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  • ① Snacks

  • ② Sweets

  • ③ Candy

日本語でいう「菓子」は全面的な単語なので、英語ではこれを「① Snacks」と言います。 しかし、特に[甘い](ものはイギリスでは「② Sweets」と言い、アメリカでは「③ Candy」と言います。 例えばキャラメルは「② Sweets」ですが、[ポテトチップス](みたいのは「① Snacks」の部類の中にあります。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Sweets

  • Candy

  • Chocolate

Sweetsは少しイギリスっぽい英語です。アメリカ人があまり使いません。 アメリカの英語だと、お菓子は種類によって英語の言い方が違います。 小さな[チョコレート](のお菓子だと、chocolatesです。 チョコレートという材料自体だと、chocolateです。 チョコレートではなく[砂糖](がベースに小さなお菓子だとcandiesと言います。 その砂糖がベースの材料自体だとcandyです。 ポイント:小さな形にすると、複数になります。
  • Confectionery

  • Sweet/Salty snacks

  • Sweet treats

すでにいろんな例が上がっていますが、私からもいくつか紹介しますね。 Confectioneryは「菓子」です。少し改まった言い方ですが、焼き菓子"baker's confectionary"と砂糖菓子"sugar confectionery"の両方を含みます。"Confectionary"は「菓子店」を意味します。 Sweet snacksは甘いお菓子、salty snacksは塩味系のお菓子です。 また、treatは「ご褒美」という意味ですが"sweet treats"で「甘いもの(お菓子)」も意味します。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • Savory snack

  • Sweet snack

  • Lollies

私の住んでいるオーストラリアで使う表現をご紹介します。 塩気のあるお菓子などはSavory snack 甘いお菓子は、Sweet snack あめ、チョコ、グミ、ラムネなど砂糖菓子一般をLolliesと言います。
  • snacks

  • candy

  • treats

treats - Candy/sweets are also referred to as "treats" because you can't have them all the time-- you have to treat yourself to them, or reward yourself with them, as they are extremely unhealthy.
"treats" - いつももらえるわけではないのでキャンディーや甘いものの事を "treats"と言います。 これらは、健康にはあまりよくないですが、時には自分を甘やかして、ご褒美をあげる必要がありますよね。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Confectionery

You may call them 'confectionery'. The noun 'confectionery' means 'sweets and chocolates considered collectively'. They are items of confectionery. If they are just sweets and nothing else, you may call them 'sweets precisely'. If there is chocolate only, you may call it chocolate or chocolate bars. The noun 'confectionery also means 'a shop that sells sweets and chocolates'.
それらを 'confectionery'と呼べるでしょう。 名詞 'confectionery' は 'sweets and chocolates considered collectively'(甘いものやチョコレートの総称)です。 もしそれらがただのスイーツ以外の何物でもなければ、'sweets'と呼ぶことができます。 もしそれがチョコのみの場合、それをchocolateやchocolate barと呼べます。 名詞 'confectionery’はまた、'a shop that sells sweets and chocolates'も意味します。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Chocolate bars

  • Sweets

  • Chewy bars

A bar is a block of something. For example, a 'gold bar.' Children also enjoy other types of bars such as 'chewy bars' which are made of sweet ingredients and must be chewed a lot in order to at them. the general name in the UK for this type of treat is 'confectionery' or 'sweets.'
"Bar"とは何かの塊のことです。 例えば"gold bar"(金塊)などです。子供達は甘い材料で作られとても歯ごたえがある"chewy bars"(シリアルバー)などその他の種類のお菓子も好みます。このような種類のお菓子の名称はイギリスでは一般的にに'confectionery'(製菓)または'sweets'(甘いお菓子)です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Candy

