世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/19 13:07
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  • your hair has grown

  • your hair has got longer

your hair=あなたの[髪](の毛 です Grown(=[伸びた](はgrowの過去形なのでこの場合はこれを使います heaps=たくさん 質問にお答えする感じだと to tell someone that you haven't seen in a long time that their hair has grown you can say, "Wow!! your hair has grown heaps" 「久しぶりに会った友人に髪が伸びたことを伝える時は"Wow!! your hair has grown heaps"と言えます。
  • Wow, your hair has grown longer!

The word "wow" is used to show the excitement in your voice and that you are happy. We use "longer" to compare two items and longest for more than two items. In this case you are comparing two time periods.
"wow"は、自分が[嬉しかったり](自分の[興奮](を表す時に使います。 longerは二つのアイテムを比べる時、どちらが長いのかを比べる時に使います。 この場合は、二つの期間を比べています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Wow your hair has grown since last time we met!

  • Oh, I like the Jesus look!

Yes, people may change considerably if you don't see them for an extended period of time. They may put on weight, age, get pregnant - or change their hair. "Hey Sue, where have you been the last five years?" "I married an American. We have two kids." "That's great to hear. Wow your hair has grown since last time we met!" "Yes, I always keep it long these days." "Well, it suits you!"
はい、長期間あっていないと、人が大きく変わることがあります。彼らは太ったり、年をとり、妊娠したり、髪を変えたりしているでしょう。 「ちょっとスー、ここ5年間どこいってたの?」 「私はアメリカ人と結婚しました。私たちには2人の子供がいます。」 「それは聞くのは素晴らしいことです。私たちが最後に会って以来、ずいぶん髪伸びたね!」 「はい、最近はいつも長くしています。」 「まあ、あなたに合っているわよ!」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Your hair has really grown.

  • Your hair grew a lot.

  • Your hair has gotten longer.

We also describe hair as luxuriant, thick, and healthy. Also the word flowing means the hair is hanging in an attractive way. For example, "Your hair long is long and flowing".
髪の毛に使える形容詞は、 luxuriant, thick, healthyなどがあります。 また、 flowing は、髪の毛が魅力的にたなびくという意味です。 例 "Your hair long is long and flowing". 君の髪が長くたなびいている。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Your hair has grown since I last saw you.

  • Wow, I can't believe how long you hair is!

Both of these sentences are a great way to let someone know that their hair has grown since you last saw them. You can also ask if they like it that length, if they would like to cut it, or what they did to make their hair grow so fast.
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Your hair has really grown

  • your hair is longer

  • you have grown your hair long

examples "wow, your hair has grown so much since i last saw you". or "wow, your hair grew long !". or "i cannot believe how long your hair is".
例文 "Wow, your hair has grown so much since I last saw you". わぁ、前回会ってから髪の毛が本当に伸びたね "Wow, your hair grew long !". わぁ、髪の毛が伸びたね "I cannot believe how long your hair is". 髪の毛がそんなに長いなんて信じられない
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Your hair has grown

  • Your hair has got really long

  • Are you growing your hair?

Commenting on someone’s hair is a nice way to break the ice and pay a compliment at the same time. Your hair has grown or gotten longer both imply a change from the last time you met. Whereas are you growing your hair would show a change in length but also allow the person you are talking to a chance to respond and talk
場を和ませたり、相手を褒めたいときは、髪について話すといいですね。 「Your hair has grown」「Your hair has gotten longer」どちらも、その前に会ったときから変化していることを表します。 「Are you growing your hair?」も髪の毛が伸びたことを表しますが、こちらは質問です(相手の返答を待ちます)。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Your hair has grown!

  • Your hair has changed!

  • Your hair has gotten longer!

We can use the verb, "to grow," to refer to the change in length, height, age, etc. or something. We can also use the more general verb, "to change," to refer that something was different that how we're used to seeing it before. Lastly we can use the phrase, "has gotten longer," in the case that the hair was longer than the last time we saw it.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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