「蛇口」は tap や faucet と言います。
「蛇口をひねる」は turn the tap と言い、もしひねって水を出すなら turn on the tap / turn on the water、ひねって水を止めるなら turn off the tap / turn off the water となります。
例)I turn on the faucet. 「蛇口から水を出す。」
例)I drank water from the tap. 「蛇口からの水を飲む。」
ちなみに tap water と言うと「水道水」を表すことができます。
例)I'd like some tap water, please.「水道水を少しもらえますか?」
The word "faucet" is the most common way to describe the picture. Here are some examples of how you might use it in a sentence:
"My faucet is leaking water again"
"Don't leave the faucet on while you are washing your face"
"Can you help me fix my leaky faucet?"
"Can you come over and check out my faucet? It's been leaking lately"
"I want to buy a prettier looking faucet"
"The faucet is gray"
"There's not a lot of water pressure in my kitchen faucet"
"I'm having trouble with the faucet in my bathroom sink"
Hope these help :)
「蛇口」の最も一般的な言い方は "faucet" です。
"My faucet is leaking water again"(蛇口からまた水が漏れている)
"Don't leave the faucet on while you are washing your face"(顔洗っているとき水を出しっぱなしにしないで)
"Can you help me fix my leaky faucet?"(蛇口の水漏れを直すのを手伝ってもらえますか)
"Can you come over and check out my faucet? It's been leaking lately"(うちにきて蛇口を見てもらえませんか。最近水漏れするんです)
"I want to buy a prettier looking faucet"(もっとおしゃれな蛇口を買いたい)
"The faucet is gray"(その蛇口はグレーです)
"There's not a lot of water pressure in my kitchen faucet"(台所の水の出が悪い)
"I'm having trouble with the faucet in my bathroom sink"(浴室の蛇口の調子が悪いです)
In American English, a spigot is a word that we use for a device from which we control the flow of liquid, and usually this liquid is coming from a pipe. We also use the word "faucet" in the United States and in Canada, but these two words mentioned are not commonly used in other English-speaking countries. Finally, the word, "tap" seems to be common all over the world in English-speaking countries. I myself use, "faucet" more than any other word in daily conversation.
アメリカ英語では、"spigot" は「蛇口(水道管の先に取り付ける、水量を調節するための器具)」を指します。
アメリカやカナダでは、"faucet" という語も使われます。ただ、"spigot" と "faucet" はアメリカ以外の英語圏ではあまり使われません。
「蛇口」を表す世界中で最も一般的な言葉は、"tap" です。
個人的には、日常会話では "faucet" を一番よく使います。
In the UK the term "faucet" would hardly ever be used, and it would always be the word tap, or taps.
The first phrase tells us that there are 2 taps, for hot and cold water.
The second phrase asks us politely to make sure the tap is turned off properly after use - this type of sign is often seen in hotels.
The third phrase points us to a tap in the garden, that can be used for watering plants.
イギリスでは "faucet" という語はめったに使われません。「蛇口」のことは "tap" または "taps"(複数形)といいます。
In both American and British English, this is officially called a faucet. Normally water comes out of a faucet. For example: Please turn off the faucet when the container is full. I hope that this helps. :)
アメリカ英語でもイギリス英語でも、これは正式には 'faucet' といいます。普通、水は 'faucet' から出てきます。
Please turn off the faucet when the container is full.(入れ物がいっぱいになったら、水を止めてください)
I personally would call it a tap, it is the most common name for this, however, people also refer to it as a faucet, so both work and are understood.
Hope this helps.
Have a great day.
個人的にはこれは 'tap' といいます。'tap' が最も一般的な言い方だと思います。ただ、'faucet' という人もいます。どちらも伝わります。
The tap is leaking.
turn off a faucet
The hot water faucet is dripping, you must close the tap properly, we do not want to waste water.
Drinking directly from the tap is not good, rather fill a glass at the tap and drink from the glass.
The hot water faucet is dripping, you must close the tap properly, we do not want to waste water.
Drinking directly from the tap is not good, rather fill a glass at the tap and drink from the glass.
In buildings in the UK, water is served to the user through a network of pipes, finally being delivered through a control device at the end of the piping which is known as 'a tap' in the UK, or 'a faucet' in the USA.
Eg.1. "Could you turn off the tap, the bath is almost overflowing!"
Eg.2. ""The faucet was leaking so we had to call in a plumber."
イギリスの建物には水を運ぶためのパイプが張り巡らされていて、その最後には水量を調整するための器具が取り付けられています。これはイギリスでは 'a tap'、アメリカでは 'a faucet' と呼ばれます。
例.1. "Could you turn off the tap, the bath is almost overflowing!"(水を止めてもらえますか。風呂があふれそうです)
例.2. "The faucet was leaking so we had to call in a plumber."(蛇口が漏れていたので、配管業者を呼ばないといけませんでした)
A tap, is a device that is used in every house for getting water.
In the USA, it is normally called a faucet.
