世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/03/12 13:56
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  • I just ate breakfast, but I am already hungry!

  • I do not understand why I am hungry, I just had breakfast.

These phrases can be interchanged for any meal whether is it breakfast, lunch or dinner.

"I ate breakfast, but I am already hungry!"(Already conveys the idea that you ate only a short while ago and are hungry very soon after eating.)

"I do not understand why I am hungry, I had breakfast."


 "I ate breakfast, but I am already hungry!"

"I do not understand why I am hungry, I had breakfast."

Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I'm hungry even though I just ate breakfast!

  • My stomach is like a bottomless pit!

  • I'm so greedy I could eat again already!

We use the phrase 'bottomless pit' to describe the feeling when you could eat so much but you still don't feel full. The real term for this feeling is 'insatiable'. A bottomless pit, is supposed to be a hole that does not have a base to it, no matter how much you fill it up, it will never be full!

 'bottomless pit' とは、食べ過ぎたけど、まだお腹がいっぱいに感じられない様子を意味します。正式な言葉は、'insatiable'(ものすごい食欲)と言います。A bottomless pitとは、もともと底抜けの穴で、どれだけいっぱいにしても、いっぱいにならないという意味です。

Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I just ate breakfast, but I am hungry already!

  • I can't believe I'm feeling hungry but only finished breakfast a short time ago!

You just ate breakfast, but are hungry already. You want to explain this situation. There are a couple of suggestions above.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I write a daily diary everyday

  • i keep a daily journal

  • i keep a diary everyday to record my thoughts

"I keep a daily diary everyday, to record my thoughts and activites."
"I keep a daily journal."
"I record my thoughts everyday in a diary."

"I keep a daily diary everyday, to record my thoughts and activites."

"I keep a daily journal."

"I record my thoughts everyday in a diary."

Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Not satiated....

  • I eat breakfast alright...but I am not saitiated...I feel hungry almost immediately!

“Satiety,” is a physical feeling of fullness that allows us to stop eating for a while....When this does not happen we can say we are" not satiated"
(not feeling full!) This is the correct way to describe that post food... empty feeling!
"I eat breakfast alright...but I am not saitiated...I feel hungry almost immediately!"

これが起こらないという事は"not satiated"(満足していない)と言う事になります。
"I eat breakfast alright...but I am not saitiated...I feel hungry almost immediately!"

Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I just ate breakfast but I am still hungry

  • I just had breakfast but I am not full

  • I am not full even though I have just had breakfast

When you want to explain that you have just had breakfast but are still hungry, you can say it in the following ways:
-I just ate breakfast but I am still hungry
-I just had breakfast but I am not full
-I am not full even though I have just had breakfast
-I have just eaten breakfast but I want to eat some more.


-I just ate breakfast but I am still hungry
-I just had breakfast but I am not full
-I am not full even though I have just had breakfast
-I have just eaten breakfast but I want to eat some more.

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I just ate breakfast, but i'm hungry again

  • I am hungry again even though i've just eaten breakfast

Sometimes when you eat you feel hungry again afterwards so the best way to say this is
'I just ate breakfast. but i'm hungry again' or
'I am hungry again even though i've just eaten breakfast'
These would both be great ways to tell someone this

'I just ate breakfast, but I'm hungry again'
'I am hungry again even though I've just eaten breakfast'


Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I ate breakfast not too long ago but I'm already hungry.

  • I can't believe I'm already hungry, I just had breakfast!

The two sentences you see above are excellent ways to express to your listeners that you are already hungry even though you already had breakfast. In the first sentence you will see a the term not too long ago. This means something happened recently. This is a phrase that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.


最初の文に「not too long ago」という表現があります。「not too long ago」は、少し前に起きた事を表します。これは、日常会話でよく使われる表現で、あなたの語彙力に大きなプラスとなるでしょう。

Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I'm still hungry even though I just ate.

  • I just had breakfast, but I'm hungry again!

If you want to explain that you just ate breakfast, but you are hungry already, you can say:
"I'm still hungry even though I just ate."
"I just had breakfast, but I'm hungry again!"


"I'm still hungry even though I just ate."(まだ食べたばかりなのに、もうお腹がすいている)
"I just had breakfast, but I'm hungry again!"(朝ご飯を食べたばかりなのにもうお腹がすいている)

Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I just ate breakfast but I'm still hungry.

  • I'm starving even after eating breakfast!

  • I'm not full yet.

These expressions convey the idea that you're still very hungry. "I'm starving" is an exaggerated way of saying I'm very hungry. "Full" describes how satisfied you were with your food.

