You made me feel better.
こちらの英文と一緒に Thank you などをつけるとさらに良いでしょう。
カジュアルな場合は Thanks でも良いです。
The phrase "thanks to you" means "because of you"and is used to express gratitude for something that someone has done for you. This is a casual but kind way to thank someone. I hope that this helps! :)
"thanks to you" は「[あなたのおかげで](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/41724/)」という意味で、人がしてくれたことに[感謝する](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/33271/)ときに使われます。これは、人に感謝するカジュアルですが思いやりのある言い方です。
I would not have been able to recover without you!
One way of thanking someone for whatever help they provided you during your recovery from an illness or discouragement is to tell them directly. For example, "thanks for cheering me up." "Thank you my friend. You made me feel better."
Reference could also be made to the specific kind of help the person provided for you. Were you touched by some act of kindness? Thank the doer of that kindness by saying: "Thank you for . . ." Alternatively, a more colorful and expressive way of thanking someone is to emphasize their role in your recovery. For instance: I could not have endured that trial without your help. Or, I would not have been able to recover without you.
"Thanks for cheering me up."(励ましてくれてありがとう)
"Thank you my friend. You made me feel better."(ありがとう、気持ちが楽になったよ)
相手のしてくれたことについて、具体的に言及することもできます。親切なことをしてもらって感動したのですか。"Thank you for . . ." を使って、その親切について感謝しましょう。
I could not have endured that trial without your help.(あなたの助けなしではあの苦難を乗り越えることはできませんでした)
I would not have been able to recover without you.(あなたの助けなしでは回復することはできませんでした)
In order to thank a person for encouraging you and cheering you up, you can say "I feel better now, thank you" or "You made me feel better". This is a very direct way of thanking the person and letting them know that you are feeling much better, and you are feeling much better thanks to them and the actions they took.
"I feel better now, thank you"(気持ちが楽になりました、ありがとう)
"You made me feel better"(気持ちが楽になりました)
You are so sweet. あなたは本当に優しいね。
You made my day. あなたのおかげで今日はいい日になりました。
Thank youと組み合わせて使っていただくとより感謝の気持ちが伝わると思いますよ。
If someone has encouraged you when you were feeling down, and you want to thank them, you can use any of these statements:)
1. Thank you, I needed that!
2. Thank you for your encouragement.
3. I feel much better now!
All of these statements can be used to show that the person's encouragement has made a positive impact on you.
1. Thank you, I needed that!(ありがとう、本当にうれしいよ)
2. Thank you for your encouragement.(励ましてくれてありがとうございます)
3. I feel much better now!(気持ちがだいぶん楽になりました)
To cheer someone up = to make someone happy if they are feeling down or depressed or perhaps unwell.
'I visited my sick uncle to try and cheer him up a bit.'
To cheer someone up =〔落ち込んだ人・具合の悪い人を〕元気づける
'I visited my sick uncle to try and cheer him up a bit.'