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学校でもらえる通知表って何て言うのでしょうか? そもそも海外の学校にも通知表というものが存在するのかどうか。
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2016/03/28 19:42
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  • Report card

(アメリカの場合) 通知表= report card 学校によって異なるかもしれませんが、通常[成績](はA~Fのアルファベットで評価されます。成績表だけでなく、レポートやプレゼンテーション、試験なども同じようにアルファベットで[評価](されます。1番良いのはAで、Fは通常落第を意味します。 例: I don't want to show my mom my report card. I have too many Fs. お母さんに通知表を見せたくない。Fが多すぎるんだ。
  • report card

こんにちは。 「通知表」は report card です。 例: Mom: Show me your report card. 通知表みせなさい。 Kevin: Oh, I forgot it at school. But it was all A's. Really. あ、[学校](に[忘れてきた](。でも全部Aだったよ。ほんとだよ。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Report

  • School report

In British schools, the exam or progress results of a student for the term is called: A report A school report. It is usually given at the end of every term and/or the end of the school year. There is usually a parents evening at the end of every term where the parents meet with each of their children's teachers. In American schools it is called A report Card. I hope that helps!
イギリスの学校では、学期ごとの生徒の試験や進捗結果を a report a school report と呼びます。 通常は学期の終わりや学年の終わりに渡されます。 アメリカの学校では a report card と呼びます。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Report card.

他の方々が仰る通りアメリカでの通知表はReport cardです。 成績はgradeと言います。 アメリカではGPA=grade point average=全体の平均成績を見ます。
  • report card

eg. "I got good grades on my report card this term."
例文 I got good grades on my report card this term. 今期のレポートでよい成績を納めました。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • A school report

  • Examination results

Students may receive either a regular report (usually every term) which shows their progress across every school subject, along with probably some information about their approach and interest and application to the learning process. After an exam or series of exams such as 'O' Levels or GCSEs in the UK, students await with great anticipation release of the final results.
生徒たちは通常1学期ごとに学校の各教科の進捗を示した通知表を受け取るかもしれません。そこには学習過程における彼らの取り組み方、興味、そして応用力についての情報も載っているでしょう。 'O' LevelsまたはGCSEsなどのような一連の試験の後は生徒は大きな期待を胸に最終結果の発表を待ちます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Report card

Report card ( ree port - car d) is the word that is used to describe the final grades from a certain period like quarter or semester for a particular student. Example sentences : - My report card finally came in the mail and I received great grades. - Bobby's report card showed that he failed two classes this semester.
"Report card"(発音:ree port - car d)は、生徒に送られる、その学期の最終成績を記した書類をいいます。 例文: - My report card finally came in the mail and I received great grades.(通知表がやっと郵送されてきて、とても良い成績でした) - Bobby's report card showed that he failed two classes this semester.(通知表が送られてきて、ボビーは2科目で落第点でした)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Report card

  • University Transript

The name of the document that has the student's grades written on it can be called either a report card or school transcript. A report card is usually given to students in primary and secondary schools. Students in university receive a transcript. Here are some example sentences:- Example 1:- Mom: Hello Johnny, how did you perform in your end of term exam? Johnny: Mom, here is my report card, I got all A's!! Example 2:- Wendy: Hi Paul did you request to have a copy of your university trancsripts sent to you? Paul: Yes I did, I urgently need them to apply for my Master's degree program.
「成績表(生徒の成績の書かれた書類)」は英語で "report card" または "school transcript" と言えます。 小中学校生は普通 "report card" を受け取ります。大学生は "transcript" を受け取ります。 以下、例文です。 例: 母:Hello Johnny, how did you perform in your end of term exam?(おかえり、ジョニー。期末試験はどうだった?) ジョニー:Mom, here is my report card, I got all A's!!(はい、これ成績表だよ。オールAだったよ) 例2: ウェンディ:Hi Paul did you request to have a copy of your university trancsripts sent to you?(ハイ、ポール。成績証明書のコピーは頼んだ?) ポール:Yes I did, I urgently need them to apply for my Master's degree program.(うん、頼んだよ。大学院の申し込みですぐに必要だから)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • report card

  • school report

A. Mama, I can't find my report card. B. Oh, where'd you put it last? A. I don't know, but I was so excited to show it to you! I got my first 'A'!
【例文】 A. Mama, I can't find my report card. (ママ、通知表が見つからないよ) B. Oh, where'd you put it last? (最後にどこに置いたの?) A. I don't know, but I was so excited to show it to you! I got my first 'A'! (わからないよ、でも、初めて"A"をとったから大喜びでママに見せようとしてたんだ)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Report card

