世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2016/03/28 11:10
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  • I learned a lot today. Thanks!

  • Thanks for the mentoring. It really helped.

  • I feel like I really learned something today. You're awesome!


ここは英語でよく聞く「I learned a lot」を使うとしましょう。

I learned a lot today. Thanks!

That was really helpful. Thanks a lot.(「すごく参考になりました。ありがとうございます。」)
Thanks for the help. I feel much wiser.(「色々とありがとうございます。賢くなった気がします。」)
Thanks for the mentoring. It really helped.(「教えてくれてありがとうございます。すごく助かりました。」)
You're a great teacher. I learned a lot.(「本当に教えるのうまいですね!勉強になりました。」)
I feel like I really learned something today. You're awesome!(「知識が増えた気がします。感謝してます!」)

  • I learned a lot today. Thanks so much

  • I learned a ton today! Thank’s a lot!

勉強になるの直訳は「it became study」ですが、これはかなり不自然です。英語の言い方は「I learned」(習った)と言います。


I learned a lot today!
I learned a ton today!


一般的な言い方は「Thanks so much!」です。もしフォーマルな感じで言いたいなら、「Thanks」ではなく「Thank you」にして「so」ではなく「very」にします。
Thank you very much.

Thanks a lot!も言えます。

ちなみに、前学んだように「thanks a ton!」とも言えますが、
I learned a ton today! Thanks a ton!だと繰り返しがあって少しおかしいです。

  • Thank you for teaching me lots of things today.

  • Thank you for everything you've taught me today.

  • Thank you. I learnt a lot today

First, you must always use the words thank you.

After you have said thank you then you can change what you want to say.

Thank you for teaching me about adjectives today., I learnt a lot.
I learnt a lot today especially about adjectives and how to use them. Thank you.
Thank you. I appreciate everything you taught me today. Thanks

Thank you can come at the beginning or end of a sentence. It can even be said more than once.

Hope this helps
Jane :)

最初にいつも「thank you」という言葉を使う必要があります。

「thank you」と言った後に、言いたいことを変えることができます。

Thank you for teaching me about adjectives today., I learnt a lot.
I learnt a lot today especially about adjectives and how to use them. Thank you.
Thank you. I appreciate everything you taught me today. Thanks

「Thank you」を最初か最後に言うことができます。


Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • 1. You taught me so much today, thanks.

  • 2. I learned a lot, thanks!

  • 3. That was very informative. Well done!

  1. You say that you were taught a lot and say thank you.
  2. You say that you learned a lot and say thank you.
  3. You say that it comprised a lot of information and tell the speaker he did well.
    "Did you enjoy my speech?"
    "I learned a lot, thanks!"
    "Glad to hear it!"
  1. たくさん教えてくれて、ありがとう、という時に使う表現です。
  2. たくさん学べて、ありがとう、という表現です。
  3. ぎっしり詰まった授業で、先生によくこなしてくれたと伝える表現です。
    "Did you enjoy my speech?" スピーチは楽しかった?
    "I learned a lot, thanks!" うん、たくさん学べたよ。ありがとう。
    "Glad to hear it!" それを聞けてよかった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for today's lesson. I've learned so much.

  • I've learned a great deal today, thank you.

"Thank you for today's lesson. I've learned so much."
- in this sentence you are showing your gratitude for the information you have learned. Using the phrase "so much" you are indicating that what you have learned is quite a lot.

"I've learned a great deal today, thank you."
- Using the expression "a great deal", you are expression that the amount you have learned in the lesson is a large sum.

"Thank you for today's lesson. I've learned so much."
- この文では、教えてもらった事に感謝しています。
"so much" を使って、たくさん学んだことを表しています。

"I've learned a great deal today, thank you."
- "a great deal" を使って、そのレッスンでたくさん学んだ、と伝えています。

Thank you for ... = 〜ありがとうございます
learn = 学ぶ
so much = たくさん

Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for your time and effort.

  • Thanks, I learned a lot during today's lesson.

Thank you for your time and effort - this is assuming the teacher worked very hard for you today and you appreciate it a lot.
Thanks, I learned a lot during today's lesson - this is telling the teacher that you understand a a lot from today and you appreciate it.

Thank you for your time and effort -- これは、今日あなたのために非常に懸命に働いた先生のことを前提としています。
Thanks, I learned a lot during today's lesson -これは、今日多くのことを学んだことを教師に伝えています。

Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you. I learned a lot today.

  • Thank you for teaching me a lot today.

  • I really learned a lot today. Thank you for teaching me.

"Thank you for your class. I learned a lot today."
"I really learned a lot today. I appreciate you teaching me."
"I really enjoyed your class today. I learned a lot. Thank you."
"I learned a lot about pronunciation today. Thank you so much."
"I learned a lot of new vocabulary today. I really appreciate you teaching me."

If you would like to take the teacher's class again, you can also add, "I look forward to seeing you again" or "I look forward to taking your class again."

"Thank you for your class. I learned a lot today."
"I really learned a lot today. I appreciate you teaching me."
"I really enjoyed your class today. I learned a lot. Thank you."
"I learned a lot about pronunciation today. Thank you so much."
"I learned a lot of new vocabulary today. I really appreciate you teaching me."

"I look forward to seeing you again"
"I look forward to taking your class again."

Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • I learned a lot today. Thanks

  • Thank you for teaching me lots of things today

Remember that it's important to always thank another person. Although there is no a big differences between them, I prefer the second one.


Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you so much! I have learned a lot from you today, you are a really good teacher.

  • Many thanks for you lesson. I really learned a lot from you today, you are an excellent teacher.

"Learned a lot"...simply means you have grasped the meanings and understood the teacher's lesson

"Learned a lot"...意味を掴み、先生のレッスンを理解したことを単純に意味しています。

Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I learned a lot today. Thank you so much.


I learned a lot today. Thank you so much.

learn a lot は「たくさん学ぶ」という意味の英語表現です。


Erik 日英翻訳者
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