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2017/11/21 20:08
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  • popular

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多くの人から人気があるという意味では”popular”をよく使います! e.g.)He is a very popular comedian in Japan. 彼は日本ではすごく人気のある[お笑い芸人](です。 他にも人気があって、話題になっているという意味で"hot"なども良いでしょう。 関連の表現: famous = [有名な]( well-known = よく知られている
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • popular

  • well-known

popular=人気 日本語でも使う言葉、ポピュラーが一番使われる言葉です。 well-known=[有名](、よく知られている 人気と言うよりは「よく知られてる」と言う意味なので微妙に違います。 George Clooney is a well-known actor=ジョージクルーニーは有名な[役者](です Who is the most popular celebrity this year?=今年一番人気のあるセレブは誰?
  • She is a much-loved woman

  • She is adored by everyone

  • She is a household sweetheart

Someone who is loved and admired by the general public may be described as a 'household sweethear,' or perhaps, a 'nation favourite.' This will be someone who, wherever they go, are 'adored by everyone:' perhaps someone like Princess Diana or Grace Kelly. They will certainly be much-loved and sorely-missed when they die.
一般の人から、愛されてたり、称賛されたりする人を、 'household sweethear,' または 'nation favourite.' と表現されます。このような人たちは、誰であろうと、どこへ行こうとダイアナ妃やグレースケリーのように、人の憧れの対象となります。そのような人が亡くなったときには、さらに愛され、とても惜しまれることでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Household name

  • National treasure

If somebody is well-known to many people you can say they are a household name. For example Beyonce is very popular in England and is a household name. If someone is very popular and well-loved by the people of the country they are from you can say they are a national treasure. For example Dame Judi Dench is a national treasure in England.
沢山の人に知られている人のことは、'household name' (有名 人)と表せます。例えば: Beyonce is very popular in England and is a household name (ビヨンセはイギリスでとても人気があり有名です) 母国の人たちからとても愛され人気がある人のことは 「national treasure(国宝)」と表せます。 例えば: Dame Judi Dench is a national treasure in England (デイム ジュディ デンチは、イギリスの国宝です)
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • popular

「人気」は英語で「popular」と言います。「有名」は「famous」と言います。 She is a popular celebrity. (彼女は人気のある芸能人です。) Baseball is very popular in Japan. (日本で野球はとても人気があります。) Baseball is not at all popular in the UK. (野球はイギリスで全く人気がない。) Korean pop music is popular these days. (最近Kポップがとても人気があります。)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • famous

  • popular

If a celebrity is well known by a lot of people we say they are either famous or popular. Example sentences: Beyonce is famous in America. Beyonce is very popular in America.
セレブが、多くの人に知られているのであれば、famous又はpopularと言います。 例文 Beyonce is famous in America. ビヨンセはアメリカで有名だ Beyonce is very popular in America. ビヨンセはアメリカでとても人気がある
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • popular

  • famous

日本語の「人気」をそのまま英語に訳すと「popular」などになります。 「popular」は「人気がある」という意味の形容詞です。 「famous」は「有名な」という意味の形容詞です。 〔例〕 a popular singer →人気の歌手 a famous singer →有名な歌手 Andrea Bocelli is one of the most popular singers in the world. →アンドレア・ボチェッリは世界で最も人気の歌い手の一人です。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
  • Popular

  • Well-liked

When a certain person is liked by many people, we would usually use the terms "popular" or "well-liked". For example, you may use these phrases in a sentence in the following ways: -Brad Pitt is very popular. His biggest fans see all his movies when they come out. -Sam Smith is a well-liked British pop star
たくさんの人から好かれている人を表す場合、「popular」や「well-liked」を使うことが多いです。 例えば、文章の中では以下のように使えます: -Brad Pitt is very popular. His biggest fans see all his movies when they come out. (ブラッド・ピットはすごく人気があります。熱狂的なファンは彼の映画を必ず見に行きます) -Sam Smith is a well-liked British pop star (サム・スミスは、イギリス人の人気歌手です)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Popular

  • Well-known

If alot of people know someone and what they do then you would say they are 'well-known' 'Andy Murray is a well-known tennis player' If someone is liked or admired for what they do they are said to be 'popular' 'the Beatles were a popular rock bank in the 60s'
多くの人がその人のこと、その人の仕事について知っているなら、これは 'well-known'(有名)で表すことができます。 'Andy Murray is a well-known tennis player'(アンディ・マリーは有名なテニスプレーヤーです) 多くの人から好かれていたり尊敬されている人は、'popular'(人気)と表すことができます。 'the Beatles were a popular rock bank in the 60s'(ビートルズは1960年代に人気のあったロックバンドです)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Popular.

