そうですね、”really" を10回続けて言えばそれもまた間違いなく伝わる方法だと思いますよ~! (^__~)!
でも英語では、”die" ([死ぬ](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/32132/))という単語を使って極度の感情表現もまた作れます。
”I'm dying to see you!!” と言えば、直訳では「会いたくて死にそう!」という意味の「超[会いたい](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36503/)んだけど~!!」というような表現になりますね。
おなじように、”I got to see you soon or I'll die!" 、これもまた直訳すると「すぐ会わないと死にそう!」という意味になる表現。”got to" は ”have to" と同じ「[~しなければならない](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/52160/)」という意味の表現になりますから、これもまたかなり強めの感情表現になりますね。
最後は、”You can't imagine how much I want to see you" ,「あなたにどれだけ会いたいか想像もできないと思うよ」というような直訳。さらに応用編では、この後半に上記最初の英訳例の ”I'm dying to see you!" と入れ替えればさらに最強!! → ”You can't imagine how much I'm dying to see you" ですね。
そんな対象の人がいるなんて本当に幸せですねっ! I envy you!!(うらやましいっ!!)
Hara Ken先生のおっしゃる通り、die を使うとそういう気持ちが
I wish you were here with me now...
You can't imagine how much I want to see youに近いのですが、
You have no idea how much I want to see youも、
口語ではso badで「とても・めちゃくちゃ」という意味を表すことがよくあります。
I wanna see you so bad.「めっちゃ会いたい」
I miss you so bad.「君が恋しくてたまらない」
I'm so excited to see you, I can't sleep thinking about it.
You have no idea how much I want to see you.
These are all nice expressions expressing your need to see a friend, relative or loved one.
Instead of using the word 'really' several times these are other examples of how you can express your excitement.
"I'm so excited to see you, I can't sleep thinking about it" shows that you are constantly thinking about that person, even when you're trying to sleep.
"really" を何回か繰り返してワクワクした気持ちを表してもいいですが、ご紹介した例文のように言うこともできます。
"I'm so excited to see you, I can't sleep thinking about it" は「いつも、寝る時でさえ、その人のことが頭から離れない」という意味です。
I'm dying to see you is an example of hyperbole, we are aware you aren't literally going to die but it expresses a strong want and desire.
I need to see you expresses urgency too but can have an overly serious tone for some circumstances.
I can't wait to see you, again the urgency is there but with a more desirable and patient connotation.
I'm dying to see you は、ちょっと大げさな言い方ですが、本当に死んでしまうなんて思っていません、しかしそれだけ本当にしたいという欲や願望を表します。
I need to see youは、語勢次第でちょっと緊急性も感じます。
I can't wait to see you;これは待っている状態などで、いうことで緊急性を表すことができるでしょう。
Hi Ayane :-) I hope this helps! :-)
A) I'm dying to meet you. - eager to / excited to meet someone
B) I would love to meet you sometime soon. - You would love to meet someone in the near future
Ayaneさんこんにちは :-) お役に立てればいいのですが! :-)
A) 私は死にそうなくらいあなたに会いたい。 - だれかに会うことを切望したり、会いたくてワクワクしていること
B) 近いうちにあなたに会えることをとても楽しみにしています。 - 近い未来にだれかに会いたいと思っていること
dying to' means is to be eager to do or to have it
Repeating 'really' will convey that you are excited to the the person
Note, however, that there are shorter ways of conveying that message
A: Are you coming over tonight?
B: Yes
A: I really really really want to see you
A: My flight lands at one
B: I am dying to see you.
dying to' means is to be eager to do or to have it
Dyint to=○○したくてたまらない。
Repeating 'really' will convey that you are excited to the the person
Note, however, that there are shorter ways of conveying that message
A: Are you coming over tonight?
B: Yes
A: I really really really want to see you
A. 今晩来る?
B. うん。
A. すごく、すごく、すごーく会いたい!
A: My flight lands at one
B: I am dying to see you.
A. 飛行機が一時に着くよ。
B. 会いたくてたまらない!
These expressions all convey a strong desire to see a person. We commonly use phrases like 'I miss you' in English especially when talking with a loved one. If you want something more casual for a friend then something like 'It has been too long!' is good.
このフレーズはよくI miss youと愛する相手に英語で使われます。
もっとカジュアルな表現を友達と使うのなら、it has been too longで良いでしょうね。
1. This means that words cannot express your deep feelings.
2. This means that you cannot tolerate being separated from your friend.
3. This conditional sentence uses hyperbole or exaggerated speech to express your deep feelings.
1. I'm dying to see you!
This is an informal expression that means that you need to see the person so much that you feel that you are going to die.
2. I desperately need to see you.
The word "desperately" means used to emphasize the extreme degree of something. Therefore, if you desperately need to see someone it means that you critically or seriously need to see them.
1. I'm dying to see you!
2. I desperately need to see you.
"desperately"という単語は、何かを極端に強調するために使われます。したがって、desperately need to see someone(誰かに会いたくて仕方ない)とは、その人に非常に会いたいという意味です。
I cannot forget our last meeting...and I am desperate to see you again...
When we are desperate to...Eat drink sleep...or meet again "Desperate" implies a huge need! Indeed it is almost "a life-saver":-))
"I cannot forget our last meeting...and I am desperate to see you again..."
"Desperate" とはどうしてもそうせずにはいられないことを表しています。
ほとんど命綱 "a life-saver"のようなものかもしれません。
"I cannot forget our last meeting...and I am desperate to see you again..."
When you are desperate to get together with someone, you can express this need by saying:
I really want to see you.
I have to see you.
I need to see you.
I really want to see you.
I have to see you.
I need to see you.
The first phrase is a good way of expressing that you require seeing the person or it is very important to you.
"I want to see you urgently" Urgently means you need to see the person immediately because it is very important and that seeing them should come before everything else.
"I want to see you urgently"(あなたに至急会いたいです)
"Urgently" は、それが非常に重要なことなので直ちに会わなければならないことを表します。
If you would like to express that you really want to see somebody, without repeating the word "really", you can say:
"I can't bare being apart from you."
"I'm dying to see you you."
誰かにすごく会いたいときは、"really" を繰り返さず次のように言えます。
"I can't bare being apart from you."(あなたと会えないのが耐えられない)
"I'm dying to see you."(あなたにすごく会いたい)
1. I'm dying to see you.
2. I really, really, really want to see you.
really をたくさん並べるのももちろん強調の意味になります。
・I'm dying to see you.
・You don't know how much I miss you.
you don't know how much I miss you は「私がどれほどあなたに会いたいか、あなたはわかっていない」のような直訳になりますが、「めっちゃ会いたい」ということです。