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友達がFridayに飲もう飲もうって言ってるけど、そのFridayはいつのFridayなのかを聞きたいです笑 金曜は毎週ありますからね笑
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2018/11/15 08:34
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  • This Friday?

Simply asking 'This Friday' will open up the conversation to which Friday is actually being talked about. "This Friday?" will mean the upcoming Friday, if it is not the Friday coming up, they will say which one.
単純に'This Friday'(今度の金曜日)と聞けば、どの金曜日について言っているのか確認できます。"This Friday?"は「今度の金曜日」という意味です。もし次の金曜にでないなら、どの金曜日か教えてくれるでしょう。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Which Friday are you talking about?

  • When you say you want to go for drinks on Friday, do you mean this Friday, next Friday or some other Friday?

簡単に聞く場合は、 1) Which Friday are you talking about? 「どの金曜のこと言ってるの?」 2) When you say you want to go for drinks on Friday, do you mean this Friday, next Friday or some other Friday? 「金曜に飲みに行こうっていうけど、今週の金曜日?来週の金曜日?それとも別の金曜日?」 go for drinks 「飲みに行く」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • (Do) you mean this coming Friday, or Friday next week?

「今度の金曜日にね」といった文脈で、直近の金曜日なのかそれとも次週の金曜日なのか紛らしくなることは実際の英会話でも案外よくあります。 そんなとき、次のような表現がとても重宝します。 (Do) you mean this coming Friday, or Friday next week? 「直近の金曜日?それとも来週の金曜日?」 「直近の〇〇曜日」はこのようにthis coming 〇〇と表現します。 そうすれば、どちらの金曜日なのかはっきり尋ねることができます。 直近でも来週でもないようであれば、既出ですが、 Which Friday are you talking about? 「どの金曜日の話をしているの?」 と聞くのが最もシンプルだと思います。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Are you talking about this Friday or next Friday?

  • Are we meeting on Friday the 8th or the 15th?

"Are you talking about this Friday or next Friday?" : Are you talking about - This is another way of saying, "Do you mean.." This Friday - The Friday at the end of this week. Next Friday, the Friday of the following week. "Are we meeting on Friday the 8th or the 15th?" : Are we meeting - Meaning to get together to eat, have a business meeting, etc. By mentioning the dates you are able to accurately confirm the date of your meeting.
例文 "Are you talking about this Friday or next Friday?" (あなたが言っているのは今週の金曜日それとも来週の金曜日?) Are you talking about - これは、"Do you mean.."の別の言い方です This Friday - 今週の金曜日です。"Next Friday"は来週の金曜日です。 例文 "Are we meeting on Friday the 8th or the 15th?" (会うのは8日の金曜日、それとも15日の金曜日?) Are we meeting - 会って食事をすること、ビジネスミーティングをすることなどを言います。 日付を言うことで、会う日を正確に確認することが出来ます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • You mean next Friday or this Friday?

This is a casual expression in American English. You could use this expression with friends, family or close colleagues. 'To mean' is the verb form of the noun 'meaning', which means 'a situation where order (or sense) arises from chaos (or nonsense).'
これはアメリカ英語のカジュアルな表現です。この表現は、友達や家族、仲の良い同僚に使えるでしょう。 'To mean'は、名詞'meaning'の動詞形です。'meaning'とは、カオス(無意味)から秩序(意味)が生じる状況を表します。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • This Friday or the next?

This is a very informal way of asking because you aren't using the full sentence. This is a very common form in American English. I hope that this helps. :)
これは完全な文章ではないので、とてもインフォーマルな聞き方です。これはアメリカ英語ではとても一般的な形式です。 お役に立てると幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to go for a drink this Friday or next?

  • Just to confirm, which Friday are we going out for drinks?

This could be confusing when asking the person which Friday because the person who asked would automatically be talking about the upcoming Friday when asking you out for a drink. If they meant next Friday they would have clearly stated so.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Which Friday are you talking about?

  • Is it for this friday or the following?

  • Is it for this friday or the next?

As you can see all three of these sentences have a similar structure and can be used interchangeably to have the same meaning. In the first example, we are just asking generally what Friday are they referring to whereas in the next two examples we are asking if its the Friday that is coming up this week or a Friday that is in the next week. We can use the words, "the following," or, "the next," to make this distinction.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Which Friday are you referring to? This Friday, or next?

  • May I know which Friday you're talking about? Would that be this Friday, or next Friday?

If someone has invited you somewhere on a Friday but you are unsure which Friday that is and want to ask them, you can say something like "Which Friday are you referring to? This Friday, or next?" or "May I know which Friday you're talking about? Would that be this Friday, or next Friday?".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Which Friday do you mean?

  • Are you referring to this coming Friday or Friday week?

It is always very important to confirm a date that you have set up. Even if it is a personal date, it is better to double-check that you have the right day noted. To avoid confusion, you could add the date as well. In the first sentence, we are asking the listener which Friday they are referring to as a confirmation. "Mean" here means "referring to" or "talking about" In the second sentence, we are asking the listener which Friday he or she is talking about. We can say "this coming Friday" which means the Friday that is literally coming. "Friday week" means Friday of the following week. We can also say "Friday of next week."
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Which Friday?

