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2018/08/12 06:32
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  • The amount of homework we have to do has been increasing recently and it's hard to complete everything

  • I get more and more homework these days and am feeling the pressure

Well, it depends rather if the pressure is felt only by one person, or by the entire group of students involved. It is important to distinguish between the feelings of the peer group and the feelings of any one individual within that group. The first example sentence is the case of one person speaking for the entire group of students. The second sentence uses the first person.
The amount of homework we have to do has been increasing recently and it's hard to complete everything. 宿題の量が最近増えていて全てを完了するのが難しい。 I get more and more homework these days and am feeling the pressure. 最近宿題の量が増えていてプレッシャーを感じます。 1人だけがプレッシャーを感じているのか、生徒全員がプレッシャーを感じているのかにも寄ります。グループ全体としての気持ちと個人の気持ちを区別するのは重要なことです。 一つ目の例文は、一人が代表して全員の気持ちを表現しています。二つ目の例文は、個人の気持ちを表しています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The homework load at school is a lot, and it can be tricky to get everything completed in time.

  • It can be hard to get all of my homework done in time as there is just so much.

When teachers set too much homework it can be very stressful as a student. Even if the student is good with their homework usually and good with their time management, if there is too much work it can be difficult to cope. If the student is struggling and finding it tough they may even find it hard to complete the work in time for hand-in. The best thing to do would be to talk to a teacher and let them know you are finding it tough to keep up with so much homework.
先生が宿題を出し過ぎるのは、生徒にはかなり負担になりますよね。例え、宿題をきちんとこなし、時間の管理が出来る生徒でも、宿題の量が多いのは困ったものです。 宿題が難しくてスムーズに出来ない場合は、期限内に提出するのも大変でしょう。一番良いのは、宿題の量が多過ぎて、苦労していることを先生に話すことだと思います。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I've been getting a lot of homework lately

  • My homework load has been increasing recently

  • They have been giving us much more homework now

When you want to explain that you have been getting a lot of homework lately, then you can say: -I've been getting a lot of homework lately -My homework load has been increasing recently -They have been giving us much more homework now
最近宿題が多いと伝えたい時は、次のように言う事が出来ます。 【例文】 -I've been getting a lot of homework lately (最近宿題が沢山出ています) -My homework load has been increasing recently (最近宿題の量が増えています) -They have been giving us much more homework now (最近宿題がすごく多いです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The amount of homework I have each night keeps increasing.

"Each night" refers to the amount of homework that is being given to you on a daily basis. This helps to emphasize just how much homework you have. I hope that this helps :)
"Each night"は、毎日出される宿題の量を表しています。この表現を使うことで、宿題の量がどれくらい多いかを強調することが出来ます。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I have way too much homework anymore.

  • I feel so much pressure from all the new homework we have been given.

  • The homework we are given is just too much.

I have way too much homework anymore. I feel so much pressure from all the new homework we have been given. The homework we are given is just too much. The teacher have really been overloading us with homework lately. I think the homework just keeps increasing. We are struggling with all of the extra homework we are given.
I have way too much homework anymore. (今は宿題がたくさんありすぎる。) I feel so much pressure from all the new homework we have been given. (新たな宿題にすごくプレッシャーを感じている。) The homework we are given is just too much. (もらった宿題が多すぎる。) The teacher have really been overloading us with homework lately. (最近先生は宿題をたくさん出してくる。) I think the homework just keeps increasing. (宿題が増え続けているように思う。) We are struggling with all of the extra homework we are given. (たくさんの宿題に苦戦している。)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • My teachers are stepping up the amount of homework they give us.

  • The amount of homework I have has shot through the roof!

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that the amount of homework you have has increased. In the first sentence you will see the term step up and in the second sentence you will see the term shoot through the roof. Both of these terms mean to increase. These terms are appropriate for informal settings.
これら2つの文は、宿題の量が増えたことを伝えるのにぴったりの表現です。 はじめの文では、step up、2つ目の文では、shoot through the roofという表現が使われています。どちらも増えるという意味です。これらはカジュアルな場で使うことのできる表現です。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • We get so much homework now

  • My homework is doubling!

"We get so much homework now" 'Homework' is the word used, when in school/college/university, the work given for you to complete at home or in your own hours. "My homework is doubling!" If something is 'doubling' this is often used to explain something that is getting larger or more of something.
"We get so much homework now"(宿題がすごく増えた) 'Homework' は、家でやってくるものとして学校や大学で出される課題をいいます。 "My homework is doubling!"(宿題が倍になっている) 'Doubling' は何かが増えていることを表すときによく使われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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