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2018/05/29 19:07
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  • Public opinion can influence Japanese people.

  • Most Japanese people are affected by public opinion.

  • Public opinion matters to most Japanese people.

Public opinion can influence Japanese people. Most Japanese people are affected by public opinion. Public opinion matters to most Japanese people. The media influences most Japanese people.
Public opinion can influence Japanese people. (日本人は世論に影響されることがあります) Most Japanese people are affected by public opinion. (たいていの日本人は世論に影響されます) Public opinion matters to most Japanese people. (世論を重視する日本人が多いです) The media influences most Japanese people. (たいていの日本人はメディアに影響されます)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Japanese people are often influenced by others.

質問者さんへ こんにちは。 >シンプルな表現で ということで、なるべく難しい単語(世論、傾向にある)を 使わずに表すとこうなりました。    Japanese people are often influenced by others.  日本人は、しばしば他人の影響を受ける 「傾向がある」は、often を使えば間に合いますし 「世論」も、othersで何とか、表現可能です。 ・・・少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 LLD外語学院 学院長 前川 未知雄
Michio Maekawa アスリート・イングリッシュ・マイスター
  • Japanese people are easily influenced by public opinion

  • Public opinion usually sways Japanese people

If someone's opinion is changed by someone else's opinion then this is called to 'sway' them or to be 'influenced'
ある人の意見が別の人の意見によって変わることは 'sway'(影響を与える)あるいは 'influenced'(影響される)で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people are easily swayed by public opinion.

Japanese people are easily swayed by public opinion. →日本人は世論に左右されやすい。 「sway」はここでは「~に影響を与える」といった意味です。 「easily」は「簡単に」ですね。 回答は一例ですので、参考程度にしていただければ。 ありがとうございました
  • Japanese people are easily swayed by public opinion

  • Japanese people often follow general opinion

Japanese people are easily swayed/influenced by public opinion. You can explain that by using one of the abovementioned phrases.
Japanese people are easily swayed/influenced by public opinion.'(日本人は世論に流されやすい) は、上記の文の一つを使って説明できます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people are easily swayed by what is said in the general and social media.

  • Public opinion easily influences Japanese people.

It is usual for most people to regard views that are popular among the general public as being genuine. Views that are popular among the general public can be referred to as 'public opinion'. The general media, such as newspapers, radio and television, are extremely influencial. These days, social media platforms have also joined the bandwagon. They are extremely influencial. One can not blame the Japanese for being influenced by these media because they relay public opinion in most cases. So, you may to someone: Japanese people are easily swayed by what is said in the general and social media. or Public opinion easily influences Japanese people.
ほとんどの人は一般的な意見を事実だと考えます。一般的な意見のことは 'public opinion'(世論)と言えます。 新聞やラジオ、テレビなどのマスメディアは非常に影響力が大きいです。最近はこれにSNSも加わっています。これらは非常に影響力が強いです。 たいていはこうしたメディアが世論を広めているので、日本人をメディアに流されやすいと批判することはできません。 次のように言えます。 Japanese people are easily swayed by what is said in the general and social media. (日本人はメディアやSNSの意見に流されやすい) Public opinion easily influences Japanese people. (日本人は世論に流されやすい)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Japanese people are easily influenced by public opinion.

  • Popular social perspectives are easily accepted by Japanese people.

  • It is easy to sway Japanese people with public opinion.

influenced: swayed, affected perspectives: how someone or a group of people see or understand things, the point of view when analyzing an occurrence. Occurrence: something that happens, an event. Public opinion: the opinions of the communities around us or the world at large. Override: ignore When someone is swayed by public opinion, it means that they override their own ideas or understanding of a specific idea or topic to believe in a more popular idea that is being shared by the public (social media, news etc).
influenced: 心を揺さぶられる、影響される perspectives: 人やあるグループがどのように物を見て、解釈するか、何かを分析するときの観点 Occurrence: 起こること、出来事something that happens, an event. Public opinion: 自分たちの周りや一般社会の意見 Override: 無視する   someone is swayed by public opinionとは、自分の意見や、ある特定のアイディアの解釈、ソーシャルメディアやニュースなどでシェアされている人気のある考えを信じているトピックを無視することを意味します。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people tend to be easily influenced by others/the public.

  • Japanese people are easily swayed/influenced by the opinions of the public.

If you would like to express to someone that Japanese people are easily influenced by other people's opinions, you can say something like "Japanese people are easily swayed/influenced by the opinions of the public.". Use words like "swayed" or "influenced" to emphasize the fact that their minds can easily be changed by other people.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people are easily influenced by what others think.

  • It matters alot to Japanese people what other people think.

If you want to express that public opinion is very important to Japanese people or that they are easily swayed of influenced by public opinion, you can use any of the following statements:- 1. Japanese people are easily influenced by what others think. The expression "public opinion" is another way of describing what other people think. If you are easily influenced by public opinion, it means that what other people thick affects you and can affect your behaviour. 2. It matters alot to Japanese people what other people think. This is just another way of saying the same thing as the first point. If something matters alot to you, then you care about it, in this case, it is what other people think.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people tend to follow the other's opinion

  • Japanese people are likely to follow other's opinion

1)Japanese people tend to follow the other's opinion 「流されやすい」という日本語を「他人に従う」followという動詞を使いました。 世論は″other's opinion" と表現できます。直訳すると他人の意見です。 ″tend to ~" で「~する傾向にある」という慣用句です。 2)「~する傾向にある」は″be likely to~”という表現を使うこともできます。
Kanako Shiraki 独立・起業キャリアアドバイザー/伝わるビジネス英語トレーナー Dream Parts Connect
  • "Japanese people are influenced by the general public's opinion."

  • "Public opinion has a big impact on Japanese people."

"Japanese people are influenced by the general public's opinion." "Public opinion has a big impact on Japanese people." Both example sentences explain how public opinion can have an impact or influence on Japanese people. This statement or sentence is a stereotype so be mindful of how it is used. You can add buffers to either sentence to keep the statement general, for example, "a lot of Japanese people" or "on most Japanese people", to either respective sentence.
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people are easily swayed by public opinion.

  • I believe that Japanese people are easily influenced.

  • It is easy to influence and sway Japanese people.

Japanese people are easily swayed by public opinion. I believe that Japanese people are easily influenced. It is easy to influence and sway Japanese people. When you want to say that Japanese people are easily swayed, influences, by public opinion then you can use one of these three sentences. Pick one, try it out, see what happens, and then try another one. I hope that helps Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • The public opinion easily sways Japanese people.

  • Japanese people can be influenced by the public opinion.

Japanese people must respect and take on the public opinion quite easily which would make them easily influenced or swayed. Japanese people can be influenced by the public opinion.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people are easily swayed by public opinion.

  • Dominant public perceptions on various issues influence the way in which Japanese people perceive them.

When you want to explain that Japanese people are easily swayed/influenced by public opinion; then you may explain this in the following ways: -Japanese people are easily swayed by public opinion. -Dominant public perceptions on various issues influence the way in which Japanese people perceive them.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • It's easy for the people of Japan to be influenced by the opinion of the public.

People who are easily influenced by the opinion of the public are people who base or change their opinions based on what the common public opinion is without developing their own thoughts, opinion or ideas.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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