世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




 日本に留学中の、外国人に「日本人の友達出来た?」と聞く、シチュエーションです。A:Did you make Japanese friends? B:Not yet. A:Oh,that's a bit bad. A:But I think you'll get it soon. こんな感じで良いでしょうか?
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2018/06/17 12:58
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  • Have you made any Japanese friends yet?

  • Have you become friends with any Japanese people?

'Did you make any Japanese friends' だと留学から帰ってきた際の質問になってしまうので 'Have you ~ yet?' の方が適切かもしれません。参考になれば幸いです。 (1) Have you made any Japanese friends yet? 'Have you ~ yet?' = 「もう〜した?」 'make friends' = 「友達を作る」「友達ができる」 「もう日本人の友達できた?」という意訳の訳出です。 (2) Have you become friends with any Japanese people? 'become friends' = 「友達になる」 「誰か日本人と友達になれた?」 <ボキャブラリー> Japanese friends = 日本人の友達 become friends with ... = 〜と友達になる
  • Have you made any Japanese friends yet?

  • Are you interacting well with any Japanese people yet?

When settling into a new life in a new country, it sometimes takes time to meet new people and get closer to individuals. the use of 'yet' at the end of a question means: 'before now'.
新しい国で新生活を始める場合、人と知り合って、親しくなるのに時間がかかることがあります。 疑問文の最後に'yet' を使うと「今までに(before now)」という意味になります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Have you made any friends who are Japanese?

It is possible that this person has made friends but they may not be Japanese so asking in this format helps to emphasize that you want to know whether they have made any friends that are Japanese. I hope that this helps :)
この人は友達ができたけれども日本人で無いかもしれません。ですので、このように尋ねることで、日本人の友達ができたかどうか知りたいことを示すことができます。 あなたの理解の助けになれば!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Have you become friends with any Japanese people since arriving here?

  • Do you have any friends from Japan yet?

  • Have you befriended any Japanese people?

"To befriend" means "to become friends with somebody" or "to make friends with somebody". If you are a sociable and amicable person, you may befriend everyone you meet!
「To befriend」は「誰かと友達になる」という意味です。もし、あなたがsociable(社交的)でamicable(友好的)なら、出会う人全てと友達になれるかもしれません!
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Have you made any Japanese friends?

Made' is the past tense of 'make' which is the word used to describe forming friendships. Therefore to have 'made' friends is to ask whether the person has formed any friendships with Japanese people.
madeは、makeの過去形で、友情を築くと言うために使われます。従って、have made friends は、その人が日本人と友情を築いたか聞くための表現です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any Japanese friends yet?

  • Have you buddied up to any Japanese people yet?

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask your listener if they have made any Japanese friends since moving to Japan. In the second sentence you will see the phrase buddy up. This phrase means to spend time with a certain person. This is a phrase that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記例文は、日本に来てから日本人の友達が出来たどうかについて相手に尋ねるときに使える文章です。 二つ目の文章に、"buddy up"というフレーズがありますが、これは「誰かと友達になる」という意味です。日常会話でもよく使うので、貴方のボキャブラリーに追加すると良いと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Have you made any Japanese friends yet?

  • Do you have any Japanese friends?

  • So, since you've moved here; have you made any Japanese friends?

When you want to ask an exchange student, that is now studying in Japan, whether they have made any Japanese friends; you may ask in the following ways: -Have you made any Japanese friends yet? -Do you have any Japanese friends? -So, since you've moved here; have you made any Japanese friends?
日本で勉強している留学生に、日本人の友達が出来たかどうか尋ねたい場合は、次のように聞くことができます。 【例文】 -Have you made any Japanese friends yet? (もう日本人の友達は出来ましたか?) -Do you have any Japanese friends? (日本人の友達はいますか?) -So, since you've moved here; have you made any Japanese friends? (日本に引っ越してきたので、日本人の友達は出来ましたか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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