での同僚 *Informed-その状況をよく知っている 例 "an informed readership" よく状況を理解しているリーダー I hope this helps ! :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for your email, however, a colleague of yours has already emailed.

  • Thank you for reaching out, I have also received a similar email from you colleague.

These two phrases are polite ways to inform the sender that you have already received an email. It is also direct, straight to the point. Reaching out - is the same as getting in touch, contacting you. You can also keep the formal tone with these expressions.
この2つのフレーズは、送信者にメールを受け取ったことを知らせるための丁寧な言い方です。 これらの表現で直接的で伝えたいポイントに言及しています。 Reaching out -あなたと連絡を取り合う。 または、あなたに連絡するという意味です。 この言い方はフォーマルな表現です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • That's the second letter of introduction I've received from that company

  • I've had two very similar letters from two different people working at that company

There could be a good reason for the duplication Perhaps this person really wants to be sure you know how good he is! "Did you get a reference back from Eon Electrical yet about that representative?" "Yes, indeed! I've had two very similar letters from two different people working at that company." "Oh, and what is that letter you have?" "That's the second letter of introduction I've received from that company." "Well, I hope they're positive."
同じ通知が来たことには理由があると思いますが、おそらくその人の素晴らしさをあなたがちゃんと理解しているのか確認したかったのではないでしょうか? "Did you get a reference back from Eon Electrical yet about that representative?" イオン電機から代表のリファレンスもらった? "Yes, indeed! I've had two very similar letters from two different people working at that company." ああ、もちろん。同じような内容をそこで働く別々の二人からもらったよ。 "Oh, and what is that letter you have?" なるほど、その君の持っているレターは? "That's the second letter of introduction I've received from that company." これはその会社からもらった二つ目の紹介文です。 "Well, I hope they're positive." すごく前向きらしいな。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for your message, however, I was already informed by your colleague.

  • Thank you for contacting me, but I already received the information that I needed from your co-worker..

1. Thank you for your message, however, I was already informed by your colleague. The word "informed"means having or showing knowledge of a situation. A "colleague" is a person with whom one works in a profession or business. This statement is saying that you already received knowledge of the situation from someone who words with him/her. 2. Thank you for contacting me, but I already received the information that I needed from your co- worker.. This is just another way to express the sentence above.
1. Thank you for your message, however, I was already informed by your colleague. ご連絡ありがとうございます。しかしあなたの同僚からもう連絡を受けています。 informedは、状況を把握しているということです。 colleagueは、職場で一緒に働いている人のことです。 この表現は、一緒に働いている人から現在の状況を知っているということを言っています。 2. Thank you for contacting me, but I already received the information that I needed from your co-worker.. ご連絡ありがとうございます。しかし、あなたの同僚から必要な情報を 既に頂いています。 これは上記の文の意味を表現する別の言い方です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I got a response from a different route.

  • I received a contact via another route.

1) 平易な言い方です。「別経由」は「別のルート」で訳せます。「連絡」はいろいろな言い方がありますが、この場合は「応答」としました。 2) 丁寧な言い方です。会社などではこちらのほうがいいでしょう。
  • I received an email similar to this message from a different employee at your company.

  • I received an email almost identical to this message from another employee at your company.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you received a message that was similar to another message you received from a different employee at the same company. In the second sentence you will notice the word almost identical. This word means similar or alike. This word is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記例文は二つとも、同じ会社の違う従業員からメッセージを受信したことを表す文章です。 二つ目の文章に、"identical"という形容詞が使われていますが、「同じような」という意味があります。日常会話によく使う言葉なので、貴方のボキャブラリーに追加してくださいね。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I already received a similar message from one of your colleagues.

First, you want to make sure you politely acknowledge their message and thank them for their message. Later, you want to let them know that you have already received a similar message from someone in the same company. Someone that works with them would be called a co-worker, a colleague, fellow worker, or an associate. So you can say, "I already received an email from one of your associates". "I have a similar email from one of your fellow employees".
先ず、相手にメッセージを受け取ったことを伝え、御礼を言うと良いですね。それから、同じ会社の他の人から既にメッセージを受け取ったことを伝えると良いでしょう。 同じ会社で働く人のことを"co-worker", "colleague", "fellow worker", "associate"などと言います。例えば― "I already received an email from one of your associates." (別の方から既にメールを受け取りました。) "I have a similar email from one of your fellow employees." (別の方から同じような内容のメールをもらいました。)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for the email; however, your colleague has already emailed me.

  • Thanks for the email, but your co-worker has already emailed me regarding this matter.

When you want to thank someone for an email and also explain to them that their co-worker has already made contact with you on the same matter/introduction; then you can say: -Thank you for the email; however, you colleague has already emailed me. -Thanks for the email, but your co-worker has already emailed me regarding this matter. -Your colleague, Sam, has already made contact with me about (this matter / introduced me to the person). Thank you for your email.
メールを送ってくれた相手に感謝し、同じ件(紹介)についてその人の同僚から連絡を受けたことを説明する言い方です: 【例文】 -Thank you for the email; however, your colleague has already emailed me. 〔訳〕メールありがとうございます。ですが別経由で連絡が来ています -Thanks for the email, but your co-worker has already emailed me regarding this matter. 〔訳〕メールありがとうございます。ですが、あなたの同僚からその件でメールをいただいています。 -Your colleague, Sam, has already made contact with me about (this matter / introduced me to the person). Thank you for your email. 〔訳〕あなたの同僚のサムから、すでに(その件/紹介)について連絡を頂いています。メールありがとうございました。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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