In the UK, a payment from parents to children made on a regular basis is typically called 'pocket money.' However, such a term is normally applied only to younger children. An older teenager may feel a little more mature if they are granted 'a weekly allowance.' Of course, an allowance would also probably be a slightly larger payment than pocket money. In a very formal family such as the Royal family perhaps, a more official term may be applied such as: 'Personal expenditure allowance.'
イギリスでは親が子供にあげるお小遣いの事を "Pocket money" と言います。
ただこの表現は幼い子供にのみ使われるので、もっと年齢が上の場合は "an allowance" が使えます。
*"a weekly allowance."=1週間のおこづかい/使う事ができるお金
("Pocket Money"よりも”Allowance"の方が金額が大きい事が多いです。)
”Personal expenditure allowance.”
Pocket money is usually used for an amount given weekly or sometimes daily.
Allowance is usually given from a week to a month.
poket money'は週ごとや日ごとにもらうお金に使われます。
DMM英会話講師 Adel A(アデル)
There is difference between a child's allowance and a company allowance. A child's allowance (US English) or pocket money (British English) is a small amount of money given to a child by its parents, typically on a regular basis, and sometimes given on the basis that household chores are completed.
An employee allowance is a small amount of money given by employers to employees to cover small expenses, such as those needed to pay for travel, or office equipment. Usually, receipts for all purchases made must be returned to the company.
子供のお小遣いと、会社のお小遣いには違いがあります。子供のお小遣いは、アメリカ英語でchild's allowance 、イギリス英語で、pocket money と言い、普通は定期的に、時には家事をこなしたときにはプラスで、親から子へ渡す少額のお金です。
An employee allowanceとは、出張費やオフィスの備品のような、少額の経費をカバーするもので、雇用主から雇用者へ支払われるお金です。たいてい、購入した際に、レシートを会社に提出する必要があります。
It is common when growing up to receive an allowance from your parents. It is common for these to run on a weekly, fortnightly or on a monthly basis. Here is an example of a dialogue: I did all my chores this week, so I got my weekly pocket money, I'm so excited! That's great, let's go to the movies! Yeah! That sounds awesome!
a sum of money paid regularly to a person to meet needs or expenses. However for employees we can use the word benefit.
お小遣い。従業員や職員は この事をbenefitと言います。
DMM英会話講師 Natsai(ナツァイ)
It is usual for children to do chores and earn what is called
Pocket Money
from washing dishes, or washing the car,
helping to tidy up etc...
An allowance is also the same thing, but not always earnt.
spending money, allowance and pocket money are
different ways of saying the same thing in this instance.
子どもたちにとって皿洗いや洗車、掃除など、家の雑用をして"Pocket Money"(おこづかい)を稼ぐことは普通です。
"an allowance"は同じ意味ですが、いつももらえるものではありません。
この例では、同じ意味を表すのに "spending money" "allowance" "pocket money" を使っています。
Spending money and pocket money, for a child, are different. If you receive spending money from your parents, you are receiving money that you did not earn. The money that you earn is usually called "pocket money." Children earn this money through doing chores like washing dishes and cutting grass.
However, if an adult gets an allowance from work, then it is given so that they can buy something with it that they need for company use.
Thank you for your question, hope this helps!
Pocket money is what we call the money that is given to children from their parents to spend as they like. Some children spend it straight away on things they love while others save it for another time or for something that costs a lot of money that they want to buy in the future
"I am looking forward to my pocket money this week because I want to buy lots of sweets"
collins english dictionaryによると、
An allowance is money that is given to someone, usually on a regular basis, in order to help them pay for the things that they need.
「大阪 (難波・堺・河内長野)カフェ英語レッスン(1h1666円~)」