I was born and raised in Tokyo, but now I live in Yamanashi for work.
・I was born and raised in Tokyo, but now I live in Yamanashi for work.
「生まれ育ち」は born and raised と言うことが多いです。
now を加えると日本語文の「今は」のニュアンスが含まれます。
for work は「仕事で」という意味です。
I was born and raised in Tokyo, but moved to Yamanashi for work.
「生まれ育ち」を"born and raised"として翻訳する。
"I was born and raised in New Jersey."
"I moved to Japan in 2008."
"I was born and raised in New Jersey, but moved to Japan in 2008."
My home town is Tokyo but now I live in Yamanashi for work.
I grew up in Tokyo then I moved to Yamanashi for work.
We call the place we grew up in, our home town because essentially it will always be our home, where we spent our childhood. Often when people ask where you come from, you can reply "I grew up in Tokyo", this means that you spend all/most of your childhood and teen years there.
生まれ育った場所をhometownと言います。というのも、そこには子供のころ過ごした家があるからです。どこ出身ですかと聞かれたら、"I grew up in Tokyo."「東京で育ちました。」と答えることができます。これは、自分の幼少期、10代の全て、もしくはほとんどをそこで過ごしたという意味になります。
I was born and raised in Tokyo but I moved to Yamanashi for work. So, that's where I live now.
I was born and raised in Tokyo but now I live in Yamanashi for work.
When you want to explain that you now live and work in Yamanashi but were born and raised in Tokyo, then you may explain it in the following ways:
-I was born and raised in Tokyo but I moved to Yamanashi for work. So, that's where I live now.
-I was born and raised in Tokyo but now I live in Yamanashi for work.
-I was born and raised in Tokyo but I moved to Yamanashi for work. So, that's where I live now.
-I was born and raised in Tokyo but now I live in Yamanashi for work.
I was born and raised in Tokyo. But now I live in Yamanashi because of a job relocation.
"be born in ~" は「~で生まれる、誕生する」という表現で、
他に "be (originally) from ~"((もともとは)~出身である)と言うこともできます。
"be raised in ~" は「~で育つ、成長する」ということを表します。
"because of ~" は「(直接的な原因・理由として)~のために、~のせいで」という表現です。代わりに "due to ~" を使っても良いでしょう。
「転勤」は "job relocation" または "a job transfer" と表すことができます。
My birthplace and childhood home was Tokyo but I'm now living in Yamanashi
Although I live in Yamanashi now, all my childhood and formative years were spent in Tokyo
You may refer to your 'birthplace' which is the town or city you were born in. Alternatively you may use the introductory word 'although' so as to make a comparison between these two cities. this form is great when comparing the differences between two people, places or things.
"Although bears are active in summer, they hibernate during the entire winter."
"Although bears are active in summer, they hibernate during the entire winter."(クマは夏に活動しますが、冬の間は冬眠します。)
I was born and raised in Tokyo, but now live in Yamanashi due to work
I was born and raised in Tokyo, but moved to Yamanashi for work
I was born and raised in Tokyo, but i relocated to Yamanashi for work
If you 'relocate' it means that you have moved to a different area to live. By adding 'due to work' or 'for work' it explains why you moved or relocated.
Born and raised explains whereabouts you were born and bought up when you was a child.
So you could say ' I was born and raised in Tokyo, but moved to Yamanashi for work'
「due to work(仕事で)」や「for work(仕事で)」は引っ越しをした理由を示します。
「born and raised」は、子どもの頃生まれ育った場所を表します。
I was born and raised in Tokyo, but moved to Yamanashi for work.
I was born and raised in Tokyo, but now I live in Yamanashi as I got transferred here due to my work.
I was born and raised in Tokyo, but now I'm in Yamanashi for work reasons.
- I was born and raised in Tokyo, but now I live in Yamanashi as I got transferred here due to my work.
- I was born and raised in Tokyo, but now I'm in Yamanashi for work reasons.
--- get transferred to = 転勤される
--- due to my work = 仕事のため
--- for work reasons = 仕事の理由で