世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/09/27 18:41
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  • I find it hard to be happy for other people.

  • It is difficult for me to feel happy for others.

When you are 'happy for someone' it means that you are happy that they are happy. For example if your friend had fallen in love you may say "I am very happy for you." Everyone is an individual and every person is unique so comparing yourself to others is not a good use of time, and it does often leave us feeling empty. It is better to look inwards and see what you can do to make yourself happy. This is a more positive approach to life.
happy for someone'とは、その人(someone)が幸せで自分も幸せなことを表します。 例えば、友達が誰かと恋に落ちたら、"I am very happy for you."(とてもうれしい)と言えます。 人はそれぞれ違うわけですから、他の人と自分を比べるのは賢い時間の使い方ではありませんし、むなしい気持ちになることが多いです。自分自身を見つめて、幸せになるために何ができるか考えたほうがずっといいでしょう。そのほうがより前向きに人生と向き合えます。  
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I find it difficult to be happy for other people.

  • It's not easy for me to be happy for other people.

Mariさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 ・ It's not easy for me to be happy for other people. ・ I find it difficult to be happy for other people. お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • I feel jealous when I see that others are happy.

  • When others are happy, I tend to compare myself negatively to them.

You can say that you feel jealous, since that is usually the feeling we get when we compare ourselves with other people. Saying we are jealous is not a positive quality when discussing serious maters. When we compare ourselves to others and are not happy for them, it can be taken quite negatively.
「feel jealous(嫉妬する)」と言えます。普通自分と他人を比較したときに抱く感情です。 真面目なことについて「I'm jealous(うらやましい)」と言うと、良いこととは受け取られません。人と自分を比較して嫉妬心を抱くことは、かなりネガティブに受け取られることがあります。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • I can't always share in other people's happiness because I think of my own (unfortunate) situation

  • because of my own experiences, my heart is not always big enough to share in the happiness of others

You can't feel happy for others when they are happy (because sometimes you compare yourself to them). You may express this feeling by using one of the suggested comments.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I can't take pleasure in another person's happiness.

  • I can't be happy at another person's happiness.

  • I can't revel in another person's happiness.

「人の~」→「Another person's ~」 「幸せ」→「Happiness」 「喜ぶ」→「To take pleasure in, To be happy at, To revel in」 まとめて言いますと、 「I can't take pleasure in another person's happiness.」 「I can't be happy at another person's happiness.」 「I can't revel in another person's happiness.」 と表現しましょう。
Yuujin 英語講師、英会話講師、トライリンガル翻訳者
  • I don't feel happy for others.

  • I find it difficult to be happy for other people.

  • I can't seem to be happy for other people because I often compare myself to them.

If you would like to explain to somebody that you find it hard to be happy for other people because you compare yourself to them, you can say: "I don't feel happy for others." "I find it difficult to be happy for other people. "I can't seem to be happy for other people because I often compare myself to them."
「相手と自分を比較してしまうので、人の幸せを喜べない」ことは次のように説明できます。 "I don't feel happy for others."(人の幸せを喜べない) "I find it difficult to be happy for other people.(人の幸せを喜べない) "I can't seem to be happy for other people because I often compare myself to them."(相手と自分を比較してしまうので、人の幸せを喜べない)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I can't feel happy for others when they are happy

  • I find it difficult to feel happy for others

These sentences are implying that one cannot feel happy for other people when they are happy. To feel is the emotion, to feel happy, to feel sad etc. When saying 'I can't feel' often expresses you are unable to feel the emotion. To find it 'difficult' is to find something extremely hard, something you cannot do.
これらの文では他人の幸せを素直に喜ぶことができないと伝えています。 'To feel' は「〔感情を〕感じる」という意味です。 例えば、'To feel happy'(うれしい)、'To feel sad'(悲しい)など。 'I can't feel' は、その感情を感じることができないことを表します。 'To find it difficult' は「すごく難しい」、「することができない」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I find it difficult to share in the happiness of others.

  • I am envious of others.

I find it difficult to share in the happiness of others. This means that when other people are celebrating happy moments or a great achievement in their lives, then you pretend to be happy for them but in reality you hate their good fortune and wish that you had what they have. I am envious of others. To be envious means to be jealous. This means that you dislike it when other people achieve or have more than you do.
I find it difficult to share in the happiness of others.(人の幸せを喜べない) →これは「人が幸せなときその幸せを喜んでいるように見せているけど実際にはねたみを感じている」という意味です。 I am envious of others.(人をねたんでしまう) →'envious' は 'jealous'(ねたんで)の意味です。これは「人が成功するところを見たり、あるいは自分にないものを持つ人を見ると嫌な気持ちになる」という意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I don't always feel happy for others when they are happy because I start comparing myself to them.

  • I think I'm an envious person. I usually compare my situation to others' when they tell me that they are happy

When you want to explain that you usually find it hard to be happy for others when they are happy (because you sometimes compare yourself to them); then you may explain in the following ways: -I don't always feel happy for others when they are happy because I start comparing myself to them. -I think I'm an envious person. I usually compare my situation to others' when they tell me that they are happy
「(たまに相手と自分を比較してしまって)、人の幸せを素直に喜べないときがある」は次のように言えます。 -I don't always feel happy for others when they are happy because I start comparing myself to them. (たまに相手と自分を比較してしまって、人の幸せを素直に喜べないときがある) -I think I'm an envious person. I usually compare my situation to others' when they tell me that they are happy (私は嫉妬深い性格だと思います。人から「幸せだ」と聞くと、自分の状況と比較してしまいます)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I can't be happy for other people.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 I can't be happy for other people. 「他の人のために幸せになれない」 と表現できると思います(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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