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hito dokokanoさん
2017/08/17 19:34
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  • Thank you for making good movies on Youtube all the time.

「いつも[素晴らしい](動画をありがとう」 ということは、 「Youtubeの[動画](を[作成](してくれてありがとう」 にしてあげると英語で表現しやすいかと思います。 Thank you for making good movies on Youtube all the time. 「いつも素晴らしい動画を作ってくれてありがとう!」 all the time「いつも」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Thanks for always posting great videos!

  • You always post such great videos!

  • I love your videos!

In order to tell someone that they always post great videos on YouTube, you can say: Thanks for always posting great videos! To post - This means to submit something on social media like a photo or video clip. Video - motion picture. You can also say: You always post such great videos! I love your videos! Both of these phrases show great appreciation for the videos that the person has posted. I hope that helps!
素晴らしい動画をいつも[投稿](している人に[感謝](を述べたければ、こう言えます。 Thanks for always posting great videos! To post - これは、何かをソーシャルメディアに投稿する、という意味です。 Video - 動画 こうも言えます。 You always post such great videos! I love your videos! このフレーズはどちらもポストしてくれた動画に対しての感謝を述べる言い回しです。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for posting such great videos!

  • I love the content of your videos, thank you!

  • I get a kick out of your videos, thank you!

The three sentences you see above are great ways to thank someone for posting great videos. In the second sentence you will see the word content, which means subject matter or theme. In the third sentence you will see the expression get a kick out of, which means to enjoy. This word and this expression are common in our everyday conversation and would be a great addition to your vocabulary!
三例とも、良い動画を投稿してくれたことに感謝する言い方です。 2つ目の文にある「content」は「主題」とか「テーマ」という意味です。 3つ目の文にある「get a kick out of」は「enjoy (楽しむ)」と同じ意味です。 どちらも普段の会話でよく使われますので、是非覚えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you so much for your great videos. I love them.

  • I enjoy all your videos. Great work

When you want to compliment your favorite YouTuber about putting up great content, you can say: -Thank you so much for your great videos. I love them. -I enjoy all your videos. Great work -Thanks for the great content. I really enjoy your videos.
大好きなユーチューバーのコンテンツを褒めるときの表現です: -Thank you so much for your great videos. I love them. 素晴らしい動画ありがとうございます。楽しませてもらっています。 -I enjoy all your videos. Great work いつも動画楽しく見てます。最高です。 -Thanks for the great content. I really enjoy your videos. 素晴らしいコンテンツをありがとう。楽しませてもらっています。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I am one of your subbies on Youtube and I really enjoy your videos.

  • Thank yo for posting great videos on Youtube.

I am one of your subbies on YouTube and I really enjoy your videos. If you are a subbie on YouTube it means that you have subscribed on their YouTube channels and you are always watching their videos. Thank yo for posting great videos on Youtube. This is a direct way of thanking them on posting great videos on YouTube.
I am one of your subbies on YouTube and I really enjoy your videos. Shabbiesとは、Youtubeにおいてチェンネル登録していつもその人のビデオを見る人のことを表します。 Thank yo for posting great videos on Youtube. これは素晴らしいビデオをアップしてくれてありがとうと直接感謝を伝える表現です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Wow, I just love your videos on this site!

  • Keep posting those videos!

  • Your YouTube videos totally kick ass!

To kick ass = Extremely good or impressive; excellent, outstanding. ‘I will be a kick-ass management coach.’ ‘That song is totally kick-ass.’ Context example: "I'll be uploading a new video every week during my trip around Chile." "Wow, that's great news! I just love your videos on this site!"
To kick ass = とても素晴らしい、すごくいい、最高という様な意味です。 ‘I will be a kick-ass management coach.’ (私は素晴らしい管理指導者になります) ‘That song is totally kick-ass.’ (その曲ホントに最高ですね) 例 "I'll be uploading a new video every week during my trip around Chile." (毎週、私のチリ旅行動画を更新します) "Wow, that's great news! I just love your videos on this site!" (おぉ、すごいニュースですね!このサイトのあなたの動画大好きです)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for posting such good videos

  • thanks for the interesting content

  • your posts are always very good

"Your posts are always very good "  I love watching your posts, your videoes are really good or  Thanks for the interesting content or Thanks for posting such good videoes
"Your posts are always very good " あなたの投稿いつもすごくいいね。  I love watching your posts, your videoes are really good  あなたの投稿を見るのが好きです。ビデオがすごくいいね。  Thanks for the interesting content  おもしろいビデオありがとう。 Thanks for posting such good videoes おもしろいビデオを投稿してくれてありがとう。
Homa DMM英会話講師
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