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「same as me」と「same with me」の違いで迷っています。 「私と同じ境遇」「私と同じ状況」という意味の場合、 「same as me」と「same with me」のどちらが適切 なのでしょうか?
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2017/07/03 14:02
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  • Your situation is the same as mine.

「あなたの[状況](は私の(状況)と同じです。」 「〜と[同じ](である」は通常、"be the same as 〜" と "as" を使って表します。 また、ここでは "me"(私) ではなく "mine"(私の(状況)) を使います。 "your situation" = "me" ではなく "your situation" = "mine(=my situation)" である為です。 <ボキャブラリー> situation = 状況 same = 同じ as mine = 私と
  • I'm in the same boat.

  • I know exactly how you feel.

"in the same boat" is a phrase that means that we are both in the same situation. Saying "I know exactly how you feel" implies that you have firsthand knowledge of experiencing their situation.
"in the same boat" (同じボートで)は、同じ[状況](にいることを意味するフレーズです。"I know exactly how you feel"(その[気持ち](が確かにわかる)は、あなたがその状況を経験として直接知っているという意味です。
  • 1. We're in the same boat.

  • 2. We're in exactly the same situation.

  • 3. We're two of a kind.

1. This means we are in the same situation. 2. as above 3. This means that you have similar characters or are similar to each other (because you are in the same situation).
1. おんなじ状況にいるね、という言い方です。 2. 上記と一緒です。 3. キャラが似ている、または状況が似ているときに使える表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm in the same boat.

You can use this slang phrase with a friend to tell them that you are in the same situation. It could go something like this: A: I'm so freaking broke this month! (I've got no money) B: I totally feel you. I'm in the same boat! (I understand your feelings, same for me.)
同じ状況だという事をスラングのフレーズを使ってこのように伝える事ができます: A: I'm so freaking broke this month! (I've got no money) (お金がない) B: I totally feel you. I'm in the same boat! (I understand your feelings, same for me.) (あなたの気持ちがわかる。同感だ。)
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • We're in the same boat.

This is a figurative statement. It does not literally mean that two people are in an actual boat. To be in the same boat as another means that you are in the same situation as another. You have the same problem as another person. This is often used when two people experience the same negative or bad situations. ________________________________________ Example A: My wife and I argued last night. B: I'm in the same boat. A: I failed last week's test. B: We're in the same boat.
これは比喩的な表現です。 実際に二人の人が一緒にボートに乗っているわけではありません。 To be in the same boat as another は、他の人と同じ状況に置かれていることを意味します。 他の人と同じ問題を持っています。 また、二人の人が同じような難しい状況を経験しているときにもよく使われます。 ________________________________________ 例文 A: My wife and I argued last night. →妻と昨晩、口論になったんだ。 B: I'm in the same boat. →俺も同じだよ。 A: I failed last week's test. →先週のテスト、落ちちゃったよ。 B: We're in the same boat. →俺も同じだよ。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • We have similar situations.

  • We are in the same boat.

Similar means almost identical. This means you are going through the same thing. We are in the same boat is an expression that means you are going through the same thing. For example you and your friend you lose your jobs at the same time, you can say "We are in the same boat."
Similar は、「ほとんど同じ」という意味です。 この文章は同じことを経験していることを表しています。 We are in the same boat  も、同じことを経験していることを表す表現です。 例えば、あなたとあなたの友人が同じタイミングで仕事を失ったとします。 そんなのとき、"We are in the same boat." と言えます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • That's like me. /That sounds like me.

  • I'm in the same situation.

  • We have the same situation.

That's like me / that sounds like me' is more casual. 'I'm in the same situation / we have the same situation' is a bit more formal.
That's like me / that sounds like me' →私みたいだね。/私と同じだね。 はカジュアルな表現です。 'I'm in the same situation / we have the same situation' →私も同じ状況だよ。ふたりとも同じ状況だね。 は少し形式張った表現です。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • A) We are in the same situation.

  • B) We are in the same boat.

A) We are in the same situation. *Same -identical; not different. Example -"she was saying the same thing over and over" *Situation -a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs. Example -"the situation between her and Jake had come to a head" B) We are in the same boat. -be in the same boat. to be in the same unpleasant situation as other people She's always complaining that she doesn't have enough money, but we're all in the same boat. I hope this helps :-)
A) We are in the same situation. →私達は同じ状況だね。 *Same -全く同じ。違いがない。  例 -"she was saying the same thing over and over" →彼女は同じことを何度も何度も繰り返した。 *Situation - 人の置かれている状況 例 -"the situation between her and Jake had come to a head" →彼女とJakeの状況は山場に来ている。 B) We are in the same boat. -be in the same boat. →他の人と同じ、不幸な状況に置かれていること。 例 - She's always complaining that she doesn't have enough money, but we're all in the same boat. →彼女はお金がないといつも不平不満をこぼす。 だが、みんな同じ状況なのだ。 参考になれば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • We are in exactly the same situation.

  • We are in the same boat.

The expression 'in exactly the same situation' means what the other person is experiencing is exactly what you are experiencing. So, if the other person is having financial difficulties and you are also having financial difficulties at the same time: You may say: We are in exactly the same situation. or We are in the same boat.
「同じ状況」という表現は、他の人が自分と同じ境遇にあるということです。なので、もし誰かが経済的に困っていたら、あなたも同じくその状況にあるということです。 このように表現することができます。 We are in exactly the same situation. 全く同じ状況だ。 We are in the same boat. 同じ状況だ。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • We're in the same boat.

  • They're in the same situation as me.

When you want to explain that someone's situation is the same as yours, you can say: "We're in the same boat." "They're in the same situation as me."
その人と自分が同じ境遇にあるなら、次のように言えます。 "We're in the same boat."(私たちは同じ立場です) "They're in the same situation as me."(私は彼らと同じ立場です)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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