世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/14 15:47
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  • There aren't many customers.

  • There are only a few customers.

  • This store is empty.

「[お客さん](が[少ない](。」という表現を英訳すると「There aren’t many customers.」または「There are only a few customers.」になります。「お客さん」は「customers」という意味があります。「Customers」の単数形は「customer」です。「少ない」は「aren’t many」と「only a few」という意味があります。他の言い方は「This store is empty.」です。意味は「この店に誰もいません。」です。
  • There’s not many people here.

  • It doesn’t seem popular.

There’s not many people here. 【訳】ここには[あまり](人が多くない。 個人的によく much people と言って間違えていたのですが、人のように数えられる「[多くの〜](」は、manyが正解です。 It doesn’t seem popular. 【訳】あまり人気がないようだね。 と言ってしまうこともできますが、ちょっとあからさますぎるかもしれませんね。
  • There aren't too many people here.

"Aren't" is the contraction for "are not." If there aren't too many people in a place, it means that there aren't a lot of people. This is a common phrase in American English. I hope that this helps. :)
"aren't" は "are not" の短縮形です。 [There aren't too many people + どこどこ] で「〈どこどこに〉あまり人がいない」という意味になります。これはアメリカ英語で一般的なフレーズです。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • (informal/slang) This place is dead.

  • There aren't many customers right now.

  • Barely anyone is here.

It is common for us native speakers to refer to a place with almost no people as 'dead'. This is because there is not much life in the place. It is informal but very commonly used. For example, "The store was dead. We were the only customers there!" This lets the person know that there was no one or almost no one in the place. Also, you can use the word 'barely' to describe 'almost none' or 'very little amount' of something.
ネイティブスピーカーはほとんど人のいない場所をよく 'dead' と表します。 これは、そこにあまり活気(=life)がないからです。インフォーマルですが、すごくよく使われます。 例えば: "The store was dead. We were the only customers there!" 「その店は活気がなかったよ。私たち以外客はいなかった」 これは「その店には(ほとんど)誰もいなかった」という意味です。 ---- 他に、'barely' を使って「ほとんどいない」を表すこともできます。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • Business seems slack today.

  • Seems like a quiet day for business.

When there are not many customers in a shop/restaurant/etc. and you want to say that there are not many customers, you can talk in terms of business being either 'slack' or 'quiet'.
お店・レストランなどにお客さんが少ないことは、'slack'(不活発な)あるいは 'quiet'(静かな)を使って表すことができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's quiet in the shop today.

  • There is a lull in customers.

"It's quiet today" is the simplest way of describing a lack of customers. In English, "quiet" means making very little noise but it can also refer to having little activity/excitement and few people. Eg: Customer: "Am I your first customer for the day?" Shop assistant: "Yes, Its been very quiet today." "There's a lull," refers to a short period of calm in which little happens. eg; "A lull in conversation." We can use this expression when refering to a lack of customers when we want to describe any temporary period of calm or diminished activity, like the quiet time after the Christmas shopping activity. eg: Shop assistant 1: "There has been a lull in customers since last week." Shop assistant 2: "I think its because everyone has already done their Christmas shopping.".
"It's quiet today"(今日は静かだ)は、客が少ないことを表す最もシンプルな言い方です。英語では、"quiet" は「静かな」という意味ですが、活動(活気)や人の少ないことも表します。 Customer: "Am I your first customer for the day?" Shop assistant: "Yes, Its been very quiet today." ↓ 客: "Am I your first customer for the day?"(私が今日初めてのお客ですか) 店員: "Yes, Its been very quiet today."(はい、今日はとても静かです) "There's a lull" は一時的な静けさをいいます。例えば "A lull in conversation"(会話の途切れ)など。この表現は例えばクリスマスの後の買い物客が少なくなる時期について使います。 例: Shop assistant 1: "There has been a lull in customers since last week." Shop assistant 2: "I think its because everyone has already done their Christmas shopping.". ↓ 店員1: 先週からお客さんが途切れています。 店員2: たぶんもうみんなクリスマスショッピングを終えてしまったからだと思うよ。
Toria DMM英会話講師
  • There aren't many customers

  • It's a slow business day. We haven't had many customers/people come in

When you want to explain that there are very few customers in your shop today, then you may express this in the following ways: -There aren't many customers today/this afternoon. -It's a slow business day. We haven't had many customers/people come in.
お店を訪れるお客さんがその日少ないことを説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 -There aren't many customers today/this afternoon.(今日/今日の午後はお客さんが少ないです) -It's a slow business day. We haven't had many customers/people come in.(今日はあまりお客さんが来ていません)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • There are very few customers in the shop.

  • There is a trickling of customers in the shop.

  • Today is not a good day for business.

Any of these sentences can be used :- 1. There are very few customers in the shop. 2. There is a trickling of customers in the shop. To trickle means come or go slowly or gradually. It can be used to describe a little flow of something. Example:- There is just a trickle of rain outside. 3. Today is not a good day for business.
これらの文はどれもこの状況で使うことができます。 1. There are very few customers in the shop. (お店にほとんどお客さんがいない) 2. There is a trickling of customers in the shop.(お客さんが少ない) "To trickle" は「ゆっくり[徐々に]進む」という意味です。流れの遅いものを表すときに使えます。 例: There is just a trickle of rain outside. (雨はパラパラとしか降っていない) 3. Today is not a good day for business. (今日はお客さんが少ない)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • There are few customers.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 There are few customers. 「客が少ない」 のように表現できます(^^♪ 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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