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You shouldn't say like that.って通じますか? それともsayの目的語が必要ですか?
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2018/05/20 17:42
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  • You shouldn't say something like this.

  • You must not say something like this.

 "You shouldn't say something like this."  「そのようなことを言うべきではない。」  これは直接和訳したものです。"shouldn't"は「するべき」という意味ですが、もしより強く言いたいのなら、  "You must not say something like this." を使ったらいいです。"must not"は"not allowed"という意味です。つまり何かを禁止したいときに使えます。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • You should watch what you say.

  • That isn't a nice thing to say.

"You should watch what you say." This is warning someone that what they say may be offensive or hurtful to someone. "That isn't a nice thing to say." This is very direct in saying that what they are saying isn't nice to say to someone else, you, or themselves.
「You should watch what you say.」 「言うことは気を付けた方がいいよ。」 これは、誰かを注意するときに使います。不快なことを口にしたり、相手を傷つけるようなことを言った場合に使います。 「That isn't a nice thing to say.」 「それは、言い方が良くないな。」 これは、とても率直な言い方で、誰か他の人やあなた、他人自身に対して、良くないことを言ったときに使います。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • That was inappropriate.

  • What you said was uncalled-for.

The two sentences you see above are terrific ways to tell someone that you think what they said was not appropriate. In the second sentence you will see the expression uncalled-for. This expression means that something(normally a person's behavior or words) are pointless and inappropriate. This is an expression that is common in our everyday conversation and it would be a great addition to your vocabulary.
どちらも不適切な発言を指摘する言い方です。 二つ目の文にある「uncalled-for」は、(普通は人の行動や発言が) pointless (無意味) で inappropriate (不適切) なことを表します。日常会話でよく使われる表現です、覚えておくといいと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Don't say that!

  • Were you brought up in the gutter?

If someone says something that is offensive to you or others, there is no need to be polite to that person. You can use the imperative form: "Don't" + verb. Eg."Don't speak to me like that!" You may even go so far as to challenge the quality of this person's upbringing, as in the second example sentence. The response, and its level of severity, depends entirely on the situation, those involved, and the nature of what is being said.
侮辱的なことを言う人に丁寧な言い方をする必要はありませんので、命令形(Don't + verb)で問題ありません。 【例】 "Don't speak to me like that!" (そんな言い方するな) 二つ目の文では、その人の育ちにまで言及しています。 どう反応するか、どのくらい厳しい言い方をするかは、その時の状況、相手、何を言われたかによりますね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't say things like that

Instead of repeating what they have said you can use the word 'things' to refer to the words you would like them not to say again.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • You shouldn't say things like that

  • You must not say things like that

  • That's not a nice thing to say

Sometimes people say things without thinking or meaning to hurt anyones feelings but it does so you could tell them 'you shouldn't say things like that' or 'you must not say things like that' A nicer way to tell them is 'That's not a nice thing to say'
時に人はあまり考えずに物事を言ったり、またそれによって意図せず人の気持ちを傷つけてしまうことがあります。 ですから、次のように言えます。 'you shouldn't say things like that'(そんなこと言うべきではないよ) 'you must not say things like that'(そんなこと言ってはいけないよ) より丁寧な言い方は 'That's not a nice thing to say'(それは優しくないですね)です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • That's inappropriate.

  • You shouldn't say things like that.

1. When something is appropriate, it is accepted, normal and/or right. So, to say that something was inappropriate, means that it was wrong, or it is seen as unacceptable. 2. When we advise people we use "should". Simply, we can use "Should + not" to advise people not to do a certain action.
1. "appropriate" は「適切で/または正しい」という意味です。ですから、"inappropriate" は「間違っていること」「不適切なこと」をいいます。 2. "should" はアドバイスをする時に使います。何かをしないようにアドバイスする時にはシンプルに "should + not" が使えます。
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
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