  • What Friday are you talking about?

  • Next Friday?

When someone says "Let's get a drink on Friday", you want to ask which Friday they are talking about. In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Which Friday are you talking about?

Which Friday are you talking about? (どの金曜日の話してるの?) this coming Friday/this Friday (今週/直近の金曜日) Friday next week(来週の金曜日) 分かりにくい場合は~日の金曜日のように言ってみてはどうでしょうか。 I'm talking about Friday the 15th (私は15日の金曜日のことを言ってるよ) 少しでも参考になれば幸いです
Shiori S 英語講師
  • Which Friday is best?

  • What date do you mean?

"Which Friday is best" - This would be asking what Friday is best for them so you could both organise which Friday was the best to have a drink. "What date do you mean?" - This would be asking for them to give you the exact date for the Friday.
"Which Friday is best"  (どの金曜があいてる?) これは、どの金曜日に飲みに行くのがいいのかを尋ねる文です。   "What date do you mean?" (どの日のことですか?) これは、正確にどの日の金曜日なのかを尋ねるフレーズです。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Which Friday are you talking about?

  • This Friday or next friday, or when?

When someone says about meeting up and just says a day like let's get a drink on friday?' you might be unsure what friday they mean so might ask 'which friday are you talking about?' this would let you know the day they are talking about you could also ask 'this friday or next friday or when?'
人と会う約束をしていて、'let's get a drink on Friday?'(金曜日に飲もう)のように曜日だけ言われると、それがいつの金曜日なのか分からないということがあるかもしれません。 ですから、 'which Friday are you talking about?'(それはいつの金曜日のことですか) と言えます。これで、相手がいつの金曜日について言っているのか分かります。 また、 'this Friday or next friday or when?'(今週の金曜ですか、来週ですか、いつですか) という言い方もできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Which Friday?

  • This Friday?

  • Next Friday?

If a friend tells you that you two should meet to have a drink on Friday, you can ask, "Which Friday?", to verify the Friday being referred to by your friend. You can use this question to give your friend freedom to pick any upcoming Friday for this meeting. If a friend tells you that you two should meet to have a drink on Friday, you can also ask, "This Friday?". This question shows that you are not sure which Friday is being referred to by your friend. "Yes, this Friday.", or, "No, next Friday.", are possible responses that your friend could then give to verify which Friday is being referred to. This question refers to the closest upcoming Friday to the current day. For example, if this question is asked on Saturday, June 1, then the Friday being referred to would be Friday, June 7. "Next Friday?", is a question that is similar to, "This Friday?", because it shows that you are not completely sure which Friday your friend is referring to. By using the word, "next", you are asking about the Friday that is two Fridays away from the current day. For example, if this question is asked on Thursday, June 6, then Friday, June 14 is being referred to.
「金曜日に飲みに行こう」と言われて、いつの金曜日か確認したいなら、"Which Friday?"(いつの金曜日?)と尋ねることができます。この質問では相手にいつの金曜日かを選んでもらいます。 「金曜日に飲みに行こう」と言われて、いつの金曜日か確認したいなら、"This Friday?"(次の金曜日ですか?)と尋ねることもできます。いつの金曜日について言っているのかよく分からないことが相手に伝わります。返答としては例えば、"Yes, this Friday."(はい、次の金曜日です)や "No, next Friday."(いいえ、次の次の金曜日です)。この質問はその日から最も近い金曜日を指します。例えば、この質問を6月1日の土曜日にしたなら、6月7日の金曜日を指します。 "Next Friday?"(次の次の金曜日ですか)は "This Friday?" とよく似ています。これも、「いつの金曜日を指しているのかよく分からない」と伝えます。ここでは、"next" を使って、「次の次の金曜日」を指しています。例えば、この質問を6月6日の火曜日にしたなら、6月14日の金曜日を指します。
Darya G DMM英会話講師
  • Which Friday are you talking about?

  • Do you mean this Friday, next Friday or another Friday?

When you want to ask someone which Friday they are talking about, you can say: "Which Friday are you talking about?" "Do you mean this Friday, next Friday or another Friday?"
相手がいつの金曜日について言っているか確認するなら、次のように言えます。 "Which Friday are you talking about?"(いつの金曜日のことですか) "Do you mean this Friday, next Friday or another Friday?"(今週の金曜日ですか、来週の金曜日ですか、いつの金曜日ですか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Do you mean this Friday or the next Friday?

  • Do you means this Friday or the following Friday?

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask your listener which Friday they would like to get drinks. In the second sentence you will notice the word following. Although this word has different meanings in this sentence it means next. This is a word that is appropriate for both formal and informal settings.
上記二つの例文は、飲みに行きたいのがいつの金曜日なのかを確認する素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の文で"following"という単語を使っています。"following"にはいろいろな意味がありますが、この文では「次の」という意味です。この単語はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことができます。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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