Popular is when someone/something is liked/admired by many people. Example - 'Pasta is a popular dish to order in this restaurant' or you could say 'Beyonce is a popular singer' .
Popular は、ある人や物がたくさんの人に好かれている、称賛されていることを意味する言葉です。 例: 'Pasta is a popular dish to order in this restaurant' (パスタはこのレストランで人気の料理です。) 'Beyonce is a popular singer' (ビヨンセは人気歌手です。)
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Well known

  • famous

Ex. She is well known for her music. Ex. She is a famous actor.
例:She is well known for her music.  (彼女は音楽で有名です。) 例: She is a famous actor.   (彼女は、有名な女優です。)
Kweena DMM英会話講師
  • popular

  • famous

When someone or something is liked or admired by many people, you can say that they are "popular" or "famous".
人気のある人やもの、多くの人から尊敬される人は "popular"(人気の)や "famous"(有名な)と表すことができます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Very popular

  • Loved by all

  • Widely admired

"Jimmy Fallon is a very popular television host. Most people find him very funny." "Emma Stone's films are popular because she is loved by all." "Justin Trudeau is widely admired around the world for his leadership and compassion."
例文: "Jimmy Fallon is a very popular television host. Most people find him very funny." 〔訳〕ジミー・ファロンは人気のテレビ司会者です。彼はすごく面白いです。 "Emma Stone's films are popular because she is loved by all" 〔訳〕エマ・ストーンはみんなから愛されているので、彼女の映画は人気があります。 "Justin Trudeau is widely admired around the world for his leadership and compassion." 〔訳〕カナダのジャスティン・トルドー首相は、そのリーダーシップと人情で世界中で広く賞賛されています。
Iain DMM英会話講師
  • Famous

  • Celebrity

  • Popular

When someone or something is well known and 'Popular" we use the word Famous. A movie stars, actor/actress may also be called a Celebrity. They may be well known, but not necessarily well liked, this is the same for the word Famous. The difference is that the word Popular means that there are many people that 'like/love' this particular thing or person. We also have a word that refers to a person, group or thing that is well known but of an illegal nature or has a dangerous element to it or them - for example a thief - this word is "infamous."
人や物が良く知られているのであれば、 Famousという語を使います。映画スター、俳優、女優はCelebrityと呼ばれることもあります。彼らはよく知られていますが、必ずしもよく好かれている訳ではありません。このことは Famousという語も同じです。 違いは、Popularという語は、特定の物や人が好きな人がたくさんいるということです。又よく知られているけれど、非合法的な性質があったり危険な要素がある人や、グループ、物を表す語があります。例えば泥棒を表す語ではinfamous(悪名高い)です。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • This person is loved/liked by many people.

  • ____is very popular and is liked by many people worldwide.

If you would like to explain to someone that a celebrity or person is very well known/liked you can say something like "This person is loved/liked by many people." or "____is very popular and is liked by many people worldwide.". These are some ways you can express this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • popular

人気はpopularといいます。発音はポピュラーです。 その人人気がある That person is popular 最近彼はそんなに人気ないね Recently he’s not been so popular 人気のある芸能人 Popular comedian 人気がない芸能人 Unpopular comedian
  • Popular.

  • Famous.

  • Well known and respected.

Someone who is connected with a lot of people, has a lot of friends, a lot of people think highly of that person. Examples: He has so many friends at High School, he is very popular! He is a famous rock star! He has such a big following! She is a famous Singer, she is well known world wide!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • She is well-liked by the people in her community.

  • She is wells received by the people in her life.

  • She is well known by many people, they all admire her.

Someone who is liked and respected by many people is very likeable, they are easy to get a long with and they are helpful and kind. If someone is liked by many people it is probably because they treat others well with respect and kindness. "She is well received by her friends and family because she is really sweet." "She has a likeable personality because she is really helpful." "Everyone likes her because she is a great person to be around."
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • A list celebrity

  • Popular celeb

Someone who is an a list celeb is someone who is extremely popular such as 'Justin Bieber' or 'BTS' A shorter nickname for celebrity is celeb. 'I absolutely love Katy Perry, I am her biggest fan'
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • popular

  • well-known

「人気のある芸能人」とは"She/he is a popular entertainer"と訳せます。又は、"She/he is a well-known entertainer"とも言えます。 "Well-known"とは「よく知られている」という意味なので、ポジティブがネガティブな意味で知られているかは判断が付きません。 もしも、ポジティブな意味として表現する場合は、"Well-liked"「好かれている」とも言えます。 例文:"She is a well-liked entertainer."
Momo バイリンガル英語講師
  • Popular.

  • Well-known.

  • Loved.

Someone, a celebrity, who is well-known, and well-liked, can be called popular. For example. Have you seen the news? Yeah, she is all over the place, people love her. They sure do, she is so popular right now. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • popular

  • much-loved

「人気」は英語で popular や much-loved と言います。 She is a very popular actress. 彼女は人気のある女優です。 Her late husband was a much-loved comedian. 彼女の亡夫は人気のあるお笑い芸人でした。
  • popular

  • much-loved

  • most-loved

「彼女は人気のある芸能人です。」という場合は、 "She's a popular celebrity."/ "She's a much-loved celebrity." "celebrity"は、「有名人」という意味です。 また、 「最も人気がある」という意味の"most-loved"を使って、 "She's one of the most-loved celebrities." と言うことも出来ます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Movie stars are very popular when they make great movies.

  • I met a lot of popular people when I visited Hollywood last year.

  • I want to be wealthy, popular and famous one day.

人気 popular figure, popular 映画スターは、素晴らしい映画を作るときに非常に人気があります。 Movie stars are very popular when they make great movies. 昨年ハリウッドを訪れたとき、私は多くの人気者に会いました。 I met a lot of popular people when I visited Hollywood last year. 私はいつか裕福で人気があり有名になりたいです。 I want to be wealthy, popular and famous one day.
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