  • Report

The document that has students' grades written on it is known as a "report card". It is also sometimes just referred to as a "report".
「通知表(生徒の成績が書かれた書類)」は "report card" と呼ばれます。単に "report" と呼ばれることもあります。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Report Card

  • Report

A Report card is something that is sent to your home that comes from your school that contains all the subjects you are studying and what grades you have received if you have taken any exams. Its purpose is to communicate with your parents about how you are doing in school. In Ireland, we simply call it a report. It contains the subjects you are studying and there is a result or grade from an exam that you did recently. For example, when I was at school. mine used to come at the beginning of the summer holidays and it had the results of my summer exams and a comment from each teacher beside the result.
"Report card" は学校から家に送られてくる書類で、学校の成績や試験の結果が書かれています。この目的は、親に子どもの学校での様子を伝えることです。 アイルランドではこれはシンプルに "Report" と呼ばれ、ここにはすべての教科の成績と直近に受けた試験の結果が書かれています。私が学生の頃にはこれは夏休みの始めに送られてきて、夏の試験の結果と、そのとなりにはそれぞれの先生からのコメントが書かれていました。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Report card

  • University Transript

The name of the document that has the student's grades written on it can be called either a report card or school transcript. A report card is usually given to students in primary and secondary schools. Students in university receive a transcript. Here are some example sentences:- Example 1:- Mom: Hello Johnny, how did you perform in your end of term exam? Johnny: Mom, here is my report card, I got all A's!! Example 2:- Wendy: Hi Paul did you request to have a copy of your university trancsripts sent to you? Paul: Yes I did, I urgently need them to apply for my Master's degree program.
「成績表(生徒の成績の書かれた書類)」は英語で "report card" または "school transcript" と言えます。 小中学校生は普通 "report card" を受け取ります。大学生は "transcript" を受け取ります。 以下、例文です。 例: 母:Hello Johnny, how did you perform in your end of term exam?(おかえり、ジョニー。期末試験はどうだった?) ジョニー:Mom, here is my report card, I got all A's!!(はい、これ成績表だよ。オールAだったよ) 例2: ウェンディ:Hi Paul did you request to have a copy of your university trancsripts sent to you?(ハイ、ポール。成績証明書のコピーは頼んだ?) ポール:Yes I did, I urgently need them to apply for my Master's degree program.(うん、頼んだよ。大学院の申し込みですぐに必要だから)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • report card

Typically in the United States "report card" is used to describe a report in which the teacher writes the grades the student has earned during that school period and any additional comments the teacher may have. Here are some examples of how to it is used in a sentence: "My parents weren't happy with my report card" "I conveniently lost my report card" "My teacher wants my parents to sign my report card as proof that they saw it" "I earned good grades on my report card this semester" "Did you get your report card yet" "Are you happy with the grades on your report card?" Hope this is helpful :)
アメリカでは「通知表(先生がその生徒の成績とそれについてのコメントを記した報告書)」は一般的に "report card" と呼ばれます。 以下、例文です。 "My parents weren't happy with my report card"(両親は私の通知表に満足していない) "I conveniently lost my report card"(都合がいいことに通知表を紛失した) "My teacher wants my parents to sign my report card as proof that they saw it"(先生に、見せた証拠として通知表に両親のサインをもらってくるように言われています) "I earned good grades on my report card this semester"(今学期は通知表の成績がよかった) "Did you get your report card yet"(もう通知表はもらいましたか) "Are you happy with the grades on your report card?"(通知表の成績には満足していますか) 参考になれば幸いです。
Elain DMM英会話講師
  • report card

A report card is a piece of paper/file that the school and teachers keep to keep track of your child's grades throughout their school years. You can use this word in a sentence by saying something like "I was very unhappy when I saw Amber's report card on the parent teacher meeting day.".
"A report card" は、学校・先生が在学中の生徒の学業成績を記録する紙(ファイル)をいいます。 文の中では次のように使うことができます。 "I was very unhappy when I saw Amber's report card on the parent teacher meeting day." (保護者会でアンバーの成績表を見たとき、とても悲しかった)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • transcript

In American English, at high school and university, students have a transcript, which is a complete record of all the courses that they have taken and what grades they received. Transcripts are required to apply to university and for certain job opportunities. I hope that this helps. :)
アメリカ英語では、高校や大学で生徒は "Transcript" を受け取ります。 "Transcript" は、履修した全てのクラスとその成績をリストした文書です。 "Transcript" は大学に出願する際や就職活動で必要になります。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Report card

  • School report

Report card School report In English we call it either a report card or a school report. From what I remember, in England we would call it a school report. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Report card School report (学校の成績表) 英語ではこれは 'A report card' または 'A school report' といいます。私の知る限り、イギリスではこれは 'A school report' といいます。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • report card

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 report cardと言います。 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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