An "early bird" is someone who gets up early. This is because there is a phrase in English that says "The early bird gets the worm." which means that if you get up early then you will be rewarded. I hope that this helps :)
"early bird" は、早起きする人のことです。このような意味になった理由は、"The early bird gets the worm."(早起きの鳥が虫を[捕まえる]( という英語のフレーズがあるからです。このフレーズの意味は、早起きをすれば[良いこと](があるということです。
I. [朝](、早く[起きる](の「早起き」(+するだと、動詞となります)の場合は、
「to get up early 」または「to rise early」がいいと思います。
類義語ですが、「to get up early 」のほうがより大きい頻度で使われているのではないか、という感じです。
II. 早起き(名詞=早くおきる人)としては、+「early riser」または、「morning person」と言います。
get up = 起きる
early = 早く
morning person = 朝型の人
wake up early / get up early
I like to wake up early and run on weekends.
I get up early on weekends for a morning run.
「早起きは三文の徳」は "The early bird catches the worm" と言います。
To say you get up early you could say 'To wake up early' or 'to get up early'
Early riser is an informal term meaning you rise/get out your bed early
Early bird is a slang term meaning you get up early from the saying (the early bird gets the worm) meaning if you get up early you get everything done you want
早く起きることを”To wake up early"または”To get up early"と言います。
”Early riser"は、早起きする人のことを言います。
”Early bird"とは、早起きする人のスラングです。”Early bird gets the best worm"(早起きは三文の徳)から由来します。
If you get a jump on someone or something it means that you start or do
something earlier than others.
People tend to speak of themselves as 'early birds' when speaking generally, or
perhaps on one occasion.
"I think I'll be an early bird tomorrow as I have to get to work earlier than usual."
To be up with the larks means to get up very early in the day.
get a jump onとは、他の人よりも早く何かにとりかかることという意味です。
一般的に早起きする人のことを 'early birds' という人もいます。
"I think I'll be an early bird tomorrow as I have to get to work earlier than usual."
To be up with the larksとは、とても早く起きるという意味です。
I am an early bird' is a catchphrase native English speakers use to express that they get up early and are productive in the mornings. 'I like getting up early' is another way of expressing this sentiment.
I am an early bird'(私は早起きです)は、早起きで朝から活動的であることを表すときにネイティブが使うキャッチフレーズです。
'I like getting up early'(早起きが好きです)も、同じ気持ちを表します。
The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you get up early. In the first sentence you will see the term crack of dawn. This means very early. This term is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family. In the second sentence you will see the term early riser. This is a person who normally gets up very early.
一つ目の例文に、”crack of dawn"とありますが、これは「早朝」という意味のフレーズです。カジュアルな表現なので、親しい友人や家族との会話に使います。
二つ目の例文に、”early riser"とありますが、これは「早起きする人」という意味です。
When we want to say that, because of a change in routine, we need to leave our bed and start the day at a time before our usual time, we use the phrase "get up early". It means to get out of bed to start your day before the time you normally would. An example would be, I am going to the airport tomorrow morning , my flight is at 7 am, I need to get up early by 4,30 am at the latest, normally I get up at 7am .
いつもよりも早く起きないといけないと言いたいときは、"get up early"というフレーズを使います。これは、いつもより早く起きて一日を始めることを表します。
I am going to the airport tomorrow morning, my flight is at 7 am, I need to get up early by 4,30 am at the latest, normally I get up at 7am.
・「to wake up early」
(例文)I like to wake up early on the weekends. I usually exercise in the morning.
wake up 早起き