A genius is someone with an exceptional or high level of intelligence. They have above average skill and knowledge compared to other people that know things about a particular skill or topic. Being a genius makes you the the smartest person on a topic.
If a person has an exceptional skill in a particular area of activity then that person is referred to as an "Expert" Example: He is an expert in the field of Aeronautic Engineering.
"He is an expert in the field of Aeronautic Engineering"
Using any of these words refers to the person as being very intelligent - not just your average person, but someone who stands out because of their amazing ability.
It may be that they are very bright, and know a lot of things or are able to problem solve very well. It could also be that they are talented in some area such as music, art or technology.
exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.
"she was a teacher of genius"
synonyms: brilliance, great intelligence, great intellect, great ability, cleverness, brains, erudition, wisdom, sagacity, fine mind, wit,
Someone who has a high IQ is also called a genius. The initials IQ stand for Intelligence Quotient.
”Genius” (天才)
”She was a teacher of genius”
brilliance, great intelligence, great intellect, great ability, cleverness, brains, erudition, wisdom, sagacity, fine mind, wit
IQは"Intelligence Quotient"(知能指数)の頭文字をとったものです。
She is a genius pianist.
Mozart was a child prodigy.
My son is a maths genius.
He’s not a genius but he has a very high IQ.
Talented - Having a natural skill for something.
Example - Lucy was a talented young dancer.
Gifted - Someone with a talent whose potential is distinctly above average in one or more ways.
Example - Lucy is a very gifted singer.
Talented - ある天性の才能があること
例:Lucy was a talented young dancer.(ルーシーは才能のある若手ダンサーです。)
Gifted -才能があり、可能性が大いにある人
例: Lucy is a very gifted singer.(ルーシーはとても才能のある歌手です。)
There's no such thing as genius.
Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.
He's a genius.
A person that is naturally intelligent - that is, they have a very high IQ - is usually called a "genius".
For example, you can say: my son has an IQ of 180. He is a genius.
A person that is naturally skilled or is exceptional in a certain area of activity can be called a an expert, but sometimes can also use the words "master" and "genius".
-John Legend is a musical genius. He writes and sings music very well.
-Sam is an expert in his field. He is an environmental lawyer and that's what he specializes in.
My son has an IQ of 180. He is a genius.
-John Legend is a musical genius. He writes and sings music very well.
(John Legendは音楽の天才です。歌手としてもソングライターとしても素晴らしいです)
-Sam is an expert in his field. He is an environmental lawyer and that's what he specializes in.
Someone who is inherently (born) smart, clever, intelligent, is usually referred to as a genius, like Einstein.
For example.
What did you get in your test today?
Again, every test you do you get an A. You must be a genius.
I am not sure about that.
You are certainly intelligent.
I hope that helps.
Have a great day.
「彼はピアノの天才だ」とは"He is a genius at the piano"や"He, as a pianist, is just out of this world."という表現があります。"genius"は「天才」という意味です。"out of this world"とは「この世界以外の人間ではないか?!」と才能に圧倒されている意味を表現しています。
"extremely gifted"とは「素晴らい才能がある」と訳せます。
例文:"She is so extremely gifted, we are lucky to be able to teach her."「彼女は本当に素晴らしい才能を持っている。彼女を教えられるとは私たちは運が良い。」
Someone who is naturally exceptionally intelligent or has exceptional skill/talent in a particular area of activity is known as: an expert, a talent, genius, someone with a real gift for doing something.
an expert = エキスパート
a talent = 才能あふれる人
genius = 天才
someone with a real gift for doing something = ~の才能のある人
He is a genius pianist.
He is a gifted pianist.
She is a shogi prodigy.
We can't do this on our own, we need a genius to help us.
When it comes to science, she is a genius.
天才 genius
He finally solved the problem, he's a genius.
We can't do this on our own, we need a genius to help us.
When it comes to science, she is a genius.
Someone who is very knowledgable in general or towards a specific topic can be considered a, "genius," in that field or in general.
Someone who is an, "expert," is someone who is very talented or knowledgeable in a field or practice.
"Intelligent," is a very general term for someone who is very smart.