Any of the above suggestions may be used when speaking about someone who works for a company. Such person may also be said to be 'on the payroll of..' or 'in the employ of..' a company.
"From yesterday, John's on the BMW payroll."
上記単語はどれも「従業員」または「社員」という意味として使えます。また、"on the payroll of"や"in the employ of"(○○社に雇用されている)という言い方もあります。
例:From yesterday, John's on the BMW payroll.
company employee
permanent member of staff (正社員)
full-time member of staff
full-time employee
My company employs many excellent members of staff.
Last month, ABC company laid off 10,000 employees.
Mr Tanaka has wanted to become a permanent member of staff for a long time.
All the words can be used to describe someone who works in a job
Employee is a more formal way of saying a person that works for the company
Worker is a single person and a less formal way of saying it
Staff is a general term used to describe more than one person that works for a company
In English, an ‘employee’ is the formal way of describing someone who works for a company. If someone works for themselves, e.g. a musician, we might say they are ‘self-employed’. The word ‘worker’ is a more informal term, or might be used in certain companies, e.g. ‘the workers for this building company’. The phrase ‘member of staff’ is especially used in workplaces such as hospitals and schools.
「worker」は、よりインフォーマルに使われるか、例えば「the workers for this building company(この建設会社の社員)」のように一部の会社で使われることがあります。
「member of staff」という言い回しは、病院や学校などの職場で特に使われます。
I'm an employee here.
Please write the number of employees employed at your current employer.
Oh, sorry. I'm not an employee here.
Full-time employees work 40 hours a week.
A:What does your father do?
A: お父さんの職業はなんですか?
B: He’s a businessman.
B: 彼はビジネスマンです。
My sister is a successful businesswoman.
So you are the owner of the company, am I right?
Yes you are.
So how many people work for you?
I have about fifty employees.
Oh, very good.
I hope that helps.
Have a great day.
"staff"(名詞)も「社員」を意味します。「彼は会社の社員です。」の文法は"He is a member of the company staff."または"He is on the company staff."になります。
He is no longer an employee at ABC.
He is no longer a staff member at ABC.
He is no longer a worker at ABC.
1.) employee (社員) 「社員」は英語でいろいろな訳出がありますが、今回の一番適切な訳出はemployeeと訳せます。会社について話しているときは英語で自然に「社員」は英語でemployeeと訳せます。「社員」も英語でworkerと訳せますが、workerのほうが働いている人というニュアンスがあります。会社は関係ありません。
He is an employee at a well known company. (彼は有名な会社の社員です)
"Staff" is usually referred to as a group of employees within a company. You can say "Amy is a member of our staff."
Personnel is very similar to staff. It just refers to individual people within a group. "Many of the personnel involved in this company require training."
Laborer/worker is not as widely used. It can sometimes be demeaning. So instead we use employee or staff.
Yesterday I was chosen to be an employee for Sega.
At this company, employees are expected to arrive at work on time and ready to perform your tasks.
社員 employee, company employee
I am a company employee for Toyota Corporation.
Yesterday I was chosen to be an employee for Sega.
At this company, employees are expected to
arrive at work on time and ready to perform your tasks.