  • Sweets

  • Sweet snacks

*I love eating sweets* *I love eating candy* *I eat lots of candy at Christmas* *Too much candy is bad for your teeth* *Kids love eating candy* *I got some candy for my birthday*
例文です。 *I love eating sweets* 「私はお菓子を食べるのが好き。」 *I love eating candy* 「私はお菓子を食べるのが好き。」 *I eat lots of candy at Christmas* 「私はクリスマスにたくさんのお菓子を食べる。」 *Too much candy is bad for your teeth* 「お菓子を食べ過ぎるのはあなたの歯に良くない。」 *Kids love eating candy* 「子供はお菓子を食べるのが好きだ。」 *I got some candy for my birthday* 「私は誕生日にお菓子を幾つかもらった。」
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Sweets

  • Candy

In England, we use the words 'sweets', in America they tend to use the term 'candy'. Both are perfectly acceptable and you can use either term you prefer. 'Would you like some sweets?' 'No thanks, Mum said I shouldn't eat too much candy'. 'I love candy!' 'I only eat sweets on special occasions'.
イギリスでは、私たちは 'sweets'を使います。 アメリカでは 'candy'と言う言葉を使う傾向があります。 どちらの言葉も完璧にうけいれられ、どちらでも好みの言葉を使う事が出来ます。 【例】 'Would you like some sweets?' (お菓子はいかが?) 'No thanks, Mum said I shouldn't eat too much candy'. (いりません、ママがお菓子を食べ過ぎてはいけないと言ったから) 'I love candy!' (お菓子大好き!) 'I only eat sweets on special occasions'. (特別な時にしかお菓子は食べません)
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • Sweets

  • Candy

---> Sweets are small sweet things such as toffees, chocolates, and mints. ---> Candy is sweet foods such as toffees or chocolate. -A variety of sweets. -A piece of candy. -A large box of candies.
---> Sweets とは、小さい甘いもので、タフィーやチョコレート、ミントなどの事です。 ---> Candyとは、タフィーやチョコレートの事です。 例 -A variety of sweets. (さまざまな甘いもの) -A piece of candy. (1つのキャンディー) -A large box of candies. (1つの大きな箱に入ったキャンディー)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Candy

  • Can you buy me some candy please?

We usually call sweets candy, and if they're chocolate bars, we would then say candy bars. As far as desserts like pies, cakes, cinnamon rolls, etc. We just call them by name. Example: Can I have a slice of cake?
私たちは大抵甘いものをcandyと呼び、もしそれらがチョコレートバーであれば、candy barsと呼びます。 piesやcakesやcinnamon rollsなどのようなデザートは、それらの名前で呼びます。 例: Can I have a slice of cake? ケーキを一切れもらえますか?
Celeste O DMM英語講師
  • candy

  • sweets

Candy is a sweet food made from sugar or chocolate e.g sweets, chocolates etc, For example: "Too much candy is really bad for your teeth." Sweets is a small shaped piece of confectionery made with sugar. For example: "A bag of sweets." Confectionery are sweets and chocolates considered collectively. For example: "items of confectionery"
Candyは砂糖やチョコレートで作られた甘い食べ物です。 例えば、sweets, chocolates など, 例; "Too much candy is really bad for your teeth." ー甘いものを取りすぎるのはあなたの歯によくない。 Sweetsは砂糖で作られた小さなお菓子です。 例: "A bag of sweets." ーお菓子でいっぱいのカバン Confectioneryはお菓子やチョコレートの総称だと言えます。 例: "items of confectionery" ーお菓子のアイテム
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Candy

  • Sweets

  • Confectionery

Candy This can be used to describe any of a variety of confections made with sugar, syrup, etc., often combined with chocolate, fruit, nuts, etc e.g We always collect candy on Halloween. Sweets This is a small shaped piece of confectionery made with sugar. e.gI have a bag of sweets to give to the children after dinner. Confectionery This is a word we use to describe sweets and chocolates considered collectively. e.g Items of confectionery are enjoyed by most children.
Candy これは砂糖やシロップなどから作られた様々な種類のお菓子で、時々チョコレートやフルーツ、ナッツなどと組み合わされたものなどを描写するのに使われている表現です。 例 We always collect candy on Halloween. 私たちはいつもハロウィンにキャンディを集める。 Sweets これは砂糖で作られた小さな形のお菓子のことです。 例 I have a bag of sweets to give to the children after dinner. 私は夕食後に子供たちにあげるためのお菓子が入ったカバンを持っている。 Confectionery これは甘いものやチョコレートをまとめて表現するときに使う単語です。 例 Items of confectionery are enjoyed by most children. お菓子の商品はほとんどの子供たちに楽しまれている。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Candy!

