私がよくやるのは、[思い出した](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36510/)ように、"Oh!! By the way..,,"っと話を切り出します。
"This is off the topic, but..."
※上記のように「話を変える」時の「話」は"topic"を使います。(change the topic)
by the way = ところで、ちなみに
topic = 話題
change the topic = 話を変える
「① On a different note...」は「[話](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/56403/)は変わるけど」です。
カジュアルならこれが一番いいでしょう:「② Sorry to change the subject but....」。
"Sorry"が入っているのは、「すみません、[話](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/56403/)変わりますが」のニュアンスです。イギリスなので、イギリス人は日本人と同じく結構理由もなく謝るんです 笑
話を変えるときの “接続詞” のような定番表現はYuka先生が挙げた ”by the way" が最も自然にいつでも使えるフレーズだと思います。同時に、もし自分が思い出した内容のことであれば例①のように、”Oh, I just remembered, but..." (そうだ、ちょっと思い出したんだけど・・・)という具合に、この始め方であれば全く別の話題に入っても許されそうですね。
同時に、内容が言い忘れたこと、というニュアンスであれば例②の ”Oh, I forgot to tell you that..."、(そうだ、ちょっと言い忘れていたんだけど・・・)
どちらでも無い場合、またはどちらの意味にも使える標準的な話題を変えるもう一つの方法は、そのままの意味をストレートに伝えて言う表現、”Sorry to change the subject but...", 又は、”Sorry for changing the subject but..." , いずれも訳は、「急に話題変えて申し訳ないんだけど…」という言い方もまた自然、よく聞くフレーズの一つですね!!
"Come to think of it, 〜"「そういえば」
"Speaking of which〜"「その話といえば」
In this situation be careful not to be rude to your audience especially if you are in a formal situation. Try changing the subject at the right moment and not when another person is emotional or focused.
"Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about. . ." and "Oh, I've been meaning to tell you. . ." are easy ways to change the subject as it also shows importance.
"This is off topic but. . ." acknowledges that you are aware you are changing the subject but it is for a specific reason.
"Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about. . ." と "Oh, I've been meaning to tell you. . ." は「大切なこと」という感じが出るので、うまく話を変えられます。
"This is off topic but. . ." は「話が変わるけど. . .」という意味です、別に話したいことがある時に使います。
A) Sorry for interrupting you but i just need to tell you this before it slips my mind.
B) Totally off the topic but i just have to tell you . . . .
Hi Yasu :-) i hope this helps!
A) Sorry for interrupting you but i just need to tell you this before it slips my mind.
interrupting - cut in
before it slips my mind - Before i forget
B) Totally off the topic but i just have to tell you . . . .
Totally -completely; absolutely
off the topic - it is not relevant to the current discussion
Yasuさん :-) 回答がお役に立てば幸いです!
A) Sorry for interrupting you but i just need to tell you this before it slips my mind.(邪魔をしてごめんなさい、忘れる前に言いたかったので)
interrupting - cut in (邪魔をする)
before it slips my mind - Before i forget(忘れる前に)
B) Totally off the topic but i just have to tell you . . . .(関係ないですが、これだけは言っておきたくて)
Totally -completely; absolutely(完全に)
off the topic - it is not relevant to the current discussion(今の話題には関連しない)
"Going off, on a tangent" Changing the subject altogether
Off on a tangent for a moment ....I changed subject altogether
Sometimes a thought just "pops into your head" mid-flow as it were ;-D
We then go off on a tangent and leave the other topic of conversation behind.
Don't worry its quite normal, the mind often works in a non-linear
or illogical fashion!
It is best to mention you are " changing subject completely"
otherwise listeners "may get lost" or left behind, in the course of the conversation!
例:"Going off, on a tangent" Changing the subject altogether
例:Off on a tangent for a moment ....I changed subject altogether
時々、何か考えが"pops into your head"(頭に浮かぶ)ことがありますよね。
This refers to changing the channel on the tv to watch another TV show when used in conversation it lets the other person know you want to change the subject.
in a casual scenario you can normally just say "anyway..." and then just proceed with your new subject.
in a more formal setting i would say "sorry to changer the subject..." and then proceed with the next topic
カジュアルな場面では、普通"anyway..." を使い、それから新しい話題に入ります。
フォーマルな場では、"sorry to changer the subject..." (話題が変わって申し訳ないですが)と言って、次のトピックに移行します。
Before I forget, let me tell you this story quickly...
Sorry, but I can I change the topic quickly... - Sorry= being nice and apologies because you interrupted the person.
Before I forget, let me tell you this story quickly... - This is telling the person that you want to change the topic quickly before you forget what you wanted to say.
Sorry, but I can I change the topic quickly...(ごめんなさい、話が変わりますが) - Sorry= 相手を遮るので感じよく謝ります
Before I forget, let me tell you this story quickly...(忘れる前に、ちょっとこの話をさせてください) - 言いたかったことを忘れる前に、素早く話題を変えたいことを相手に伝える表現です。
If you are in the middle of a conversation and you suddenly remember something you need to mention, you can use any of the sentences above.
"Sorry to change the topic": this alerts the other person that you are about to say something that doesn't follow the same topic that was being discussed.
"Quick side note": a quick mention of something
"Quick side note, did I tell you where I hid the door key?"
"Oh, by the way, did I give you my house alarm pin code?"
"Sorry to change the topic": トピックが変わって申し訳ないんだけど
"Quick side note": 何かをさっと話すこと
"Quick side note, did I tell you where I hid the door key?"
"Oh, by the way, did I give you my house alarm pin code?"
Yeah, I know, enough about that, let's talk about this...
You are in the middle of the conversation, and you want to change the topic, then you can say one of these three things. (The last one, you should only really use with people you know very well and won't get upset).
For example
So, my week has been long, and work has been tiring.
Yeah, I know. Anyway, have you heard about Dave?
No, what happened.
I hope that helps.
Have a great day.
Can we talk about something else/change the subject?
Before I forget I wanted to tell you that.......
Sometimes when you speaking to someone, they may start saying things that you are not comfortable talking and you would like them to change the topic. You can politely say "Can we talk about something else/change the subject?."
On the other hand, if you are speaking to someone and you suddenly remember something and you want to tell them before you forget you can say "Before I forget I wanted to tell you that......."
例:Can we talk about something else/change the subject?
例:Before I forget I wanted to tell you that.......
Well, to talk about something completely different..........
Oh, I also want to mention.....
When changing the subject in a conversation, any of the above examples may be appropriate.
It goes without saying that every situation brings with it a variety of variables such as country, gender of the speaker or speakers and the audience or receiver of any communication. With that point in mind, what you say may need to be adjusted slightly. For example, comedians who travel around different countries or areas of one country may use cities or areas familiar to the audience in their jokes.
Off topic=話題からずれて
This is off topic, but
This is off topic, but do you know anything about the new president?
a littleを加えて、ちょっと変わるけど
This is a little off topic, but would you like to go for a drink tonight?
On another note ...
This is a completely different topic, but ...
different topic は「違う話題」という意味の英語表現です。