No, thank YOU.
A:Thank you for all your help. (いろいろと手伝ってくれて[ありがとう](
B: No, thank YOU. YOU helped me a lot to finish this project. (いえいえ、こちらこそ[ありがとう](。[あなたのおかげで](プロジェクトを終えることができたよ)
Thank you, too.はそのまま「こちらも[ありがとう](」という意味です。
A: Thank you for helping me with the project.(プロジェクトを手伝ってくれてありがとう)
B: No, thank YOU. If it weren't for you, we would never have finished.(こちらこそありがとう。あなたがいなければ終わらせることができなかったよ)
[「My pleasure」と「You are welcome」の意味と使い分け|「どういたしまして」の英語表現20選](
"I couldn't have done it without you"
- shows that it was a joint effort and that it wasn't only you who worked/tried hard.
"We both worked equally as hard"
- this expression explains that you are also grateful for everything the other person has done and you also should thank them for that.
"I should be the one thanking you"
- this is a very polite expression detailing how thankful you are for the other person and that you are modest in the work you have done compared to what they have done for you.
"I couldn't have done it without you"
"We both worked equally as hard"
"I should be the one thanking you"
- とても丁寧な表現です。とても感謝していることを表し、自分のしたことより相手がしてくれたことを強調する言い方です。
ここの文中に出てくる one は person と置き換えて理解しても大丈夫です。
また、"I'm the one who ~" の構文は、
I'm the one who should apologize.
These two sentences can be used to express our thanks to someone who has thanked us for something.
Both of these sentences can be used with family, friends, or coworkers.
If we are thanking someone, we would want to add a smile!
This conveys the idea that we are genuinely thankful.
I'm happy to help! Thank you for all your help too!
I should actually be thanking you!
Hello SHINJIRO :-) I hope this helps!
A)I'm happy to help! Thank you for all your help too!
*I'm happy to help - I enjoyed helping you/No worries/No problem/willing to help
Example-I'm sorry, today I'm busy. But I'd be happy to drink tea with you tomorrow.
B) I should thank you actually!
*I should-used to indicate obligation
Example- He should be more careful
*Actually-as the truth or facts
Example-"What are we actually supposed to be doing?"
A)I'm happy to help! Thank you for all your help too!
*I'm happy to help - 力になれてよかった
No worries(どういたしまして)
No problem(どういたしまして)
willing to help(進んで手を貸す)
I'm sorry, today I'm busy. But I'd be happy to drink tea with you tomorrow.
B) I should thank you actually!
*I should- 義務を表す時に使う
Example- He should be more careful
*Actually- 実際は、本当は
例- What are we actually supposed to be doing?
Thanking someone after they have thanked you shows manners. It is polite to say, thank you back. You can say this as "thank you, too' or 'No, thank you!" or 'Ditto" ditto is slang for 'back to you"
When someone says to me "thank you" I say right away "No, no, thank YOU", with emphasis on the "YOU." It is quite customary however, simply stating "thank you" after another has said "thank you". "Thank you too" is used most often after being thanked. "Thanks to you as well" is quite formal and longer, it's an older way to respond to being thanked.
誰かに「thank you」と言われたら、すぐに、「YOU」を強調して「No, no, thank YOU」と言います。「thank you」と言われて「thank you」と返すだけですが、よく使われます。
お礼を言われた後の言葉としては「Thank you too」が最もよく使われます。
「Thanks to you as well」は、かなりフォーマルで、長いですね。これは古い言い方です。
He was quite surprised when I responded with; No...I must thank YOU!
It is polite to say please and thank you...and when we get thanks from someone
we may also wish "to reciprocate":-D in this case No...I must thank YOU! will suffice.
"He was quite surprised when I responded with; No...I must thank YOU"
pleaseとthank youと言うのは丁寧です。そして誰かからありがとうと言われると、返事をしたいものです
No...I must thank YOU! を使うのがいいでしょう。
"He was quite surprised when I responded with; No...I must thank YOU"
If a person tells you, "Thank you.", for something, but you also want to express your gratitude to that person as well, you can say a few different sentences to express this. A common way to express this is by using, "as well", to show that the gratitude is returned to that person too. For example, "Thank you very much as well."
You can also respond by first acknowledging the person's gratitude toward you and then expressing your gratitude toward that person. For example, "Of course. Thank you!".
