A 'business associate' is someone that you do business with and can be in any sector.
A 'client' is a person or business that you are providing a service for. For example a lawyer will have many different 'clients'.
A 'business partner' is usually someone that you run your company with. A partner in a company will usually have a similar amount of pull in the company as yourself. This however can also be used to describe someone from another company that you are working alongside with.
取引先は英語で business partner と言います。
I have a meeting with one of our business partners today
We have 50 business partners
A company may do business with another company in two ways. The company may be a supplier of goods or services to the other company. In this case, the company is a supplier/service provider and the company being supplied with goods or services is a customer or a client. If the company is the receiver of goods or services, it then becomes the customer or the client.
So, you may say:
We do business with a lot of customers/clients. (If you are a supplier)
We do business with several suppliers/service providers. (If you are a customer/client)
物やサービスを提供する側の会社は「supplier」または「service provider」と言います。一方、物やサービスを受ける側の会社は「customer」または「client」と言います。
We do business with a lot of customers/clients. (If you are a supplier)
We do business with several suppliers/service providers. (If you are a customer/client)
In a sales organisation, someone to whom you sell goods or services would be known as either a customer or a client.
A person or company that sells goods to you is known as your supplier.
"We will receive a delivery from our supplier later today."
"We will receive a delivery from our supplier later today."
The term most commonly used for the business/company you deal with is called a client you could also called the person in the company a business associate you could also be called a customer if you are buying goods/services from the business
The term business partner can also be used to say a person that works with you running your company as well
仕事の取引先を表す最も一般的な言い方はclient(顧客)です。また、この会社にいる人のことはbusiness associate(仕事仲間)と言えます。その会社から商品(サービス)を購入しているなら、customer(顧客)になります。
business partnerは、会社を一緒に経営している人を表す時に使えます。
There are a number of different ways to refer to a business that you have a working relationship with. The correct words depends on what kind of business relationship the two companies have.
For example, if the company provides a service to the other, it is most common to refer to them as a 'client' or a 'customer'. An example of this would be how an outsourced cleaning company would refer to a business's office that they are responsible for cleaning.
However, if you are a business that receives a service from another, you would refer to them as a 'supplier'. Using the same example as above, the business that operates in the office and uses the cleaning service would call them a 'supplier' as they supply the service to that business.
To describe a company that your company does business with might be called a ‘business associate’ or ‘business partner’, especially when the business is being done on equal terms. However, if one company is being employed by another, e.g. a law firm is being employed by a retail company, we might say the retail company is the client of the law firm, meaning that the retail company is paying the law firm to do a job.
「取引先」は英語で「client」や「business client」といいます。「customer」か「supplier」(=補充する会社・人)という言い方も使えます。
I have a meeting with a client this afternoon.
My husband often goes drinking with business clients.
I want to write an email to my customer in English. Can you help me?
「取引先」のことは英語で「business partner」「business associate」と「client」といいます。
→「I will go visit a business partner today」
→「I will go visit a business associate today」
→「I will go visit a client today」
→「Call a business partner on the phone」
→「Call a business associate on the phone」
→「Call a client on the phone」