「① We're on track」は「順調だ」を意味するフレーズです。以下の使い方の例文を参考にしてください:
"We're on track for the deadline" ([計画通り](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/3138/)順調に進んでいる)
もっとかっこいい言い方は:「② Smooth-sailing」。船は「スムーズに[進行](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/59326/)しているよ」で、順調な進捗を表す表現です。下記の例をご覧ください:
Julian: Hey John, are you on track to meet the project deadline?
John: Yep. Smooth-sailing, man.(ああ、順調さ) = かなりなキザな返事ですけど!私は使います。
It's going as (we) planned.
Everything is going as we planned.
プロジェクトなどの[進行](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/59326/)の場合は、as (we) planned が、一番適切だと思います。
他にも、We are on the right track. [軌道に乗っている](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/88618/)、といった言い方も可能です。
1. When something/someone is "on track", this means that they are successfully accomplishing other tasks to reach the goal, usually with little distraction or interference. To help with this phrase, you can picture a train that is on a railroad track. If the train stays on the "track", it will likely reach its destination. If the train goes "off track", this ends in disaster.
2. When something is "going as planned", this means you are successfully accomplishing what you planned before you started the project. This is also a commonly used phrased.
3. If someone is "right on schedule," they're sticking to the initial plan and should meet the deadline (or date when the project/task should be submitted). This phrase is used often in office settings, especially because of its reference to scheduling and the pressure to meet a deadline.
1. "on track"とは、目標に向かってうまく進んでいるという意味です。電車がrailroad track(線路)の上を走っているといったニュアンスです。電車が線路の上をきちんと走っていれば、目的地までいくことができます。もし、脱線すれば事故になってしまいます。
2. "going as planned"とは、当初予定していた通りに進んでいるという意味です。よく使われる表現です。
3. "right on schedule"とは、当初の計画通りに進んでいて、締め切り、または予定通りに間に合うことを意味しています。締め切りのある仕事など、オフィスでよく使われる表現です。
"Currently, we are on track to reach the schedule"
"It is going very well"
If your boss is asking you about the progress of your task and you wanted to reply that everything is on schedule, you could respond with any of the following: "At the moment, it is very smooth sailing", "Currently, we are on track to reach the schedule" or "It is going very well".
"At the moment, it is very smooth sailing"(今のところ順調です)
"Currently, we are on track to reach the schedule"(今のところスケジュールどおりにいっています)
"It is going very well"(順調です)
If your boss asks you about your task and you want to tell him/her that everything is going well, you can use any of the following expressions:-
1. Everything is copacetic -
The word "copacetic" means to be in excellent order. If something is copecetic, it means it is in excellent order. If you say to your boss that everything is copacetic, it means everything is in excellent order.
2. Everything is on schedule. -
This means everything is going according to the way it was planned or intended to go.
3. Everything is going according to plan-
The word "plan" is a word that could be used in place of "schedule"
1. Everything is copacetic.
2. Everything is on schedule.
3. Everything is going according to plan.
"plan"は、 "schedule"の代わりに使うことができ、予定通りという意味です。
When your boss is asking you about the progress of a task and you want to inform them that everything is going well and will be done on time; then you may express this in the following ways:
-It's all on-track
-It's coming along well and will be done on time.
-It's all on-track
-It's coming along well and will be done on time.
All is well and seems to be going according to schedule.
If your boss asks you how your work is going and you would like to reply and tell him/her that you are doing good and going on schedule, you can say something like "Everything is good and running on schedule." or "All is well and seems to be going according to schedule.".
"Everything is good and running on schedule."
"All is well and seems to be going according to schedule."