❶Things have finally settled down at work.
Things have finally settled down at work so let’s go get those drinks we’ve been talking about.
*ここで使われている drinks はアルコール飲料のことを指しています。
finally = やっと、ついに
settle down = 落ち着く
at work = 仕事で
Work has settled down after a busy period, and returned to normal.
「[落ち着く](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/6859/)」は settle down になります。
「仕事の[忙しい](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36525/)ピークが過ぎて通常に戻った」というところは Work has finally settled down after a busy period, and returned to normal で表現できます。
1) Are you still promoting the new campaign?
2) No. We got through the busy period and work has settled down again.
1) Are you free this weekend?
2) No. Work hasn't settled down yet, and I have to go to the office.
Things have finally settled down.
I finally have time to breathe.
settle down で「落ち着く」なので、覚えておくと便利です。