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2017/06/07 12:33
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  • The rainy season has just begun.

[梅雨]( rainy season)がちょうど[始まった](ところ、ということで、 The rainy season has just begun. 「梅雨が始まりました」 と言ってもいいですね。 <ボキャブラリー> rainy season = 雨季、梅雨 season = 季節 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • We've entered the rainy season.

We've entered the rainy season. [雨の時期(梅雨)](に入りました。 Which means, we're expecting to have rainy weather for a few weeks. 数週間は[雨](の天気が[続きそう](ということです。 梅雨と言っても雨が続くとは限らないので、rainy weatherの代わりに gloomy weather と言っても良いかもしれません。 gloomy weather = どんよりとした天気 Can't wait for the sun to come back! 太陽が恋しいですね〜
  • The rainy season is here.

  • The rainy season has started.

  • It's that time of year for the rainy season.

"The rainy season is here." expresses that the rainy season has started.
【例】 The rainy season is here. (梅雨入りした) これは、梅雨が始まったという事を表現しています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Rainy season is here once again.

  • The rainy season has begun

"Rainy season is here once again." This is a reminder that the raining season has returned as usual. "The rainy season has begun" The rainy season has just started.
①「雨季がまたやってきました。」 (梅雨入りしました)」例年通り、雨季(梅雨)入りしたことを思い出す言い方。 ②「雨季が始まりました。(梅雨に入りました)」 雨季(梅雨)が始まったばかり。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Here comes the rain again for another few months!

  • The monsoon season is just beginning.

'Here comes the rain again.' This message means it's starting to rain. It is also a famous song by the UK group, The Eurythmics. A "Is July a good time to visit Korea?" B " Well, I would say it's better to come later in the year as we have a rainy spell in July which some people call the Monsoon Season." A "OK, maybe I'll come in November."
'Here comes the rain again.'これはEurythmicsというバンドの曲でもありますが、雨が降ってきた、という表現です。 A "Is July a good time to visit Korea?" 7月って韓国旅行にはどうだろう? B " Well, I would say it's better to come later in the year as we have a rainy spell in July which some people call the Monsoon Season."もっと後の方が良いと思うよ。7月はモンスーンで雨が多いんだ。 A "OK, maybe I'll come in November." なるほど11月くらいにするよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The rainy season has started. We must buy umbrellas

  • It's the beginning of the rainy season. Check for functioning umbrellas.

  • The rainy season has just begun. We must buy umbrellas.

When there is no rain, we usually do not think of umbrellas. Usually, during the rainy season, umbrellas get damaged by the wind so that by the end of the rainy season, most of us do not have any functioning umbrellas for the next rainy season. So, when the next rainy season begins, we have to buy new functioning umbrellas. So, you may say: The rainy season has started. We must buy umbrellas or It's the beginning of the rainy season. Check for functioning umbrellas. or The rainy season has just begun. We must buy umbrellas.
私たちは、雨が降っていないときは傘のことをあまり考えません。 通常、雨季では多くの傘が風などでボロボロになり、次のシーズンには傘が壊れていることが多いです。 そんな理由から、雨季が始まる時に新しい傘を用意しなくてはいけません。 例文1:The rainy season has started. We must buy umbrellas 「雨季(梅雨)が始まったよ。傘買わなきゃね。」 例文2:It's the beginning of the rainy season. Check for functioning umbrellas. 「雨季(梅雨)の始まりだね。壊れていない傘あるかみて?」 例文3:The rainy season has just begun. We must buy umbrellas. 「雨季が始まったね。傘が必要だ。」
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The monsoon season has begun here.

Monsoons are heavy rains with high winds, so when expressing that rainy season is here one could say "The monsoon season has begun here.''
Monsoonsとは、強い風に激しい雨を伴います。ですので、梅雨のことを説明するには以下のように言うことができます。  "The monsoon season has begun here.'' ここで、梅雨入りしました。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • The rainy season has begun.

  • It's the beginning of the rainy season.

*The rainy season has begun. This means that the rainy season has begun and you can use this to notify others to start making the necessary arrangements. Example sentences: "We should buy rain courts, the rainy season has begun."
例:The rainy season has begun. 「梅雨(雨季)が始まったね。」 これは雨季が始まったことを人に知らせ、対策を話すなど、会話のきっかけになります。 例:We should buy rain courts, the rainy season has begun. 「レインコート買わないと。梅雨(雨季)が始まっちゃったよ。」
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The rain season has begun

  • Rainy season

When you want to explain that the rainy season has come, then you can say: -The rainy season has begun/come. -It's started raining again and it's going to be like this for a while. -I don't like going to work during the rainy season
梅雨が始まったことを伝える言い方です: -The rainy season has begun/come. 梅雨が始まりました/来ました。 -It's started raining again and it's going to be like this for a while. また雨が降り出しました、しばらくは続きそうです。 -I don't like going to work during the rainy season 梅雨の時期に出勤は嫌です。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The rainy season has started

The rainy season is defined as the monsoon season, it is the time of year when most of a region's average annual rainfall occurs.
「rainy season」は「monsoon season(雨期)」という意味です。 その地域の平均年間降水量の大部分はこの時期に降ります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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