If a system is authentic it originates from the source or company that made it. Likewise, if it was made by the company that is using it, it can be referred to as an in-house developed system.
authenticとは、システムがその会社独自に作られたものであるという意味です。同様に、それを使っている会社で作られたものなら、an in-house developed system(社内で開発されたシステム)と言うこともできるでしょう。
When something is specific to a company or business, we usually say it is customized, or custom-built. We might also say something like, It is made to our specifications.
ある会社やビジネスにとってあるものが独自であることを、 customizedやcustom-builtと言います。もしくは、It is made to our specifications.(我々独自に作られたものです。)と言うこともできます。
Use these words to express something that is unique to something else.
1. "Her hairstyle was very exact, there was never a strand of hair out of place."
"She has a very particular voice, you can't miss it!"
"She has a specific shirt that I have not seen anywhere else."
You would like to know a word/phrase you can use to explain something that is original/unique to someone/something?
For example, when you want to explain about a system that is unique/original to a certain company.
"The company developed bespoke software which addressed the failings of the previous system."
"The company developed bespoke software which addressed the failings of the previous system."
1.ABC company created that prototype.
2.We developed the prototype of that system in Asia.
A prototype is the first of its kind. In other words, it is the
original on which all others which follow will be modelled.
A prototype is regarded as the master or the original/first
version of a product.
1.ABC company created that prototype.
2.We developed the prototype of that system in Asia.
A prototypeは、初めのという意味です。言い換えると、モデルとなるオリジナルのという意味です。ある製品の原型を指します。
When something is unique/specific/particular to a certain person or thing; then you may use the phrase "unique to", "specific to" or "particular to". You may use these phrases in the following ways:
-The payment method used is specific to the system we use in our company.
-The training provided to employees by our company is particular to the kind of work we do.
-The system of payment is unique to how we pay our clients.
あるものがある人や物にとって特別であることを、 "unique to", "specific to" "particular to"と言うことができます。
-The payment method used is specific to the system we use in our company.
-The training provided to employees by our company is particular to the kind of work we do.
-The system of payment is unique to how we pay our clients.