世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2019/01/04 17:02
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  • Could you hold on just a minute?

  • Just a second/ Just a sec

直訳的にPlease waitはで構いませんが、ちょっと不自然な言い方だと思います。

Just a second

Could you hold on just a minute?

Could you hold on は「少し待ってもらえますか」のようなニュアンスです。


  • Please wait a minute.

  • Can you please wait?

  • Could you wait a second?

The first way, "Please wait a minute," is the most polite way to ask them to wait for a short period of time.
The second two options, "Can you please wait?" and "Could you wait a second?" both are requesting that the other person wait; however, when using these be careful of your tone of voice. When saying either of the last two options, it can be perceived that you are irritated.

一つ目の "Please wait a minute" は「少し待ってください」と伝える最も丁寧な言い方です。

二つ目・三つ目の "Can you please wait?" と "Could you wait a second?" はどちらも、待ってくださいとお願いする言い方ですが、これらを使うときには、声のトーンに気をつけてください。この二つの表現は、いら立っていると受け取られることがあります。

Staci DMM英会話講師
  • Please hold on for just a moment.

  • Please hang on a sec!

  • I'll be right with you!

All of the above phrases are ways to ask people to be patient with you for some moments or minutes.

A 'sec' is a shortened version of the word 'second'. We use it to demonstrate that we are currently busy but will be free very soon. You could also use 'min' (minute); 'Please hang on a min!' These are quite casual statements.

'I'll be right with you!' shows that you recognize that the person is trying to get your attention, and that you will be available to them when you finish the thing you are currently busy with.


'sec' は 'second' の短縮形です。これは「今は他にやることがあるけどすぐに手が空きます」と伝えるときに使われます。
'min' を使うこともできます。
'Please hang on a min!'(少し待ってください)


'I'll be right with you!'(今行きます)は、相手の呼び掛けに気付いていることを伝えます。「手が空き次第そちらに対応する」という意味です。

Sanndy S DMM英会話講師
  • Just a second.

  • I'll just be a second.

  • Can you hang on a second.

You can use these phrases to ask your coworker informally to wait a second.
-Just a second.
-I'll just be a second.
-Can you hang on a second.


-Just a second.(ちょっと待ってください)
-I'll just be a second.(ちょっと待ってください)
-Can you hang on a second.(少し待ってもらえますか)

Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Bear with me a moment.

  • Just a sec!

"Bear with me a moment" is a brilliant professional phrase which tells the person to wait for a short while, usually when you have to do something for them but not always. "Bear with me a moment while I just look up that file."

"Just a sec!" is a more informal phrase which also tells the person to wait a little while. For example: "Are you coming for lunch?" - "Just a sec! I've just got to send this email."

'Sec' is a diminutive of 'second'.

"Bear with me a moment" は少し待ってくださいと伝える素晴らしいビジネスフレーズです。たいてい(いつもではありませんが)は、相手のために何かをするときに使います。
"Bear with me a moment while I just look up that file."(そのファイルを調べてみますので少々お待ちください)

"Just a sec!" も「ちょっと待って」と伝える言い方ですが、こちらの方がインフォーマルです。
"Are you coming for lunch?" - "Just a sec! I've just got to send this email."

'Sec' は 'Second' の短縮形です。

Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Give me a minute please

  • Please excuse me for just a minute

Asking to be excused for a short amount of time is polite and socially acceptable.

"Please excuse me for just a minute"(ちょっと失礼します)は、丁寧で上品な言い方です。

Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Hang on a second

  • Please wait a moment

Hang on is used to ask someone to wait but it is important to know this is normally only used between friends and coworkers, it can sound rude to say to a customer. Please wait a moment is more polite and can be used with friends but also to customers or maybe your manager too.

Hang onは、ちょっと待ってという意味の言葉ですが、普通は友人や同僚などの間で使います。お客さんに使うのは失礼にあたります。Please wait a moment(少々お待ちください。)の方がより丁寧で、友人だけでなく、お客さんやマネージャーなどにも使うことができます。

Danno DMM英会話講師
  • Please could you wait a minute?

  • Would you please wait for a moment?

  • Would you mind waiting for a little while?

Minute' and 'moment' are words we can use to ask someone to wait. When we say 'wait a second', 'wait a minute' or 'wait a moment', we are not literally asking them to wait for that amount of time. It is a casual way of explaining that we need/want them to wait for us and should not be too long.

「待ってください」と言うときには、'minute' と 'moment' が使えます。
'wait a second' 'wait a minute' または 'wait a moment' は、文字通りの意味(1秒待つ/1分待つ/一瞬待つ)ではありません。これは「少し待ってください」のカジュアルな言い方です。

Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind waiting a minute?

  • Can you hold on for just a second?

  • Would you mind giving me a minute?

All of these should suit your problem very well.

I think it is important to understand that in American English usage "a minute" is not literally one minute. It simply means a short period of time. The same is true for "just a second". It does not literally mean one second. It is also common to hear this shortened to "just a sec".

So in all three of these answers the person asking the question is asking the other person to wait a short amount of time.


"a minute" の意味について理解する必要があると思います。"a minute" はアメリカ英語では文字通り「1分」ではありません。これは単に「短い時間」という意味です。

"just a second" についても同じことが言えます。文字通り「1秒」という意味ではありません。また、これは "just a sec" と省略されることも多いです。


Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • Could you excuse me for a second?

  • Could you wait a minute?

  • Could you hang on just a bit?

"Could you wait a second?" is a common question asked among people and it is basically asking the person kindly to just wait quickly while the other person does something or fetches something.

It is asking if the person could just be patient while the other person is busy or trying to finish something up.

"Could you wait a second?"(少々お待ちください)は、その人が何かをしている間少し待っていてほしいことを丁寧に伝えるフレーズです。


Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please wait?

  • Could you wait for a bit?

「ちょっと待ってください。」を英語にしたら、could you please wait や could you wait for a bit? と言います。この2つのフレーズは同僚に対して、使うことができます。

  • Will you hang on a moment for me?

  • Just a sec - I'll be back shortly

  • If you would kindly wait here for a brief moment, I'll be right back.

You want to ask a coworker to wait just a little. Any of the above requests is adequate for that kind of situation.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind waiting for just a minute?

  • Could you hang on a minute?

  • I'm sorry, I'll be ready in a minute.

"Could you hang on a minute?"は丁寧なフレーズですが、丁寧過ぎないので使いやすいと思います。同僚、知りあい、友達にも使えるので安心です!

"Would you mind waiting for just a minute?"の"Would you mind"は"Could you...?"より丁寧なフレーズになります。

"I'm sorry, I'll be ready in a minute"は同僚と一緒にどこか行くときに「ごめんなさい、もうすぐ準備できます」という場合に使えます。


  • Could you wait just a second?

  • Hold on for just a moment.


・Could you wait just a second?

・Hold on for just a moment.

just a second / just a moment は「少しだけ」「一瞬だけ」のようなニュアンスです。


Erik 日英翻訳者
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