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2018/07/24 02:25
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  • I couldn't get over my girlfriend for a year after breaking up with her.

"To get over someone" is to be able to forget them and move on, typically after a romantic relationship. "To break up" is to end a relationship, generally of the romantic or sexual type. I hope that this helps :)
to get over someoneは、主に恋愛関係の後に誰かを忘れ先に進むことを言います。 to break upとは、普通は恋愛関係、または男女関係を終わらせることです。 これが、役立つことを願います。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • It took me about a year to get over my last girlfriend.

"It took me about" means that something will have taken you roughly that length of time and implies you do not know the exact amount of time but it was 'around' a year. By using 'my last' we are saying that we may be looking for a new girlfriend and that the process of getting over her is finally finished and you can move on.
何かが大体その長さの時間かかったことを表します。正確な時間は分からない、大体1年というニュアンスです。 my last(前の)を使って、その彼女のことをやっと乗り越えて次に進めることを表しています。新しい彼女も探しているかもしれません。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • It took me a year to recover after splitting up with my girlfriend

  • The effects of breaking up with my girlfriend stayed with me for a year

To split up with someone means that the relationship between two people comes to an end. It may either be a mutually agreed split, or, more usually, one party to the relationship chooses to break away from the other. "John split up with Mary because she cheated on him."
"To split up with someone"は、恋愛関係に終止符を打つという意味です。同意の上、または、よくある片方が別れを切り出ししたから、のどちらかではないかと思います。 例:John split up with Mary because she cheated on him.(メアリーがジョンと別れたのは、彼が浮気をしたからだ。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I couldn't get over my ex-girlfriend for about a year

  • After I broke up with my girlfriend, I couldn't get over her for about a year

When you want to explain that it took over a year to get over your ex-girlfriend, then you may explain this in the following way: -I couldn't get over my ex-girlfriend for about a year -After I broke up with my girlfriend, I couldn't get over her for about a year
「元カノと分かれてから一年以上引きずっていた」は次のように言えます。 -I couldn't get over my ex-girlfriend for about a year(元カノと分かれてから1年くらい引きずっていた) -After I broke up with my girlfriend, I couldn't get over her for about a year(元カノと分かれてから一年くらい引きずっていた)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • After I broke up with my girlfriend I couldn't get over her for about a year

  • It took me almost a year to get over my girlfriend after splitting up with her

When talking about no longer being with your boyfriend/girlriend this is also called 'breaking' or 'splitting' up To get over means to go back to normal after something happens to you
彼氏/彼女と分かれることは、'breaking up' や 'splitting up' と表します。 'to get over' は普段の状態に戻ることをいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "It took me a whole year to get over my ex."

  • "I needed a year to get over my ex-girlfriend."

  • "Once we broke up, I thought I'd never get over her. It was about a year later that I eventually did."

"It took me a whole year to get over my ex." This example sentence describes how long the heartache lasted and "ex" is a common way to refer to a previous girlfriend or boyfriend. "I needed a year to get over my ex-girlfriend" is another straightforward and clear way to describe the above and in a similar amount of words. "Once we broke up, I thought I'd never get over her. It was about a year later that I eventually did" is a much longer and perhaps more descriptive way to explain the situation. You might find this type of explanation in a novel, journal or similar, where more emotion is used to describe the story.
"It took me a whole year to get over my ex." (元彼/彼女を忘れるのに丸1年かかった。) これは、どれくらいつらい状態が続いたかを表すフレーズです。 "ex" は、元彼氏、元彼女を表す一般的な言葉です。   "I needed a year to get over my ex-girlfriend" (元カノを忘れるのに1年必要だった。) これは、上の例と似ていますが、ストレートに伝えるフレーズです。   "Once we broke up, I thought I'd never get over her. It was about a year later that I eventually did" (別れると、彼女のことを忘れられないと思っていた。1年かかったけど、忘れすことができたよ。) これは、その状況をよく表すより長い表現です。小説や、雑誌など話を感情的に書くときに使います。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • It took me about a year to get over my girlfriend after I split up with her.

The first part of the sentence 'It took me about a year' is stating the length of time it took me to get over my girlfriend. The word took shows that I am talking about the past as it is in the simple past tense. The word about has the same meaning as approximately. It states an approximate length of time. 'To get over' is a phrasal verb used in the past tense in this instance and means to start to feel happy and recover from feeling upset after in this case about a year. 'After I split up with her shows us that he was the person to end the relationship. Using the phrasal verb 'split up' meaning that he and his girlfriend separated and ended their relationship.
文の最初の部分、 'It took me about a year' は、前の彼女を忘れるのに1年かかったことを伝えています。 tookは、過去のことを言うのに使う言葉です。 aboutは、 approximately(だいたい)と同じ意味の言葉です。'To get over'は、過去形の句動詞で、1年間続いた悲しい気持ちから復活して、ハッピーになってきたことを意味します。  'After I split up with her'は、彼が交際を終わらせた人であることを表します。  'split up'は、関係が終わるという意味です。
Samantha H DMM英会話講師
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