  • Lollies (in New Zealand)

  • Sweets

Scrummy but not healthy treats! Treats! Junk food! Highly sugared food. Unhealthy food.
その他の例です。 -Scrummy but not healthy treats! 美味しいけど、体に良くないもの! -Treats! とてもいいもの! -Junk food! ジャンクフード(体に良くない食べ物) -Highly sugared food. 糖分の多い食べ物 -Unhealthy food. 体に悪い食べ物
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • sweets

  • candy

  • confectionery

Example sentences- 1.We have many sweets available at Maestros sweet shop! 2. What kind of candy do you have in your store? 3. If you are looking for good confectioneries, you must try "Rocco's Candy shop"!
例文- 1.We have many sweets available at Maestros sweet shop! (「Maestros」にはたくさんのお菓子が置いてあります) 2. What kind of candy do you have in your store? (お店にはどんなお菓子が置いてありますか) 3. If you are looking for good confectioneries, you must try "Rocco's Candy shop"! (お菓子を探しているなら、是非「Rocco's」に行ってみてください)
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • snack

  • sweets

  • candy

一番幅広く無難に使えるのはsnackです。 sweetsは、チョコレート、ケーキ、パフェ、アイスクリームなど特に甘いものを指し、日本語のスィーツと合致します。 candyは飴、グミ、キャラメル、チョコレートなどです。
  • Sweets

  • Candy

In the UK we call confectionary sweets. In the US they call it candy.
イギリスでは、お菓子は'sweets'と言います。 アメリカでは'candy'と言います。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • Sweets

I am so hungry. Do you want me to cook something for you? No, I am not hungry for that kind of food. Then what kind of food do you want? Chocolate and sweets, that sort of food. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • candy.

  • sweets.

Sweets or "candy" are sugary confectionaries that are normally most eaten by children such as things like lollipops, cotton candy, gummy bears and so on. These sweets are most definitely not good for your health and eaten in large amounts can lead to what most call a "sugar rush" or a burst of energy.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Candy

  • Sweets

  • Candybar

These are sweet and vary in flavor. Kids and adults usually enjoy candy, it is quite addictive, once you have one you will want more. Candy comes in different sizes and shapes too!
これらは甘い食べ物で、いろいろな味があります。 "candy"(お菓子)は大人も子どもも食べます。一度食べたら止まらなくなる、癖になる味をしています。 "candy" にはいろいろなサイズや形のものがあります。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Sweets

  • Candy

  • Treats

"Sweets" more often used in the UK, describing these snacks, because of its sweet flavor and texture. "Candy" A term more often used in the USA. "Treats" is often used because these sweets are given as a treat when you have done something worth a reward.
こうした「おやつ」のことは、その味や食感からイギリスでは "Sweets" と呼ばれます。 "Candy" はアメリカで一般的な言い方です。 こうした "Sweets" はよいことをした "Treat"(褒美)として与えられるものなので、"Treats"(おやつ)もよく使われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • snacks

  • treats

お菓子は英語だと snacks や treats と言います。 「間食する」や「お菓子を食べる」と言いたい時は to have a snack, または to eat a snackと言います。 Treats (お菓子)と言うと特別なイベント時のお菓子と言うニュアンスになります。 例えば、ハロウィンやクリスマスの時のお菓子がそれにあたります。 Halloween Treats, もしくはChristmas treats と言います。
  • These colourful, delicious, mouth watering treats are known as sweets!

  • You can buy some chocolate mouse penny sweets over in the confectionery aisle...

