世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/29 18:11
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  • I stop eating when I am 80% or 90% full.

  • Because I look at my health I never eat until I am 100% full. I stop at 80% or 90%.

▪ I stop eating when I am 80% or 90% full. ▪ Because I look at my health I never eat until I am 100% full. I stop at 80% or 90%. Both sentences indicate clearly that you stop eating when you are about 80% or 90% full. Any of the above sentences can be used in this situation.
▪ I stop eating when I am 80% or 90% full. (80%か90%満腹になったら食べるのをやめるんだ。) ▪ Because I look at my health I never eat until I am 100% full. I stop at 80% or 90%. (健康に気をつけているので、100%満腹になるまで食べることなんて絶対にしないよ。80%か90%でやめるよ。) この文章は、だいたい80%か90%空腹になったときに食べるのをやめるという意味です。上の回答例はどちらも使えます。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I only stop eating when I am 90% full.

  • I don't stop eating until I am 90% full.

In the first statement, you are saying that you will carry on eating and eating until you are 90% full. That is the only time when you decide to stop eating and not when you are 70% or 85% full. The second statement is exactly the same as the first one, except that it has been stated a little differently. Instead of the phrase 'I only stop eating', you have used the phrase 'I don't stop eating'. So, you may say: I only stop eating when I am 90% full. or I don't stop eating until I am 90% full.
最初の回答例では、あなたは90%満腹になるまで食べ続けるという意味です。あなたは70%や85%満腹ではなく90%満腹になれば食べるのを止めます。 2番目の回答例では、少し表現の仕方が違うのを除けばだいたい同じ意味です。"I only stop eating"というフレーズの代わりに、"I don't stop eating"というフレーズが使われています。よって、以下のように言うことが出来ます。 "I only stop eating when I am 90% full." (私は90%満腹になった時に初めて食べるのを止めます。) "I don't stop eating untill I am 90% full." (私は90%空腹になるまで食べるのを止めません。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I don't eat until I am completely full because it is unhealthy.

The phrase "completely full" would be one hundred percent so your listener will be able to imply that you eat until you are mostly full. Your listener may then ask you about your eating habits. I hope that this helps. :)
"completely full" は「100%」のことですから、腹八分目までしか食べないというニュアンスになります。もしかしたらこの後食生活について相手が質問してくるかもしれません。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I never stuff myself with food!

  • Stuffing your face (idiom) can lead to health I never stuff myself with food

Over-eating has become a plague in the modern world with so many people becoming "morbidly obese". Health issues are at an all-time (high due to over eating...) (stuffing one's face" or stuffing yourself with food is ...BAD for you! Stuffing your face (idiom) can lead to health I never stuff myself with food
食べ過ぎは現在の世界で悩みの種となっていて、本当に多くの人が病的に太っています。健康問題は、いつも起こっています。(一番の原因は食べ過ぎです。食べ過ぎは身体に悪いです。) 例文 Stuffing your face (idiom) can lead to health I never stuff myself with food 食べ物をたくさん食べ過ぎると、健康問題につながります ですから私は決してお腹いっぱいになるまで食べません
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I stop eating when I am 80-90% full

  • I only eat until I'm 80-90% full

  • I never stuff myself with food

Sometimes if you are so full and have eaten so much it makes you feel uncomfortable or unwell so it is always best to leave a bit of space in your stomach (only eat 80-90% full) if you eat so much you feel unwell this is said that you 'stuff yourself'
お腹がいっぱいになるまで食べると、不快感を感じたり気分が悪くなることもあります。ですから、少しお腹に隙間を残すぐらい(腹八分目、九分目)がちょうどいいですね。 気分が悪くなるほどたくさん食べることは、'stuff yourself' で表すことができます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I eat until I am satisfied and not full

  • I only eat until the point I am about 80 or 90% full

  • Once I am 80 or 90% full I stop eating as eating until you're full is damaging to the body

"I eat until I am satisfied and not full" 'satisfied' is the term given when you are pleased and content. "I only eat until the point i am about 80 or 90% full" is more casual and often used when describing that you only eat until 80/90% full. "Once I am 80 or 90% full I stop eating as eating until you're full is damaging to the body" is a more polite and formal way of describing this, as there is more context within the sentence and a reason as to why you do not consume food until you're full. also using 'once', (similar to using 'when') is often used more formally as apposed to other casual words.
"I eat until I am satisfied and not full"(私は満腹になるまでではなく満足するまで食べます) = 'satisfied' は「満足する」という意味です。 "I only eat until the point I am about 80 or 90% full"(腹八分目、九分目くらいまでしか食べません) = カジュアルで一般的な言い方です。腹八分しか食べないと伝えています。 "Once I am 80 or 90% full I stop eating as eating until you're full is damaging to the body"(満腹になるまで食べるのは健康に良くないので腹八分目、九分目になったらやめます) = 丁寧でフォーマルな言い方です。より詳しく、満腹になるまで食べない理由を伝えています。 また、'once'('when' に近い意味)は他の似た意味の言葉と比べ、フォーマルな場面で使われることが多いです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want to feel completely stuffed so I only eat till i feel 90% full