Sometimes taps can leak, which means that water falls from the opening of the tap. This can be a nuisance because our water bills can become very high.
"Don't forget to turn off the tap when you are finished and make sure it is tightly closed"
アメリカでは普通 "Faucet" と呼ばれます。
"Tap" は時々水漏れを起こすことがあります。これは水道代が高くなるので厄介です。
"Don't forget to turn off the tap when you are finished and make sure it is tightly closed"
蛇口をひねる ー Turn on/off the tap
蛇口を修理するのに助けが必要です ー I need help to fix my faucet
蛇口が水漏れしている ー The tap is leaking.
水が壊れた蛇口から吹き出した ー Water spouted from the broken faucet.
The device used to dispense water into the sink can be called 'the/a faucet' or ' the/a tap.' Both are equally common.
-I washed my hands using the faucet after I finished cooking.
- "Hey! wash the fruit under the tap before you eat it!"
- I drank water from the faucet/tap when I was in Mexico and I was sick for a week.
流しで水を出すときに使われる装置は 'the/a faucet' または ' the/a tap' と呼ばれます。
I washed my hands using the faucet after I finished cooking.(料理の後、蛇口で手を洗った)
"Hey! wash the fruit under the tap before you eat it!"(おい、食べる前に蛇口で果物を洗いな)
I drank water from the faucet/tap when I was in Mexico and I was sick for a week.(メキシコにいるとき蛇口の水を飲んで、一週間体調を崩した)
Please turn off the tap.' - We normally use the word tap when referring
to this device in every day speaking.
A synonym that may be used is 'faucet'.
'The faucet has a leak and it needs to be replaced.'
Please turn off the tap.'(水を止めてください)
一般的には、この器具は 'tap'(蛇口)と呼ばれます。
'tap' は 'faucet' と呼ばれることもあります。
'The faucet has a leak and it needs to be replaced.'(その蛇口は水漏れするから、交換しないといけない)
In the UK, we would always call this a tap, very rare calling it a 'faucet.' This is something that is said in the American English.
A tap is something that lets water run through it.
'Please could you put the tap on, i'm going to run myself a bath'
イギリスではこれは 'tap' といいます。'faucet' とはめったにいいません。'faucet' はアメリカ英語の言い方です。
'tap' は、水量を調節するための器具です。
'Please could you put the tap on, I'm going to run myself a bath'(蛇口をひねってもらえますか。お風呂に入ろうと思うので)
A "faucet" or "tap" is the thing from which we get water. You may use these words in a sentence in the following ways:
-The faucet is leaking, so I need to call in a plumber to fix it.
-You let the tap dripping. Please make sure you close it properly because that wastes water.
「蛇口」は英語で "faucet" または "tap" といいます。
-The faucet is leaking, so I need to call in a plumber to fix it.(蛇口が水漏れしているので配管屋に直してもらわないといけない)
-You let the tap dripping. Please make sure you close it properly because that wastes water.(蛇口の水が漏れてたよ。もったいないからちゃんと閉めるようにしてね)
A "tap" or "faucet" is the silver metal thing on your sink that you turn to turn on water. You can use these words in a sentence by saying something like "can you please turn off the tap?" or "leave the faucet running please".
"tap" または "faucet" は、流しにあって、ひねると水が出る銀色の金属性の器具です。
"Can you please turn off the tap?"(水を止めてもらえますか)
"Leave the faucet running please".(水を出しっぱなしにしておいてください)
水道の「蛇口」は英語で「faucet」か「tap」と言います。「蛇口をひねる」は英語で「turn on the tap」(蛇口をつけるみたいな言い方)と言います。
The faucet is broken, so we can't use the bathroom over there.
Can you turn the tap on for me?
イギリス - tap
アメリカ - faucet
The tap is always leaking water so I need to fix it
When using the faucet, please make sure you wash your hands too
I did not turn off the faucet in the kitchen and the water filled up the sink.
No bottled water for me. I like my water from the faucet.
Faucets are found in bathrooms, restrooms, and kitchens. They are connected the sink and is where you control how much water and the temperature of the water. Some can be shiny and silver and can also be black with a dull matte finish.
the most common name used to refer to this is "tap" but in engineering terms it can also be known as a faucet.
"example sentence: "is this water from a bottle or out of the tap?"
A "Faucet" often used more in America/ Canada as opposed to the UK were we use "Tap", this is the outlet from which you will turn a handle and water will flow out of the pipe, a universal object seen all over the world.
"I cant turn the tap off it's broken"
"Turn the faucet to the right and hot water will come out".
The device that is used by people to get water out of the sink or bathtubs in their home by turning a knob is called a "faucet". Some people, depending on the "faucet" location can be called a "tap" or "water tap". You can find "faucets" on sinks and on bathtubs/showers. "Taps" are usually found on other household items like hoses and water spouts for outside work.
turn the faucet off
turn the faucet on
see you soon♪
「大阪 (難波・堺・河内長野)カフェ英語レッスン(1h1666円~)」