これらの表現は、まだお腹が空いていることを意味します。"I'm starving"は、とてもお腹が空いていることを強調した表現です。  "Full"は、お腹がいっぱいのという意味です。

Yash DMM英会話講師
  • I can't believe I'm still hungry, I've only just had breakfast

  • I am still ravenous

  • I have a ravenous appetite

For an informal explanation of feeing hungry you can just use the phrase, I can't believe I'm still hungry, I've only just had breakfast. This is a nice phrase which allows you to express surprise at feeling hungry.
For a more sophisticated phrase choose ravenous. Ravenous means extremely hungry.
To have a ravenous appetite is to be very hungry and unable to satisfy your desire for food.

カジュアルな表現は、I can't believe I'm still hungry, I've only just had breakfast.(まだお腹が空いているのが信じられない。朝食を食べたばかりなのに。)です。これは、自分がまだお腹が空いていることにびっくりしていることを伝えます。 

より洗練されたフレーズにしたいときは、ravenousを使います。Ravenous とは、とてもお腹が空いているという意味です。

To have a ravenous appetiteとは、とてもお腹が空いていて、食べたくて仕方がないという意味です。

Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • I just ate breakfast but I'm still hungry.

  • I just ate breakfast but I'm hungry again already.

"I just ate breakfast but I'm still hungry." This suggests that you did not eat enough food for breakfast to satisfy your hunger, and you could eat more food.

"I just ate breakfast but I'm hungry again already." This suggests while the breakfast may have temporarily satisfied your hunger, you want to eat again because your appetite has returned.

"I just ate breakfast but I'm still hungry."


 "I just ate breakfast but I'm hungry again already."


Ross H DMM英会話講師
  • How can I be hungry when I have just eaten?

  • I want to eat again even though I just did!

  • I have a big appetite today!

Appetite' is a noun to describe how hungry we are and how much we would like to eat. If we say we have a 'big appetite' - we are saying we could eat a lot. Conversely, saying we have 'no appetite' implies we do not want to eat anything.

We can say our appetite is fulfilled if we have eaten and do not wish to eat anymore. If you have eaten, but would like to eat again, we could say that our appetite is not fulfilled/satisfied.

Appetite'(食欲)は、どれほどお腹が空いているか、どれほど食べたいかを表す名詞です。 'big appetite'とは、たくさん食べることができるということです。一方、 'no appetite'とは、何も食べたくないということです。 
たくさん食べて、もう食べられないことをappetite is fulfilledと言います。食べたのにまた食べたいことを appetite is not fulfilled/satisfiedと言います。

Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I'm already hungry even though I just finished breakfast.

  • I am hungry despite just finishing breakfast.

Using phrases like "despite" or "even though" can be used when saying something has happened or is occurring even if something else has just taken place. Example: "I'm already hungry even though I just finished breakfast."

 ~したにもかかわらずという意味の"despite" や "even though"を使うことで、あることが起こったことを表します。 

"I'm already hungry even though I just finished breakfast."

Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I just had some breakfast and I'm still hungry!

  • I'm still hungry, even after having breakfast!

Had' is past tense, so you can also use that to describe that you had something but need more of it now.
Saying 'I'm still hungry' at the start of the sentence may be better for people looking after you. Maybe if you are on holiday or a trip, you say that line first and they know exactly what your problem is. Straight to the point, and in alot of countries that is a good thing. (I.e in Germany)

Had' は、過去形なので、何か食べたけれどもっと食べたいことを表すのに使うことのできる言葉です。

はじめに'I'm still hungry' (まだお腹が空いている)と言うのがいいでしょう。このように言うことで、あなたの問題を相手が気遣ってくれるでしょう。ドイツなどのようにストレートに言うのがよしとされる国もあります。

Bradley A bradleya
  • I've just eaten my breakfast, but I am already hungry.

  • Although I ate breakfast just now, I feel hungry already.

  • I am already starving even after my breakfast.

1) 和文との時系列を合わせました。

2) 「今食べた」のに、「空腹を感じる」と、althoughから始まる逆接の従属節としています。

3) 「朝ごはん直後でも」とevenから始まる「句」でも表現できます。

Tomomi Inden 同時通訳/翻訳/大学客員講師
  • "I just ate breakfast but I'm hungry already"

  • "I should not be hungry already, I have just ate breakfast"

  • "My stomach is still not full but I have only just eaten breakfast"

If you have just eaten breakfast but you are hungry already, you could say any of the following: "I just ate breakfast but I'm hungry already", "I should not be hungry already, I have just ate breakfast" or "My stomach is still not full but I have only just eaten breakfast".


"I just ate breakfast but I'm hungry already"(さっき朝ご飯を食べたばかりなのにもうおなかがすいた)
"I should not be hungry already, I have just ate breakfast"(さっき朝ご飯食べたばかりだから、おなかがすくはずはないんだけど)
"My stomach is still not full but I have only just eaten breakfast"(さっき朝ご飯を食べたばかりなのにもうおなかがすいた)

Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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