  • It is not healthy to be 100% full so I eat until i'm nearly full

  • It is not good to be completely full, so I eat until I am 90% full

All options accurate relay the information that you don't believe it is healthy to be 100% full and therefore you eat enough food so that you feel relatively full but not overly full. 'To be stuffed' is an expression used to refer when you have eaten too much food and now feel incredibly full. It is usually accompanied with a negative feeling. Example Sentences: 'I'm stuffed after that buffet' 'I don't want to stuff myself with food today because I'm on a diet'
どの文も、「お腹いっぱいになるまで食べるのは健康的でないので私は腹八分までしか食べない」ことを正確に伝えています。 'To be stuffed' は食べ過ぎて満腹の状態を表す表現です。普通はネガティブな感覚を伴います。 例文: 'I'm stuffed after that buffet'(バイキングで食べ過ぎて満腹です) 'I don't want to stuff myself with food today because I'm on a diet'(ダイエット中だから食べ過ぎたくありません)
Harriet R DMM英会話講師
  • I try not to over-eat because it's not good for the body. So, I only eat until I'm about 80 or 90% full

When you want to explain that you do not usually eat until you are completely full because it is not good for the body, but only eat until you are 80 or 90% full; then you may explain this in the following way: -I try not to over-eat because it's not good for the body. So, I only eat until I'm about 80 or 90% full
「満腹になるまで食べると体に良くないので80~90%くらいで食事を終えます」は、次のように言えます。 -I try not to over-eat because it's not good for the body. So, I only eat until I'm about 80 or 90% full (体に良くないので食べ過ぎないようにしています。だいたい腹八分目から九分目くらいで終わりにしています)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I don't like to stuff myself.

  • I like to leave a little space when I eat.

英語のスラング的な回答になりますが、 "to stuff" (詰める)を「食べ過ぎ」という意味として表すことができます。 例えば"I'm stuffed!"は「私は詰め込まれた」「お腹いっぱい」という意味です。
  • I never totally appease my hunger

  • I eat to live, not to be a glutton!

  • I don't believe in the philosophy of 'Eat As Much As You Can.'

You don't eat until you are completely full, because it's not good for the body. You eat until you are 80 or 90% full - and want to explain that. There is a saying: 'Moderation in all things, and all things in moderation', and that seems to be the theme here.
「体によくないのでお腹いっぱいになるまでは食べない。腹八分目、九分目でやめておく」、これについて説明したいということですね。 ことわざがあります:'Moderation in all things, and all things in moderation'(何事もほどほどに) ここでは、これがテーマのようですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't like to overindulge.

  • I do not like to feel completely full.

  • I like to leave room when I eat.

I don't like to overindulge.' To 'overindulge' means to have too much of something. By saying 'I don't like to overindulge' we are expressing that we prefer things in moderation. 'I like to leave room when I eat.' 'Leaving room' in this instance refers to leaving room in your stomach. When we are full, it can feel quite uncomfortable, so we may prefer to leave room in order to avoid that discomfort.
I don't like to overindulge.'(食べ過ぎるのは好きじゃない) 'overindulge' は「食べ[飲み]過ぎる」という意味です。'I don't like to overindulge' と言って、「ほどほどが好きだ」と伝えています。 'I like to leave room when I eat.'(腹八分が好きです) 'leaving room'(スペースを残す)はここでは「胃のスペース」について言っています。お腹がいっぱいになるまで食べると、気持ちが悪くなることがありますね。胃に少しスペースを残しておくくらいがちょうどいいかもしれません。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I like to leave a little room

  • I don't like feeling stuffed

  • I prefer to eat until I'm nearly full

"I like to leave a little room" - explains you like to leave some room in your stomach, meaning your stomach is not completely full. "I don't like feeling stuffed" - feeling stuffed means feeling full of food. "I prefer to eat until I'm nearly full" - Full is another word for your stomach being filled completely with food.
"I like to leave a little room"(腹八分がいい) →「胃に少しスペース(room)を残しておきたい」と言っています。つまり、「満腹にはしない」ということ。 "I don't like feeling stuffed"(満腹まで食べるのは好きではありません) → 'feeling stuffed' はお腹いっぱいまで食べたときの感覚をいいます。 "I prefer to eat until I'm nearly full"(私は腹八分ぐらいが好きです) → 'full' は「お腹がいっぱい」という意味です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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