世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/09/19 13:18
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  • How was your day?

How was your day?で「[今日](はどうだった?」と聞くことができます。 早い時間帯では、How's your day going? も使えます。 具体的に何をしていたのかを聞く場合は、What did you do today?と言います。 他には What were you up to today? のような言い方もできます。「今日はどんなことしてたの?」のようなニュアンスです。
  • What did you do today?

[今日](は何してたの? What did you do today? (よく聞かれる文章です。) 今日一日はどうだった? How was your day today? [とても楽しかったよ。]( It was so fun. I had fun today. (今日は楽しかったよ) ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • How did you spend your day?

This is a way to ask someone what exactly they did and for how long that day. I hope that this helps! :)
その日具体的に何をどのくらいの時間したのかを尋ねる質問です。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • What did you do today?

  • What were up to today?

  • What was on your agenda today?

The three sentences provided above are excellent ways to ask someone how their day was. In the third sentence you will see the noun agenda. Although this word has different meanings in this sentence it means a list of things we must do. I hope these three sentences and this explanation help you out.
上記の3つの文は、その日がどうだったかを尋ねる素晴らしい表現です。 3つ目の文には、agendaという名詞があります。この語は様々な意味がありますが、この文では、しなければならないことのリストという意味です。 この3つの例文と説明がお役に立てば幸いです。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • What have you been up to?

  • Been up to anything exciting today?

一番使いやすいフレーズは "What have you been up to?" です。「今日は何してたの?」と言う意味です。答える時は今日してた出来事を言います。なお、"How was your day?" を聞かれると出来事ではなく、今日の感情を聞く質問なので答えは "It was great!" (良かったよ!)"I was so busy" (すごく忙しかった) などです。 "Been up to anything exciting today?" は 「今日何かいい事した?」と意味する質問です。いつも使うフレーズと違うので時々使うといいでしょう! 答えは "Yeah! I did ~~" (うん!今日は〜〜したよ) 又は "Not really, I didn't do much" (いや、今日は特に何もしてない)
  • What did you do today?

  • Did you have a good day?

  • Did you have a productive day?

Here are a few examples: "What did you do today?" - You are asking if the person worked, played, went to school, etc. "Did you have a good day?" - You are asking if everything went well if there were no problems, etc. "Did you have a productive day?" - You are asking if they got the things done they wanted to do. Hope these help!
いくつか例文を紹介します: "What did you do today?"(今日は何をしていたの?) - 働いていたのか、遊んでいたのか、学校へ行っていたのか、など尋ねています。 "Did you have a good day?"(今日はどうだった?) - 上手くいったか、問題がなかったか、など尋ねています。 "Did you have a productive day?"(有意義な一日でしたか?) - 物事がはかどったか尋ねています。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Have you had a good day?

  • How's it going today?

There are a few ways to ask someone about their day. The most common construction in countries such as France, Italy and Spain is by using (in each respective language) the verb 'to go' - and, as shown in the second example sentence, the UK is no exception.
その日あったことについて尋ねる言い方はいくつかあります。 フランス、イタリア、スペインなどでは、(それぞれの言語で)「go(=動詞)」を使って表すのが最も一般的です。二つ目の例文にあるとおり、イギリスもその例外ではありません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What did you do today?

  • How was your day?

1) What did you do today? 「今日は何をしたの?」 具体的に何をしていたのか知りたい場合はこちらですね。 2) How was your day? 「今日はどんな一日だった?」「今日はどうだった?」というような意味で、 こちらの方が日常的に使われていて、行動だけではなく心理的な部分も質問できます。
STEVIE 作詞/訳詞家 (DMM英会話翻訳パートナー)
  • How was your day?

  • What were you up to today?

  • What have you been doing today?

Here are three different sentences that we can use when asking this question but there are many ways to do this so feel free to try them all out and see what feels most comfortable for you.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • What have you been up to today?

  • How did your day go?

  • Did you do anything interesting today?

It's always nice to ask someone how their day was. It is a way of showing interest in the other person's life. Usually, people who are in a relationship say it to each other every day after a long day of work. We can use the first sentence in this situation. For example, after a long day at work or school. For the second sentence, we can use this if the person maybe had the day off and had no set agenda and we want to know if they did anything different or exciting.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • What did you do today?

  • How was your day today?

  • Did you have a good day?

Asking questions like this is aimed at finding out more about that persons day. When you ask: Did you have a good day? That is seen as a positive and optimistic question. Here is an example: Did you have a good day? Yeah, work was great! Then after that I caught up with some friends for dinner, which was awesome!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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