  • Where can I buy some green candy to put in the cauldron baskets of children that come knocking for trick or treat this Halloween?

These-Belonging too. Colourful-Multi-coloured, being of an assortment of different colors. Delicious-heavenly to taste, delightful. Mouth Watering-A food that is so incredibly and really yummy to eat that it makes you think about it even many years later. Ex: I once ate a battered Mars Bar and although it was very unhealthy and probably took years off my life it was worth it as the memory fifty years later still makes me smile and salivate! Sweets-These are sugar-filled pieces of often cheap (though not always depending on the country and quality that they are made in), candy or chocolate, flying saucer sherbet filled rice paper, liquirice, jelly babies, the list thankfully is long and full of toothache! Over in-Located in a spot where you can point to or elsewhere many feet, miles away. Confectionary-Candies, sugar and the sweets all mentioned above that is considered a collective group and often stored together in corner shops and supermarkets in both England and the USA, Canada, etc... Aisle-The long passageway with shelves stacked up on either side for people with their shopping baskets and trollies to make their way down. It can also refer to the passways at a train station but in supermarkets, each one will have a certain group of food in like confectionary and will be labeled with a large sign at the top for potential buyers to know where to look for their next purchase. Where- The location you are referring too or asking about. Buy-Purchase, have in exchange for money or credit, finance, etc... Green-The color that comes about when yellow and blue are mixed together. Ex: That wicked witch is green with envy at her ruby red slippers and will soon be melted by a bucket of water! To put in-To place something in something else. Cauldron-An often iron cast kettle or old fashioned boiler used in the middle ages roughly and closely associated with naughty witch spells both in fiction, legend, fantasy, myths and sadly the true-life historical witch burnings. Baskets-Usually made out of twigs, strips of wood, (notably wicca) or such material and closely woven together to be used for packing berries, vegetables, chocolate easter eggs or indeed candy sweets on the 31st October for Hallooween, etc... Knocking-When a person or people tap on the door and wait for the person inside to come to it. Trick or Treat-A famous English custom that happens on October the 31st where children dress up as witches, wolfs, ghosts and vampires etc...anything frightening, scary to go around and knock on their neighbor's doors asking for candy. Young children are accompanied by adults. The tricks from little children are jokes but the older ones have been known to play some pretty naughty and pranks if treats are not provided. People are not as traditional as they once were and sadly this custom is fast disappearing in our country along with all the rest. Halloween-The day on October the 31st based on All Halloween's Eve, where it was traditionally believed among the Celtic Christians and Catholics etc...of Great Britain that the spirits of the dead could come back to life and haunt the living. It is followed by The Catholic celebration of All Saints Day. Some Pagans also believe that they hold a claim to it.
Kimberlina DMM英会話講師
  • Sweets.

  • Lollies.

  • Candy.

Here is an example of a dialogue: Hey! What is your favorite type of candy? I like the sour snakes they are so nice! What about you? I really like gummy fruit lollies. My favorite ones are the strawberries! Yum, I really like those as well!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Candy

  • Sweets

We can call foods that are sweet or much higher in sugar would be called, "candy," or, "sweets." Example sentences : - On Halloween, a lot of American children eat a lot of candy. - I can't eat very many sweets, I'm on a diet. - I love candy so much, I think I'm addicted to sugar.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Sweets

  • Luxuries

  • Candy

You could use any of the above three words to describe what is displayed in the picture above. Examples; - Children love sweets. - Mom says too many luxuries before bed can make you feel ill. - I love all types of candy.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • snacks

  • candy

こんにちは。 「お菓子」はさまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記はいかがでしょうか: ・snacks ・candy snack は「お菓子」全般を表すことができる便利な表現です。 candy は日本語でも「キャンディー」と言うことがあるように、飴などのイメージが強いです。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • snacks

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「snacks」 =お菓子 (例文)I usually have snacks after lunch. (訳)普段昼食後にお菓子を食べます。 (例文)Did you bring snacks?// Yeah. (訳)お菓子持ってきた?//うん。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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