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もし外国に行ったときにどんなイメージか聞きたいからです。 教えてください!
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2018/05/15 18:51
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  • What's your impression of Japan?

What's your impression of Japan? →[日本](にはどんな[印象](を持っていますか? 「impression」は「印象」という意味です。 「Japan」は「日本」なので、代わりに「Japanese people」で「日本人」としても良いでしょう。 【例】 First impressions are lasting impressions. →第一印象はなかなか覆らない 回答は一例ですので、参考程度にしてください。 ありがとうございました
  • What's your impression of Japanese people?

  • What are your thoughts about the Japanese?

例文1「あなたの[日本人](の印象は?」 「[印象](」は impression を使うのが一般的かと思います。 例文2「あなたの日本人の感想は?」 印象を聞く時に、What are your thoughts を使うこともできます。 「日本人」は Japanese people と言ったり、the Japanese と言うこともできます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • What do you think about the Japanese?

  • What's your impression of Japanese people?

  • How do you like Japan so far?

Use these phrases when speaking to a foreigner or someone who is visiting Japan. You may also use these phrases and you are traveling abroad and you meet someone interested in Japan or Japanese culture. You can also use this question before sharing some interesting facts about Japanese people, culture, or society.
日本を訪れている外国人などにこれらのフレーズを使ってみてください。 海外旅行で日本や日本の文化に興味を持っている人に出会った時に使うこともできます。 また、日本人や日本の文化についての興味深い事実を伝える前にこの質問を使ってもいいです。
Jaymie Gee DMM英会話講師
  • What do you think about Japanese people?

  • What are your thoughts on Japanese people?

  • What's your impression of Japanese people?

To ask someone's thoughts, views, opinions, or impression of Japanese people you can ask "What do you think about Japanese people?"
日本人についての考え、見方、意見や印象を尋ねたいなら、以下のように聞けます: What do you think about Japanese people? (日本人についてどう思いますか?)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • What is your impression of Japanese people?

  • What do you think about Japanese people?

  • What's your opinion of Japanese people?

When you want to ask someone what their impression is of Japanese people; then you may ask in the following ways: -What is your impression of Japanese people? -What do you think about Japanese people? -What's your opinion of Japanese people?
日本人の印象を聞きたいときは、以下のフレーズが使えます: 【例文】 -What is your impression of Japanese people? [訳]日本人の印象を教えてください。 -What do you think about Japanese people? [訳]日本人についてどう思いますか? -What's your opinion of Japanese people? [訳]日本人についてどう思いますか?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What is your impression of Japanese people?

  • What are your thoughts about the Japanese people?

When ask about a person's 'impression' or 'thoughts' about something you imply that you are asking for a feeling, or opinion about something formed on the basis of little or no evidence. If you want a more informed opinion then you should ask 'What do you know about Japanese people/culture?'
impression'(印象)や'thoughts'(考え)は、ほとんどあるいは全く経験したことのないことについての意見というニュアンスです。 より詳しく聞きたいなら、以下のフレーズが使えます: 'What do you know about Japanese people/culture?' [訳]日本人/日本文化について何を知っていますか?
Mirek DMM英会話講師
  • What comes to your mind when you see Japanese people?

  • What do you think about the Japanese?

What comes to your mind when you see Japanese people? By requesting to be told of the first thing that comes to mind, this is actually asking for an honest opinion of Japanese people. This may contain what they have heard or what has been showed by the media, but it will still be what has been impressed on them about Japanese people. What do you think about the Japanese? This question seeks for a personal opinion on the collective group called Japanese people. The opinion given may be based on the Japanese culture, traditions or any knowledge they have of the Japanese people, perhaps on some they have met.
What comes to your mind when you see Japanese people? (日本人はどんな印象ですか) 日本人についての正直な意見を尋ねています。それは誰かから聞いたことかもしれませんし、報道を通して知ったことかもしれません。ただ、それでもその人の中で印象に残ったことです。 What do you think about the Japanese? (日本人についてどう思いますか?) これは、日本人全体に対する意見を尋ねます。これに対する答えは、日本の文化や伝統、相手の知識、過去に出会った人などに基づいたものになります。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • What do you think of Japanese people?

  • What are your thoughts on the Japanese?

If you want someone to express their thoughts on a topic, you can use a phrase like "what do you think about...?" Or "share your thoughts on..."
人の考えを聞きたい時は、次のフレーズが使えます: "What do you think about …?" [訳]~についてどう思いますか? "Share your thoughts on…" [訳]~についてあなたの意見を教えてください
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • What do you think of Japanese people?

  • What’s your impression of Japanese people?

  • What’s your impression of the Japanese?

印象はimpressionといいますけれど違う言葉もあります。 日本人の印象 - impression ofJapanese people. Japanese peopleもJapaneseも言える。もし”Japanese”だけだったら”The Japanese”になるます。 “Of the”は必要です。 Impressionは全然大丈夫けれど”think of”もあります。Thinkは考えるけどこの場合はimpressionです。 What do you think of Japanese people? What do you think of the Japanese? 第一印象は優しい人と思います My first impression was they are kind At first, I thought they were kind
  • What is your impression of Japanese people?

  • What comes to your mind when you think of Japanese people?

「日本人の印象ってどんな感じ」を英語にしたら、"What is your impression of Japanese people? と言います。この質問は一番言い方だと思います。 他の言い方を言いたい場合、"What comes to your mind when you think of Japanese people?" と言えます。相手の日本人の印象を聞きたいとき、この質問も使います。「日本人について、何を思い浮かびますか?」を指します。
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