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2018/11/20 21:29
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  • How much spiciness can you handle?

  • How much spiciness can you manage?

The two questions you see provided above are great ways to ask someone how much spicy food they are able to eat. In the first sentence you will see the word handle and in the second sentence you will see the word manage. Both of these words mean to deal with a situation. These words are used a lot in our everyday conversation and they would make great additions to your vocabulary!
上記二つの例文は、どのくらい辛い食べ物が食べられるのか尋ねる素晴らしい言い方です。 一文目では「handle」、二文目では「manage」という単語に気が付くでしょう。これらはどちらも「(状況に)対処する」という意味です。これらの単語は日常会話でよく使われます。語彙に加えておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • So you say you like spicy food. Have you ever eaten a vindaloo curry?

  • So you say you like spicy food. Have you ever tried hot chilli peppers?

Well, there does not seem to be an international test of 'spiciness' available so the easiest way of checking how spicy your friend likes their food is by referring to some very hot foods.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you consider anything to be too spicy?

By asking this question:- "Do you consider anything to be too spicy?" you are asking the person if there is a limit on the level of spiciness that they can handle.
"Do you consider anything to be too spicy?" (辛すぎると思うものはありますか?) これは、耐えられない辛さがあるかどうか尋ねています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Can you handle really spicy food or just a mild spice?

  • What level of spiciness can you take?

When asking someone is they can 'handle' something it means can they deal with or take it. Mildly spicy food may be very hot to some people and very weak to others.
handle'はここでは「対処する」「受け入れる」という意味です。 'mildly spicy food'(マイルドな辛さの食べ物)は、すごく辛いと感じる人もいれば、全然辛くないという人もいます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • What do you consider to be spicy?

Spicy food is different between different cultures and cuisines so what may be spicy in one isn't in another. This is a good question to see what they think is spicy to get an idea as to how much spiciness they can take. I hope that this helps. :)
Spicy food(辛い食べ物)は、文化や料理によって異なります。ですから、ある所では辛い物が別の所ではそうではないということがあります。 上記は相手が辛いと思う物を尋ねる質問です。どのくらい辛い物が食べられるのかが分かります。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • What level of spice can you handle.

Asking someone what level of spice they can handle is asking how much they can manage.
What level of spice can you handle?' は、相手がどのくらいの辛さまで耐えられるのかを尋ねます。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • How spicy does something have to be for it to reach your threshold of maximum spiciness?

  • On a scale from 1-10, how much spiciness can you handle?

How spicy does something have to be for it to reach your threshold of maximum spiciness? - This sentence can be used to inquire about the level of spiciness the person you are talking to can take/eat. On a scale from 1-10, how much spiciness can you handle? - This sentence can be used to question how much spiciness a person is capable of eating. He/She will respond with the number "1" when they aren't capable of consuming spicy food. If he/she can eat a lot, they'll reply with "10".
How spicy does something have to be for it to reach your threshold of maximum spiciness?(どのくらいの辛さまでいけますか) この質問は、相手がどのくらいの辛さまで食べられるのか確認するときに使います。 On a scale from 1-10, how much spiciness can you handle?(1から10でいうと、どのくらいの辛さまでいけますか) この質問は、相手がどのくらいの辛さまで食べられるのか確認するときに使います。 答えが "1" なら「辛いものは食べられない」、"10" なら「すごく辛いものが食べられる」という意味です。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • What level of spiciness do you like?

  • How much spice can you handle?

  • How hot do you like your curries?

When talking about something being spicy you can also use the term 'hot' especially when talking about a curry so you might ask 'how hot do you like your curries?' another way to find out how spicy they like it is 'what level of spiciness do you like?' or 'how much spice can you handle?'
辛いもの、特にカレーについて言うなら、'hot' という語も使えます。 ですから: 'how hot do you like your curries?'(どのくらいの辛さのカレーが好きですか) 他に、 'what level of spiciness do you like?'(どのくらいの辛さが好きですか) または 'how much spice can you handle?'(どのくらいの辛さまで平気ですか) でも、どのくらいの辛さが好きか確認できます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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