世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/25 18:10
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  • Take care.

  • Take care of yourself.

  • Take care, now.

"Take care" is a common farewell. It literally means to be sure to keep oneself safe. If you want to say good bye to the patient and remind them to follow medical directions to be safe and healthy, "take care" is the best phrase to use. Adding the word "now" adds a sense of warmth and familiarity. For example: "Take care of yourself, now".
Take care. Take care of yourself. Take care, now. 「Take care」はよく使われるさよならのあいさつです。文字通りには「[気をつけて](」という意味です。「お大事に」のニュアンスにとても近いです。 [患者](に対してさよならのあいさつをして、[医者](に言われたことを守るように伝えたいなら、「Take care」がベストです。 「now」を加えると、優しさ・親しみを表せます。 例: "Take care of yourself, now." (お大事に)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Look after yourself

  • Take care

The phrase 'take care' is often said when parting from somebody. It is a polite way of saying that we hope that person will be okay and that nothing bad will happen to them. To 'look after' something is to take care of it. Both of these phrases are a good way of ensuring that a friend/customer/patient knows we care about them when we have parted company.
take careは、人と別れるときによく使われます。相手に何も悪いことが起こらないことを[願う](という意味です。丁寧な表現です。「look after ~」は「[~の世話をする](」という意味です。 どちらも、別れ際に、友達、客、患者に対してこちらが気に掛けていることを伝える言い方です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • please take care of yourself.

  • I hope you feel better. Take care.

when you want to tell someone to take care at a clinic, you may say something like "Please take care" or "I hope you feel better, take care.". All of these are very polite expressions to use on a daily basis.
クリニックでお大事にしてくださいと言いたいときは、"Please take care" や "I hope you feel better, take care."と言うのがいいでしょう。これらの例は全て丁寧な表現です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Take care!

  • Don't go looking for trouble!

Take care is usually said at the end of a conversation with a friend or a colleague. It is mostly used in an informal setting that is to say, you wouldn't usually end your conversation with your boss by saying "Take care". Another saying is "Don't go looking for trouble!", which is more of an idiom than the exact meaning of it. It is said in a friendly joking manner at the end of a chat. A. Alright I have to go now! B. Take care!/ Don't go looking for trouble!
「take care」は、大抵友達や同僚との会話の最後に使われます。インフォーマルな会話で使われることが多いです。上司との会話をtake careで終えることは普通ありません。 「Don't go looking for trouble!(面倒なことを起こさないようにね)」は、文字通りの意味というよりもイディオムです。 例: A. Alright I have to go now! (さぁ、もう行かないと!) B. Take care!/ Don't go looking for trouble! (気を付けて!)
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Please be careful.

  • Don't do anything foolish.

"Please be careful." You are asking the person to do their best to not hurt themselves or to not get too tired. "Don't do anything foolish." Don't - Do not Foolish - something that is not wise, not smart, something that could be dangerous. So don't eat at a lot of food or drink a lot.
"Please be careful." (気をつけてください) - 無理をしないように、あるいはけがをしないように注意するよう言っています。 "Don't do anything foolish." (バカなことはしないように) Don't - Do not Foolish - 賢くないこと、危ないこと。ですから、食べ過ぎたり飲み過ぎたりしないように、ということです。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Please take great care of yourself.

  • Take care and do not drink too much alcohol.

Usually drinking too much alcohol can cause hangovers and even lead to some chronic illnesses. Doctors always advise patients to keep away from certain harmful habits or unhealthy activities. Taking care of oneself means exercising and eating healthy foods. If a patient takes the doctor's advice, he/she may just avoid illnesses. So, you may say to the patient: Please take great care of yourself. or Take care and do not drink too much alcohol.
お酒を飲み過ぎると、二日酔いになったり慢性的な病気を引き起こすことが多いです。医者は必ず患者に対して、健康によくない習慣や活動を控えるようアドバイスします。 「take care of oneself」は、運動をして健康的な食生活をすることを言います。医者のアドバイスを守れば、病気にならないで済むかもしれません。 患者さんに対しては、以下のように言えます: Please take great care of yourself. (お大事にしてください) Take care and do not drink too much alcohol. (お大事に。お酒を飲み過ぎないようにね)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Look after yourself

  • Please take care

  • Keep well

"Please take care."is a phrase you would say to someone when they are sick or in the process of recovering from an operation and you're wanting them to get better from their sickness. Or it could be used casually if you just want to tell a friend to take care of them self.
"Please take care." は、病気の人や手術を受けたばかりの人に対して「早く良くなってくださいね」という気持ちでかける言葉です。あるいは、「体に気をつけてね」と友達にカジュアルに伝えるときにも使います。
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Take care!

  • Make sure to look after yourself!

  • Stay well!

If you want to wish someone well, or tell them to "take care", you can say: "Take care!" "Make sure to look after yourself!" "Stay well!"
「お大事にしてください」は、次のように言えます。 "Take care!" "Make sure to look after yourself!" "Stay well!" (お大事にしてください)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Look after yourself

  • Take care

  • Take it easy for now

You work at a clinic, and to a patient, you want to say something like "Please take care". The above suggestions may be suitable for any particular situation.
病院で働いていて、患者さんに"Please take care"(お大事にしてください。)ということができます。また、これらの例もぴったりの表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Take care now!

  • Take care of yourself, have a great day!

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you hope that they take care of themselves. These two sentences work great in a clinic, but also in our everyday conversation. In English it is common to use this phrase take care when we are saying goodbye to family or close friends.
二例とも、体を大切にするように伝える表現です。 どちらの文も病院で使うのにピッタリですが、日常会話でも使えます。 「take care」は、家族や親しい友達との別れのあいさつとしてよく使われます。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Take care

  • Look after yourself

To say 'look after' something means to take care or to make sure nothing happens to it Generally when ending a conversation you would say 'take care' which is a polite way of saying you hope they will be fine and nothing will happen to them
「look after something」は「気をつける、気を配る」という意味です。 会話の終わりには「take care」がよく使われます。これは、相手の無事を祈る丁寧な表現です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Take care.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、決まり文句で Take care. で良いです(*^_^*) 「お大事に」の訳語として使えます。 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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