Finally, you can express you gratitude to the person and then say that the person really helped you by saying, "Thank you too. I really appreciate it!". All of these expressions can be used in informal or formal situations. However, in formal situations, it is better to simply use periods at the end of the sentences instead of exclamation marks to show professionalism.
誰かに "Thank you."(ありがとう)と言われて、自分もその人に感謝の気持ちを伝えたいときの表現はいくつかあります。一般的なフレーズは、自分の相手に対して感謝の気持ちがあることを示すために "as well"(私も)を使うことです。
例:"Thank you very much as well."
例:"Of course. Thank you!"
"Thank you too. I really appreciate it!"(こちらこそありがとう。感謝しています。)は、あなたが相手に感謝していて、とても助けられたときに使えるフレーズです。
We would return the Thank you and add that it is a second thank you. Thank you as well and thank you too are great ways to tell someone you are also thankful. I also want to thank you is very polite and good to use in business situations or whenever the situation warrants it.
これは、まず 'Thank you' を返して、そこにそれが二つ目の 'Thank you' であることを表す言葉を加えます。"Thank you as well" と "Thank you too" は「こちらこそありがとう」のすごく良い言い方です。
"I also want to thank you" は非常にフォーマルです、ビジネスシーンなどで使えます。
In an informal situation e.g. with a friend or family member, you could say 'No, thank YOU' with an emphasis on the 'you'. This shows that you really want to thank them and that they should be thanked more than yourself.
'I should be the one thanking you' also shows the same idea, except that this is trying to say that I don't deserve any thanks at all. 'You deserve the thanks for that', shows that the other person really deserves gratitude.
例えば友達や家族に対してなどインフォーマルな場面では、('You' に強勢を置いて)'No, thank YOU' と言えます。これは、話し手がその人にすごく感謝していて、自分よりもその人の方が感謝されるべきであると考えていることを表します。
'I should be the one thanking you'(お礼を言わないといけないのはこっちです)も同じ意味ですが、こちらは自分は全く感謝されることはしていないという意味合いです。
'You deserve the thanks for that'(それはあなたのおかげです)は、「感謝されるべきなのはあなたです」と伝えます。
It's my pleasure' expresses that you enjoyed being able to help. You could add 'Thankyou to you too' if you wished to thank the person in return.
'Likewise' is a good way of simply saying the same thing in return. So if they have thanked you, then saying 'likewise' means you are thanking them too. You could use 'likewise' in any situation where you are wishing to return a sentiment or greeting eg A. 'Have a good weekend.' B. 'Likewise!'
It's my pleasure'は「助けになれて良かったです」という意味です。もし相手に対しても感謝したいなら、'Thank you to you too'(こちらこそありがとう)と加えても良いです。
A. 'Have a good weekend.'(良い週末を)
B. 'Likewise!'(あなたもね)
"pleasure" is used as a polite way to accept someone's thank you. You would then add a thank you after, to thank them too for whatever they have done in addition.
e.g. my pleasure, and thanks to you too
e.g. It was only a pleasure and thank you too for coming.
"pleasure"は、人のお礼の言葉を受け入れる丁寧な言い方として使われます。その後に"thank you"を加えて、「こちらも相手のしてくれたことに感謝している」と表します。
My pleasure, and thanks to you too
It was only a pleasure and thank you too for coming.
English speakers will often go back and forth thanking each other to really emphasize how thankful they are. It is important to emphasize the "you" when you say, "No, thank YOU" back to the person. Also, adding a phrase such as, "I really appreciate it" helps show how thankful you are to the person.
”Thank YOU!” とYOUの部分を強調して読む表現はいかがでしょう?
例えば、Thank you for coming! 「来てくれてありがとう!」に対してなら
Thank YOU for inviting me. 「招待してくれてありがとう。」などと答えるのが自然かと思います。
The pleasure is mine example sentence: John: Thank you for helping me with my math homework today. Joey: The pleasure is all mine. I don't mind helping you with math homework.
Thank you too example sentence: I just wanted to say thankyou for the amazing dinner and movie night. Thank you too for joining me so I wouldn't have to go by myself.
My pleasure example sentence: I had an amazing experience at Disney World today. Joe: It is my pleasure. I had a great time too.
・No, thank you!
・Thanks to you too.
No, thank you と言う時は you を強調して言うことが多いです。
・It’s my pleasure.
・The pleasure is all mine.